Submitted by giuliomagnifico t3_yfv7qb in gadgets
SPAREustheCUTTER t1_iu5hd8w wrote
This is pretty cool, even if it’s added to my collection of dozens of things I’ll buy and never use.
JUYED-AWK-YACC t1_iu5lgi7 wrote
Why? Just why?
LiteSpecter t1_iu5lrbs wrote
so, it's the Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse, but more expensive and not available yet?
Rogermcfarley t1_iu5mabh wrote
Consumerism killing the world ^
SacredSquid t1_iu5p232 wrote
I came here to say this. My arc mouse folds flat too...
PlanetLandon t1_iu5q83x wrote
Huh. This is such a simple concept that I’m sort of surprised nobody ever thought of it before
entropylove t1_iu5qyk9 wrote
Nice. A solution in search of a problem.
Powledge-is-knower t1_iu5rgqj wrote
I dropped out of college as a industrial design major because I couldn’t for the life of me keep designing more stuff to be built, sold and trashed. I now teach kindergarten and much happier for it.
miramichier_d t1_iu5rylg wrote
I'll stick with my Swiftpoint. Interesting concept though.
PhasmaFelis t1_iu5sofo wrote
This is a clever little bit of design, but I'm not sure who actually needs one. I've never had any trouble fitting a small travel mouse in my bag.
CharlesTheBob t1_iu5ztsa wrote
I’m surprised at the hate, even small travel mice create a super annoying bulge in any slim computer case I’ve had. Idk how well this works in practice actually but I believe its a very good problem to try to solve.
imnotsoclever t1_iu5zz53 wrote
Yeah this is not a good product. It sacrifices the usability of a mouse (you know, the whole point) for a really tiny benefit of slightly less space taken up. Also, not sure why this is much better than your standard travel mouse.
MicroSofty88 t1_iu616gf wrote
This is sick. I hate packing a mouse in my computer bag when I’m traveling.
Personal_Use3977 t1_iu62iy2 wrote
Would be perfect for my kids computer case. His school issued one has space for the laptop and charger, a flat mouse would slip in perfectly.
Jerkface555 t1_iu64q94 wrote
TheSpatulaOfLove t1_iu6brlh wrote
This will end up as a trade show swag giveaway in seconds flat…just like those shitty gummy keyboards.
monshi633 t1_iu6cknj wrote
Wow, that was uglier than I thought.
wierdness201 t1_iu6ee7a wrote
That looks like an absolutely horrible experience to use.
AromaticIce9 t1_iu6f8g0 wrote
I'd need to hold it and play with it a bit before I'd buy, but if they can manage to have the folded version feel sturdy and have the thing be mostly foolproof then I'd want it.
Goldenart121 t1_iu6h1jb wrote
It’s cool and all but I ain’t pledging a minimum $50 just to get a discount.
It’s literally “if you pledge $50 you’ll get $20 off”
Lev_Astov t1_iu6jtgt wrote
Back when laptops had PCMCIA expansion slots, I had a mouse that folded flat and slotted into one to recharge. It was a great travel mouse, but was never better than a standard mouse because the optics weren't held parallel to the surface very well. The MS Arc did that better, but I don't see this origami mouse being able to do what the Arc did.
internetlad t1_iu6kdhl wrote
Not sure if want
arc4angel100 t1_iu6kdup wrote
Welcome to Kickstarter
Evvmmann t1_iu6sec0 wrote
I completely agree with you. I work primarily on a tablet, and it’s freaking perfect for my purpose.
donttakethelemons t1_iu6tydh wrote
The only benefit I can see is having everything fit smoothly in a laptop case
starbitcandies t1_iu6wbto wrote
My guy... I used to have that mouse years ago after a roommate gave it to me and I ADORED it until it got lost and just disappeared. I never bothered finding out what brand it was when I had it and always regretted it. Now I know what mouse it was thanks to you.
protagonizer t1_iu75drt wrote
>The Air.0 is different – it's a full-size, origami-inspired Bluetooth mouse that folds flat for stowage.
Stowage! Stowage is what bwings your bewongings togetha, today!
(I know it's technically correct verbage, but I can't not read it this way).
DiscoveryOV t1_iu75zo4 wrote
These ones are much nicer. I always hated the original ones because they are indeed ugly. And the glossy buttons start to feel weird.
gordandisto t1_iu768m5 wrote
Why is everyone so critical of this. This alone can replace BOTH your janky portable mouse and the tiny trackpad. Imagine detaching it from your laptop and put it back when done using. come on guys
monshi633 t1_iu783zc wrote
Just looking out the aesthetics of it...let's say it's less ugly than the other. I'd still choose the Air.0 if all 3 worked exactly the same.
DiscoveryOV t1_iu78q25 wrote
Oh yeah, from a purely aesthetically pov, the Air.0 is nicer.
Ergonomically it’s better too it would appear.
Usability remains to be seen, but I’m sure it’s fine. I’m tempted to buy one. Would be perfect for my small travel bag.
