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Komikaze06 t1_irr2jv9 wrote

From what they used to be yes, but most people don't spend over 1k for tvs


bemenaker t1_irr2n1j wrote

A bargain at 25k? Are you fucking insane? GTFO


Yes, the article is very tongue in cheek, he doens't really mean it's a bargain.


Melancholic84 t1_irr3zt0 wrote

No its not, the jump in price from 83 to 97 inch is insane. So no, it is not a bargain


Llama-Lamp- t1_irr43zi wrote

I guess it might be a bargain for the 2 people in the market looking to buy one


niralamba t1_irr4lts wrote

Imagine seeing a television for $25k as a bargain. Then realize you paid more for your phone than your television.


_Stealth_ t1_irr5j5d wrote

at that point, you are probably better off buying 4 48in oled's and getting video wall converter to combime them to 8K or something


pink_life69 t1_irr5kvp wrote

Ya, absolute bargain, I can see normal working people going out to Walmart and asking for the $25K TV and putting into their $10K Prius. Fucking hell.


bromygod203 t1_irr5lxy wrote

After selling TV's at Best Buy for 5 years I can confidently say people who don't love tech or absolutely love movies don't want to spend over $1k, which is most people.


drleeisinsurgery t1_irr7s8g wrote

I have a 6 year old lg 98 inch 4k.

I got it when my wife was away and hoped she wouldn't notice.


russyc t1_irr7vo5 wrote

$25k and it still comes with ads…


daffquick1990 t1_irr85js wrote

I'm sorry but a tv for the price of a car is not a bargain no matter how you spin it


semitope t1_irr871c wrote

bargain for whom?


_Ev4n_ t1_irr8kng wrote

No, it actually isn’t.


virgilreality t1_irr99t8 wrote

Very true. Buy the TV, and live in the box.

"Cheap homes in your area! Starting at $25K!"


OverlyLeftLesbian t1_irratim wrote

ah, yes, it's a major "bargain" to buy a TV worth the cost of a fucking CAR


Fearless-Memory7819 t1_irrayq0 wrote

What does an 8ft tv have that a 5ft tv doesnt ?? Idiot owners !!!


beautyful_bobby t1_irrbw2x wrote

Boy oh boy, do I want to pay 26k to see ads on my TV homescreen. What a deal, what a bargain 😲


YJCH0I t1_irrc37r wrote

Well, when you put it like that…how can I not buy 5 of them right now?!


bakerzdosen t1_irrd5ib wrote

To all those saying the premise of the article is false: would you consider a Mclaren ($200k+ MSRP) a bargain at $100,000?

Even though it’s more than most people can afford, it’s still a good price for what you get.

I can’t afford (justify?) $25k for a TV, but I can still recognize that it’s a good price for what it is.


srebew t1_irrdvxo wrote

I'm old enough to remember $25,000 40" 720P LCD TVs


D_bAg_Tr0LL t1_irres6f wrote

If I can't live in it, drive it to work, or sell it in 30 years for at least a 3% return on investment, it sure the fuck isn't worth $25k. This is late stage capitalism and anyone who thinks this is worth the same price as a yearly income for an average earner starting out has lost all touch with reality and has zero concept of the value of money. Yall fucking need Jesus lol


drleeisinsurgery t1_irrf3br wrote

I have a bunch of accumulated injuries from a lot of exercise and sports over the years. Also I feel mentally sharper afterwards.

There was a study that came out a few years ago that showed hyperbaric chamber treatments increased telomere length. Basically telomeres are part of your body's mechanism to stop DNA decay from copying over and over again. This is one of the theories of aging.


D_bAg_Tr0LL t1_irrfuo1 wrote

I have ocean front property in Arizona I think you'd be interested in. Someone saw you coming a mile away. Genius, oxygen is one of the most corrosive elements in the table of elements lol. Go read some science and take a crash course in physics. Better yet, go ask a doctor or scientist in the field of biology if pure oxidants or antioxidants are better for your health. And what exactly oxidants we consume on a daily basis due to our cells inside our bodies lol. 😆😆


happybarfday t1_irrggn9 wrote

Prob a no name brand that looks like shit with terrible color and viewing angles. Fine for joe schmo who just wants to watch NFL and movies with The Rock, but there’s a reason some people pay more…


NotUrGenre t1_irrhaql wrote

What's funny to me is that you think posting this here will get you any sales, lol this is reddit. There's no money like that here, ROFLMAO.


