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bigsquirrel t1_iupyhjr wrote

Cell phone that plays mp3s? Just pointing out that the advantage of using a solar panels to power a record player is a little odd. As is the tech giants thing. None of that is really a thing. I have copies of my digital music locally and literally have a tiny device on me at all times that can easily be powered with a very small solar panel to play mp3s for days.


Luce55 t1_iupz5j5 wrote

I don’t disagree with you; I was merely pointing out that there is still an advantage to having physical media. If you have downloaded your music or whatnot, you own it, and so as long as you have power (unless books - you don’t need power for books) you will always have access to it. But, many people listen to music, watch movies, read books based on subscriptions/rentals. In which case, if, as I said, the services go kaput, you’re SOL on the media you enjoyed previously.