Submitted by Genevieves_bitch t3_yt6m6i in gadgets
faze_fazebook t1_iw2jqgl wrote
Driving right past emissions tests
Gnarlodious t1_iw2ktlq wrote
If it can’t do rough terrain I am not interested.
uselessartist t1_iw2kxtc wrote
I guess it is harder to get the fridge or toilet to go 12 mph.
SteveBennett7g t1_iw2msr2 wrote
But when the chair detects that it's in use the computer pretends to turn off the dilithium crystal energization chamber and claims to be running on impulse.
Thesnake7002 t1_iw2o9oc wrote
This is the news we need
SharksRFrndsNotSoup t1_iw2onik wrote
Does it hide its emissions?
vangoghcuckurself t1_iw2onic wrote
But did it pass the emissions testing?
notmoleliza t1_iw2qtao wrote
CDavis10717 t1_iw2t1ab wrote
Reminds me of “Round House” on 90’s Nick at Night.
WaitingForNormal t1_iw2wdvl wrote
I have to do a number one, engage.
passwordsarehard_3 t1_iw2wlpu wrote
Does it automatically cast onto nearby devices when I say “Put it on the screen, Number 1 “? I’m also going to need the Capt Pike cover for all weather usage.
babztheslag t1_iw2xvqk wrote
Ultimate gamer chair potential? 👀
Camelwalk555 t1_iw2yclr wrote
Showing up to trivia night like, fuck around and find out.
Electricvincent t1_iw2zdhf wrote
Cool? But why?
drewcifer27 t1_iw30xv1 wrote
Nothing like that dude that made Commander Pike’s chair in the Trekkies documentary though
cock_babtridge t1_iw31doq wrote
Big question is, could i do my ‘captain’s log’ whilst sitting in it?
No_Biscotti_9469 t1_iw32vo8 wrote
So a wheelchair
TheRageDragon t1_iw331ri wrote
Imagine hiking Mt. Everest without leaving the comfort of your captain's chair.
yo_mama_5749 t1_iw33c2j wrote
You had me at tow hitch.
AstrumRimor t1_iw35s90 wrote
I think we all know it’s coming
MakeAionGreatAgain t1_iw38b1n wrote
Kinda sad, VW engineers used to build stupid shit like a Golf W12 when they were bored, now they do gamer racing chair.
QuarterNoteBandit t1_iw3aq25 wrote
But more swively.
QuarterNoteBandit t1_iw3av11 wrote
For marketing.
SixbySex t1_iw3bb7k wrote
I was hoping for a pike chair, and you just respond in beeps.
Responsible-Prompt98 t1_iw3cr7q wrote
Fucking wall•E chair
kalitarios t1_iw3dco6 wrote
How many lights do you see here? I see 4 lights
IndieComic-Man t1_iw3f3z9 wrote
“We questioned ‘why’ the entire process but the higher ups just kept saying, ‘Make it so.’ In a British accent so we kept working on it.”
assword_69420420 t1_iw3gg71 wrote
A matter of "when", not "if".
Vespizzari t1_iw3goj7 wrote
RebelLemurs t1_iw3ho41 wrote
That looks nothing like a Star Trek captain's chair.
No_Biscotti_9469 t1_iw3i28q wrote
v6 turbo leather upholstery and I'm in.
Blackadder_ t1_iw3k8tc wrote
You must have a filthy basement
Penquinsrule83 t1_iw3kr2x wrote
Yes, yes. Take him away boys.
Autimatiks t1_iw3lufq wrote
When you press forward, one random window will roll up, the seatbelt alarm starts chirping and the seat heat randomly turns on like any standard VW
GarageApprehensive43 t1_iw3mwxu wrote
Forgot all about their diesel systems fraud.
SatanLifeProTips t1_iw3mzm0 wrote
We get one step closer to Wall-E every day.
fonix232 t1_iw3ni52 wrote
Wasn't that the whole argument behind the Nemesis dune buggy scene?
[deleted] t1_iw3nijc wrote
OpinionBearSF t1_iw3ohh0 wrote
Pfft, my chariot is better, at least I think so.
As a person with mobility issues, my soon to be ordered (in the next week) power wheelchair will have:
- 8.5 MPH / 13.6 KPH top speed. (The fastest production power wheelchair currently made that Medicare will cover, as far as I know)
- A rehab seat with custom sized cushions, swappable between foam, gel, and air cushions.
- A seat that can tilt, with a back that can independently recline, a seat elevator, and legrests that can independently articulate.
- LED headlights and LED turn signals.
- Lithium-ion batteries. (Most still use deep-cycle lead acid)
- Rear view camera system.
- Flat-free tires that are larger and more capable than this VW one-off experimental art piece. Not quite off-road ready, but definitely usable outdoors in the city.
- USB PD charging ports for accessories.
- Tablet mount, and cupholder.
To be specific, insurance is covering only the base version with medically necessary modifications. I am self-paying for all of the upgraded gear on it, which is substantial.
I may also add an automotive heat and massage seat thingamajig, and RGB fun/mood lighting.
Bostonterrierpug t1_iw3onyz wrote
Only if you eject the warp core
Optimal-Object t1_iw3ostn wrote
They really need to have Dr. Evil market that.
BlakeusMaximus t1_iw3r36y wrote
Shut up and take my money
Powerful_Pin_3704 t1_iw3rwf6 wrote
Wake me up when there’s a WALL-E chair that goes 12MPH
BrokenMethFarts t1_iw3sylo wrote
It would take me two hours to get to work. Totally worth it!!!
sativo666999 t1_iw3tc5i wrote
Finally, the wheelchair for lazy people.
