mycotopian t1_is64gbt wrote
How long before OnlyFans porn stars make a run on Costco beans like is TP in a Covid outbreak?
censor-design t1_is668lq wrote
Been hearing about smellovision for years. We were promised unparalleled technological advancement in the 90s and these expectations were unrealistic. All we got was the IoT, better phones, a lack of privacy and Social media.
johnshenlon t1_is6clsc wrote
What are we wanting to smell exactly ?
_dankystank_ t1_is6cryg wrote
(Moments before)
Player 2: "Do you smell popcorn?"
Player 1: sniff, sniff... sniiiiiffff!!!
_dankystank_ t1_is6cugn wrote
We're goin 4d!!! 🤣
putlotioninbasket t1_is6fpni wrote
That’s it fellas! I’m ready for you to smell this ass!!
DarkenedOtaku t1_is6g8q7 wrote
Moral_conundrum t1_is6hdgm wrote
Could be cool on a cooking show, if I’m gonna torture myself watching them make delicious food I might as well go all the way and smell it too.
jaywilliams2112 t1_is6hl8i wrote
I've personally seen this running at a local university about 6 years ago who had a patent on the technology. They were using it with social work simulators and you could smell potential signs of problems on the walk through. Had a meth smell, whiskey smell, etc.
ImmoralityPet t1_is6mvxv wrote
I don't even like to smell real life most of the time.
ChEmIcAl_KeEn t1_is6s4rr wrote
South park did this!
Bookworm2007 t1_is6sg6s wrote
Of all the senses I could experience in a VR environment, smell would be my last choice.
Uncertn_Laaife t1_is6tn8y wrote
Rather get me a touch sensations, and I’ll buy one.
Imaginary_Courage_84 t1_is6tuje wrote
There’s a lot of VR mindfulness apps that could benefit from giving you the extra sensation of the smell of a beach on top of the sights and sounds, I think, alongside other environments like forest. All in all it seems pretty niche especially since you’d have to refill the thing and malicious people could make you smell shit
E: Smelling shit and other vile smells might be a selling point for horror games as well
zedemer t1_is6u9rw wrote
Great! Now i can't even fart during gaming sessions
Tangochief t1_is6vdhp wrote
SlipparySnake t1_is6w67s wrote
You like make stink
Zorklis t1_is6wj5i wrote
Find some people with Fart kink..
Commercial-Stuff402 t1_is6x2bi wrote
When I play VR I play in front of a industrial fan for games outdoors or like in cockpits. A smell option would be interesting addition to the immersion.
actualspacepimp t1_is6ykhh wrote
Great, now when I get teabagged after dying I have to smell ball sweat.
ph30nix01 t1_is6zfsk wrote
Imagine playing the Witcher and smelling the forest you are in.
johnshenlon t1_is70a3p wrote
But you’d also have to smell all the unpleasant smells too
jasonsparks19 t1_is71nie wrote
Now you'll have the complete gang bang experience
ph30nix01 t1_is72652 wrote
Great for party games then!
Adventurous_Ad4950 t1_is73g86 wrote
It’s only going to smell like farts, I mean cmon, there’s literally no other foreseeable outcome of this tech.
DiblyGames t1_is73inu wrote
God, imagine the porn possibilities 😭
[deleted] t1_is787ql wrote
TheDraykkon t1_is7bhn8 wrote
Surely taste is worse
Fast-Editor-4781 t1_is7c3ej wrote
atebyzombies t1_is7dgai wrote
Stop Tbagging me!
FawksyBoxes t1_is7fehk wrote
I normally have my fan facing me for anything I tend to turn or adjust manually, like Boneworks. That way I can make sure to correct myself and not end up smacking my bed or desk if I turn too far XD
Traditional-Macaron8 t1_is7gfhc wrote
Dead zombies
Doveson t1_is7hm3u wrote
Would you like to speak to the manager of technology?
changerofbits t1_is7ji9o wrote
“Now introducing Gwyneth Paltrow’s VR gaming scent pack. Your VR porn immersion is complete now that you can smell Gwyneth’s vagina. (also available in candle form, sold separately)”
gruesome_hary t1_is7k0g7 wrote
I wonder what the half life universe smells like. All that goop and goo in Alyx can’t be pleasant!