fabrar t1_irrihmx wrote

I’ll stick to my 65” C1 thnx


FunnySavior t1_irrju09 wrote

happy for the people who can afford it


happybarfday t1_irrmpy0 wrote

I'm sure it looked great relatively speaking. Any modern 4K OLED TV looks amazing compared to LCDs or HD TVs from a few years back. But if you put it side-by-side with a top of the line latest LG model or whatever that's calibrated properly, then you'd see clear differences in what you're missing. Again, not a big deal for regular joe's who don't know or care about the ins-and-outs of picture quality, but there IS a difference.


happybarfday t1_irro5r6 wrote

Yeah I mean, again I didn’t say there’s anything wrong with being a regular Joe with regular Joe needs who watches regular Joe shows like The Office, but then regular Joe also should understand there are reasons why film buffs or whatever want to pay more and it’s not a waste of money to them.

It’s like people who don’t care about cars and just want an econobox to get to and from work. That’s fine, but there’s a reason car freaks will pay 4x as much for a car that doesn’t look all that much different on the exterior but has a clear difference under the hood.


aVRAddict t1_irroisd wrote

The difference in tvs is so small now it isn't worth it even oled vs lcd. The tech is old shit anyways I use my VR headset for any watching now it's just better to have my own theater.


PtrWalnuts t1_irrricj wrote

well sure if you're either insane or can literally not think of something better to do with your life. Why not buy a Zero or Harley electric motorcycle? It's a hell of lot more fun and you'll see humans in the wild. The show never gets old and it's in 3d with surround sound.


PtrWalnuts t1_irrrxlv wrote

Sorry I don't agree at a local store.

LG OLED83C1PUA 83" 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED C1 Series TV with AI ThinQA (2021) (4.8) 4.8 stars out of 2645 reviews 2645 reviews $3,996.99

14" less for 1/6th the price.


VironicHero t1_irrvn8y wrote

I think it’s mostly streaming that keeps me from buying an expensive tv. So if I got a $2-4k it’s abilities would be wasted on streaming services with their shitty compression they use. So like you say I just buy the biggest thing I can get for under $1K.

I was lucky enough to snag an 85 inch at Costco for 800$ a couple of years ago.


bromygod203 t1_irrvufa wrote

I will say there are some shows that look absolutely incredible on my OLED and my 75" Sony 4k. Physical discs definitely look better but things like Stranger Things was a completely different experience on my OLED vs the old TV I had in my bedroom back in July


crewchiefguy t1_irry7or wrote

How is this not just a promoted ad? This isn’t even news.


niralamba t1_irs09p3 wrote

Agreed. I've got a flagship phone and it's not all that. $400 phones are the sweet spot, but they should all be cheaper. Plus cell phones are so detrimental to mental health, even moreso than televisions.


routerg0d t1_irseuze wrote

Went into magnolia set to spend 50k and the dude refused to help saying he could make more selling an amp to someone else. Ended up going with a local theater company.


bromygod203 t1_irsf9f3 wrote

That's weird, was it a Magnolia or Magnolia Design Center? Because the MDC employees make commission the Magnolia Employees don't. But either way a $50k sale (even with different commission rates in different products and brands) wouldn't make you less then "an amp" that employee sounds like a bad employee to me quite honestly


5DollarHitJob t1_irsyugc wrote

I mean, 17 years.

If they would have said 6 months I would have wished them luck but assumed it was doomed.

As far as cheating, I wouldn't assume that. They could literally be in an open marriage for all i know. Could be they're just wealthy and when they get pissed off they like having angry sex in a Porsche.


evilgeniustodd t1_irtve78 wrote

There’s nothing on tv worth watching even at 100th of that price.


Bob_Chris t1_iru97zk wrote

Hahaha no. Maybe there is one demo model somewhere that is close to that but it certainly isn't replicable by 99. 99% of buyers.

I did see the demo model of the A80CJ marked down to $900. My issue is you have no idea of how many hours are on the panel.


Beznia t1_is2zbxh wrote

I picked up a C8 from a Best Buy in 2020 for $898. Floor model, listed online for $1098. Went to pick it up and saw a sticker showing $898. They said it was an accident but still matched the price.

Brought it home, it had over 14,000 hours in the previous 2 years being used as a floor model, so it was on just about 24/7 for 2 years. It had the "Best Buy" logo burned in covering a good portion of the screen.

I called up LG and reported burn-in, and knowing they offer 1 free panel replacement even outside warranty, they actually sent out a technician to swap it out. It's sitting at almost 19K hours now and perfect :)


xLoneStar t1_isxn6ej wrote

Iphones in India (the Pro versions) are more expensive than most scooters and bikes. Doesn't make any sense to me. Some things are just crazy when you compare their utility...