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scaleofthought t1_irpf0cl wrote

I remember having a computer guy come to our house and look at my parents computer. He was like "ah yes. This motherboard is capable of hyper threading. It was disabled. I've enabled it. Everything should load much faster now. I also defragged the hard drive, and I clicked the degauss button on your monitor."

We are like "yes yes very good. Here is $250 please come again"

I remember the first day we got a colour printer. Man was that cool. We PRINTED.... Our own BIRTHDAY cards. Fuckin wild. I loved that shit. I printed cards for everything after that.

I should do that again.

Harvard Draw 95 baby!


YubNub81 t1_irpfsgk wrote

Oh man, your story gives me flashbacks of having the computer guy come install Windows 98 on our 486 using something like 18 3.5" floppy disks. We still had our trusty Dot Matrix printer back then haha