MortisSafetyTortoise t1_is7kcpt wrote
Kevjamwal t1_is7l23n wrote
Kevjamwal t1_is7l62h wrote
I think this is the greatest sentence in human history
LikeableCoconut t1_is7md1g wrote
Never expected that part of ready player one to actually become real
thepsynergist t1_is7q1o1 wrote
Now my friend won't keep pestering me about what Yoshi smells like.
Greeky_tiki t1_is7q5jz wrote
So you can smell the unwashed ass attached to your new legs in VR! How cool will that be?
dexatrosin t1_is7qanb wrote
Playing Resident Evil 7 in VR made me glad we DON’T have smell in vr.
NonWhiteJesus t1_is7t1vt wrote
datnewredditacc t1_is7u5mz wrote
oculus sniff?
enby-femby t1_is7uz0s wrote
Reminds me of the “scent organ” from A. Huxley’s “Brave New World”
pink_life69 t1_is7vx0y wrote
Shitporn gon be yum
Thelisto t1_is89zon wrote
I usually put my mic up to my ass and rip one. If you can smell it, even better haha
zedemer t1_is8a2m6 wrote
As long as i don't taste it
Dull_Half_6107 t1_is8a4v8 wrote
It’s not real life. You could pick and choose.
Thelisto t1_is8a84s wrote
Haha, I would lose it smelling someone else's farts through a video game. I wouldn't stop laughing the first time.
CosmicCreeperz t1_is8adnc wrote
I still have an iSmell (yes, it was a real company) t-shirt from the Game Developers Conference way back in like 2001. I guess they were only 20 years ahead of their time.
catawompwompus t1_is8bpe4 wrote
New? Try 5 years ago
Impressive-Anon6034 t1_is8f5d2 wrote
Impressive-Anon6034 t1_is8f70z wrote
Smelling intensifies
Impressive-Anon6034 t1_is8fg4f wrote
The real reason why Metaverse added legs
Sparrow2go t1_is8j6il wrote
If they don’t call it the Smelloscope
polymimeticalloy t1_is9dhha wrote
When I watch VR porn I often have a small fan pointed towards me with an open can of tuna placed in front of it. Works like a charm!
Environmental_Film31 t1_is9o1pi wrote
Weirdest timeline ever
Environmental_Film31 t1_is9o455 wrote
Shortydevil104 t1_is9sj6j wrote
I better not have to smell other sweaty gamers
loztriforce t1_isaf69z wrote
lol a friend of mine used to love pulling that shit all the time. Like he’d come in and be like “is something burning, do you smell something burning?!” And it’d be this wretched silent fart of his.
pikachus_ghost_uncle t1_isall0u wrote
Wow I can smell the butthole! It’s like I’m really there!
CandidateMore1620 t1_isaqkaz wrote
Shout out that one guy that was on tosh.o
EncodedNovus t1_isaslmc wrote
Well they're already close to releasing first prototype versions of touch in vr with the hydraulic? gloves to simulate touch. There's a few different companies that have come to similar approach. Plus there's the vr treadmills to simulate movement/touching the ground.
We already have sight, sound.
Now that smell has been thought up, how would they implement taste? I feel like we wouldn't be able to attempt this until we have full vr like sao. Honestly can't see it happening unless we get an implant. Maybe once smellvr has progressed, they can trick us into tasting with smells?
All in all, I would say taste would be the last thing I would want. I don't want someone in vr trolling me by tossing crap at me when I'm talking 🤣
gzlovesyou t1_ishzpmm wrote
#Is something burning!?
zebraloveicing t1_isi43an wrote
They’ve had taste covered for a while
art-of-war t1_ispaqac wrote
If a dog craps anywhere in the Metaverse, you can bet I won't be out of the loop.
D_Ashido t1_it7zbif wrote
Imagine an entire chapter where you only have one hand because the other one has to be constantly over your nose XD
Christ_votes_dem t1_it9xegp wrote
whysoterriblyloud t1_ita5v3q wrote
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