New_Parsley6211 t1_iu7922e wrote
Opposable tech never seems reliable.
bobbarkersbigmic t1_iu7e3g4 wrote
Yeah someone should really make a laptop case with a pouch to put a regular mouse in…. /s
bobbarkersbigmic t1_iu7e4w1 wrote
Everything folds flat if you try hard enough!
Sivalon t1_iu7egr4 wrote
letmeloginalready t1_iu7f0y7 wrote
This seems like something that would be cool to design in like a sophomore engineering course but wouldn’t translate well to the real world.
geekbot2000 t1_iu7fpg9 wrote
Mogo mouse
mackinoncougars t1_iu7gewq wrote
Is your cat making tooooo muuuch noise?! Try Kitten Mittons!
CMDR_KingErvin t1_iu7gpar wrote
Meanwhile nowadays everyone has thick 10 inch iPhones with massive camera bumps, huge cases, and pop sockets on the back and they manage to somehow fit them next to their asses in their jeans pockets. But yeah, how could we ever survive without a flat mouse lol.
SilverStag88 t1_iu7im4w wrote
It looks like it would be terrible to actually use. You really don’t have room in your bag for a real mouse?
ElvisStarburst t1_iu7kug0 wrote
But still technically true!
throwawaygreenpaq t1_iu7lqtv wrote
It’s creative.
While I’ll never use it, I can appreciate the creativity that went behind this idea.
If someone likes it, they can use it. If not, they can just not purchase it.
Why do people love to whine about something existing which doesn’t fit them nor their purpose?
I just came off a thread of a guy who relentlessly complains (11 comments) about a doctor seeking attention because he made the video about his achievement — The doctor suffered from a condition but made a medical breakthrough which saved himself and saves thousands of lives. But how dare he make a video telling the world his life story eh? How dare he? /s
Some people live their entire lives to take others down. It’s just sad to see this fleshing out everywhere on Reddit & in real life.
[deleted] t1_iu7rjom wrote
bigsquirrel t1_iu7s0t1 wrote
I mean it’s close, I’d need more pictures of the mouse above it appears to be much slimmer and flexible.
bigsquirrel t1_iu7sxrn wrote
If it works well, which I’m skeptical of, I would consider it. People keep talking about the arc mouse, looking at the pictures it doesn’t seem particularly thin.
ImurderREALITY t1_iu7uym4 wrote
MinnieShoof t1_iu7x1vt wrote
I mean, no. It folds flat as many times as ya please.
But its functionality beyond that point enters question...
MinnieShoof t1_iu7x8vg wrote
.. I ... kinda want one. Just to ... have it.
Then I read the kickstarter and I saw they were asking for 385. And I was like "ssssss... yea, but no."
But then I read that it was foreign money and it amount to about 50 bucks. And then I was like "sssss... yea, but no."
Gaeus_ t1_iu89mxm wrote
I can see a usage case for some very, very specific scenario.
like, I have a BT controller for my galaxy fold to stream my gaming rig to it and play on it like it was a beefed up steam deck.
I guess I could see the use of a foldable mouse (something more like microsoft iteration though) and foldable keyboard to go along the foldable tablet, stream my pc to the thing and have the most powerful (streaming) portable computer ever.
bulwyf23 t1_iu8bp2y wrote
This looks like one of those awful official Amazon Kindle origami covers had a baby with a Microsoft Arc mouse.
The Arc mouse has been around for sometime, has decent reviews, and the regular MSRP is the exact same is this but often goes on sale for cheaper. Who is this product actually for?
Korbas t1_iu8f0rh wrote
The best kind of truth
mildmanneredme t1_iu8n6rc wrote
Reminds me of Microsoft Arc Mouse. Which I think is an excellent mouse
swerbdnastnulb t1_iu8nx8l wrote
There are mouses that can bend while you use it and snap flat when you want to store it, like this
MacbookOnFire t1_iu8qjf2 wrote
How long do you see this origami jawn lasting in the hands of your kid?
Voodoo_Masta t1_iu8veo6 wrote
Actually I would find this useful. If it works well.
[deleted] t1_iu8wtwi wrote
Horror-Profile3785 t1_iu8xa4s wrote
In a world that is losing the fight on climate change, we should be more thoughtful on what is greenlit to be manufactured and shipped. There are real consequences to everyone and the environment for making a 100,000 pieces of junk, shipping them to stores, and then a sizeable amount of them being sent to the dump after they are not sold or are tossed after a few months for being ineffective.
Lung_doc t1_iu8y6uo wrote
I bought one of those some years back (microsoft arc). I found the feel /shape when using the mouse seemed a little off, and it's lack of a functional scroll wheel was very annoying. Though it has thousands of positive reviews on Amazon; looks like some people do like it even with the $50-70 price tag.
I bought instead a "slim" (their name) jelly comb mouse for $11, and it works great. Doesn't even take up much more room since it is slightly fatter but more compact.
But the arc mouse does look really cool.
is-that-a-thing-now t1_iu8z2tf wrote
I had an original Arc and it rocked. Had a virtual scroll wheel and while it felt weird it was solid.
It eventually died and I replaced it, but the virtual scroll was gone so it felt like shit to use.
[deleted] t1_iu8zil6 wrote
throwawaygreenpaq t1_iu90cpq wrote
I don’t use a mouse, mate.
If that’s the case, then would you not say that all artworks are unnecessary and therefore contributing to climate disaster?
Or musical instruments, being made of different metals and materials, shipped around the world, also superfluous and we should not have instruments?
You see, if you put it that way, then virtually everything in the world is a waste.
So instead of telling people what to buy or what to do, we should just aim not to buy unnecessary things that we don’t use. If someone finds the mouse useful and wants it, go ahead. He/She can cut back on something else.
It’s not a zero-sum game. Someone using this mouse could be one who cycles, doesn’t use an aircon and have solar panels. Conversely, someone who doesn’t use this mouse could be someone with 3 cars, blasts aircons all day and wastes resources mining cryptocurrency. But it’s much easier to pounce on what we can see, eh?
The mouse (or any other object) is not the issue. It’s the attitude of unnecessary consumerism.
cheek-doctor t1_iu90umh wrote
Stowage, that bwessed awaingmenttttt
FuckThisPostTruthEra t1_iu91ken wrote
If it works well, I’ll get one. I travel a a LOT and I hate touch pads. I always haul around a mouse and it’s so bulky lol, so this is perfect for me.
curisaucety t1_iu95b62 wrote
Especially when traveling internationally with my full desktop computer.
medgarc t1_iu961ec wrote
Think there’s no answer? YOURE SO STUPID!!
mymemesnow t1_iu986w7 wrote
Isn’t this post just an add?
mif28 t1_iu98ejf wrote
tell me you're joking lol
peezytaughtme t1_iu98hbz wrote
Microsoft's Surface mouse also folds flat. That's how you turn it off, actually.
medspace t1_iu9ajln wrote
I take my personal mouse from home to work everyday so something like this is pretty useful
curisaucety t1_iu9bjo0 wrote
I can get my monitor and my hard drive into my suitcase but then am left with the dang mouse. I can never fit it in anywhere! Also, try taking a regular mouse through 2-dimensional space. It suuuucks.
swerbdnastnulb t1_iu9d6fm wrote
Oh I agree with you. I switched to a simple wireless Logitech mouse instead. But it is functional at least, unlike this one haha
prob_wont_respond t1_iu9dyz3 wrote
Happy to see more travel peripherals to consider. I one bag travel, even for work, even with a suit. Size/volume is a premium variable to me
prob_wont_respond t1_iu9e5jn wrote
Yes if you aspire to one bag minimalist travel, and have decided you need a mouse
prob_wont_respond t1_iu9egp5 wrote
You're just helping build humans
prob_wont_respond t1_iu9ekhm wrote
You're in the gadget subreddit
Redseve t1_iu9fxpo wrote
Then you should check out the LTT Backpack at, and then you can check out our sponsor.... Oh sorry, I've been watching too much YouTube
CthuluTheGrand t1_iu9j267 wrote
The typical university graduate project
Horror-Profile3785 t1_iu9kebk wrote
Do you have a point or are you just telling me things I already knew?
prob_wont_respond t1_iu9knr8 wrote
Posts here will relate to gadgets, which will be manufactured and you seem oblivious to that fact
spruce_face t1_iu9n9nw wrote
No scroll wheel?
entropylove t1_iu9olkb wrote
It’s definitely clever. Like someone else said, this is the kind of thing pretty much nobody buys but gets for free in a swag bag at an event or conference.
ske66 t1_iu9s663 wrote
I have one edge case. When I travel, i have to store my mouse away from my keyboard and laptop which itherwise fold away and and stoted in a laptop pag. If my mouse also folds, i can keep them all in the same place. But use an MX 3 Master so this mouse would need to have the same features as that mouse to really make me consider it
Voodoo_Masta t1_iu9yer8 wrote
I travel with a laptop. I like working with a mouse but I try to keep my luggage to one small roll aboard and a backpack. The Logitech mouse I own, with its protective case takes too much space in the rollaboard. Left it at home on my last trip, but missed having a mouse. I think it’s a cool idea. Doesn’t look like it would work all that well.. but a cool idea.
Horror-Profile3785 t1_iubg1le wrote
I understand gadgets will be manufactured, but think only the best gadgets should be. This flimsy piece of shit is going to be damaged real quick with normal use.
Personal_Use3977 t1_iublq76 wrote
Could go either way.
We teach him to be nice to electronics but he's 7 so...
Icantusemylettersher t1_iucl1d2 wrote
Neo_Techni t1_iuekyj4 wrote
No it's a subtract
Neo_Techni t1_iuelcio wrote
The plural of mouse is mice
swerbdnastnulb t1_iuelxog wrote
Thanks but I think since it’s an acronym in this case, either one works
cranktheguy t1_iuhzmbb wrote
Mouse is an acronym?
swerbdnastnulb t1_iuifh40 wrote
Manually-Operated User-Selection Equipment
cranktheguy t1_iuigm5h wrote
swerbdnastnulb t1_iuijdoj wrote
Oh interesting. But the article also says that either “mice” or “mouses” is acceptable. So there was no need for that other person to correct me lol
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