HowCouldYouSMH t1_iw3u141 wrote
Next level wheel chair. Of course they left out a price.
StoryAndAHalf t1_iw3v0xw wrote
Does it seek out any cable on the floor just to roll over it? My chair just knows where the closest cable is and will do everything in its power to make sure it does.
-Average_Joe- t1_iw3wx97 wrote
kind of want
wierdness201 t1_iw3zksw wrote
Call me when they make Frieza’ hover chair.
seanbrockest t1_iw3zw36 wrote
It's battery powered, so if you detect any emissions at all, jump off the chair quickly.
Novatrixs t1_iw405db wrote
The future is here. Just take a look at how many people are in a chair at Disney World....
MisterMasterCylinder t1_iw40tiw wrote
Idk, that seems like one of the more optimistic futures these days
bad_syntax t1_iw43qy1 wrote
I dunno, rather have this one:
GunMTL_Grace t1_iw4665y wrote
This wasn’t on my 2022 bingo card
GunMTL_Grace t1_iw46a9h wrote
I could make it my gaming chair. Jet to the kitchen at 12mph between matches for food and jet back. It has potential guys
b01234567890 t1_iw47fs8 wrote
“I’m giving her all she’s got!” is the only thing to say as you’re speeding along at 12 mph en route to the fridge for another can of Diet Coke.
Secret_NSA_Guy t1_iw48wjk wrote
Roaling coal like a gangsta!
ViewSimple6170 t1_iw4988z wrote
Sounds like a cable management problem
JayTK1336 t1_iw4f4o2 wrote
into the chinese contration camps next to the volkswagen factory like in the good old days
faze_fazebook t1_iw4fsj4 wrote
Thats what they want you to believe, fool.
N3UROTOXINsRevenge t1_iw4gjkb wrote
It’s after idiocracy but before ragnarok
wherethersawill t1_iw4j9k6 wrote
But can't deliver a family car in under 18 months pfft
burkely101 t1_iw4msn1 wrote
Ngl, came here to say I’m only interested in it if it’s the Captain Pike chair.
famousevan t1_iw4odlz wrote
Take my money!
Express_Helicopter93 t1_iw4pusr wrote
I dunno wtf is going on today. First the McDonald’s gaming chair that is grease proof and now this. What is this, gimmicky chair season?
davidmlewisjr t1_iw4uz99 wrote
Stephen Hawking was once ticketed in Cambridge for exceeding the posted vehicle speed limit in his chair, so waiting for the upgrade on this one… 🤔
VitaminPb t1_iw4vyre wrote
Or in Las Vegas
VitaminPb t1_iw4w4p5 wrote
Yeah, I think those noxious emissions will continue to follow you around.
VitaminPb t1_iw4wdef wrote
Just like a car, the cup holder is the most important part.
DrLongIsland t1_iw4yyb8 wrote
Ah, the good old Riker Maneuver, a Starfleet classic.
r-tificialintel t1_iw50aht wrote
catclops13 t1_iw51dlr wrote
This is the “Official Deadpool” thread, because this thing is definitely racking up a kill count. The weight of a neck beard added to the velocity of a motor chair makes it inevitable.
I call 3
legopego5142 t1_iw52pe5 wrote
Gotta run over piss jugs and Doritos bags
mr-death t1_iw53xak wrote
Way of the road, Bubs.
Betsydestroyer t1_iw541t1 wrote
SheWhoErases86 t1_iw54kqd wrote
“…but can it do this?!”
shcam_likely t1_iw54y80 wrote
laugh react I’m honestly impressed but not surprised
StarCrusherINC t1_iw5598z wrote
I was expecting at least warp 5!
RocketTaco t1_iw568ru wrote
Toyota did it first.
Over a decade ago, too.
Ragingdark t1_iw57qhd wrote
Man hears rough terrain and jumps to the most dangerous terrain possible.
mlhender t1_iw5a9hp wrote
It’s electric
ChampionsWrath t1_iw5ah52 wrote
They did just announce all terrain wheel chairs for US National Parks….
vinberdon t1_iw5amvk wrote
Well, it's a Volkswagen...
BuffaloBuck t1_iw5fajb wrote
This seems like the prequel to Wall-E.
Peligreaux t1_iw5gklk wrote
How about releasing the new VW Bus instead?
Kflynn1337 t1_iw5hfxd wrote
Why do I get the feeling someone said; "Halte mein Bier" before that thing was built..
-sweetchuck t1_iw5hwui wrote
Can't please anyone. The chair literally Flys you though fucking space! "OH, but is it orthopedic? My third eye has early onset glycoma."
dashinny t1_iw5iitm wrote
Wall E world here we come!!
Isteppedinpoopy t1_iw5kkra wrote
Needs oil slick and smoke screen.
OpinionBearSF t1_iw5m2he wrote
> Needs oil slick and smoke screen.
Ha! KITT / Bond's car this is not.
Although I must admit that a smokescreen and oil slick would be useful as hell while at work!
HaloGuy381 t1_iw5pz1l wrote
Can I irradiate myself with the warp core?
SirVerMeulen t1_iw5q182 wrote
As someone who’s attempted adding RGB lights to his sister’s power chair, definitely go ahead and splurge if you can afford it :)
MrPeepersVT t1_iw5q6cv wrote
Paging Cutter John, Captain of the Starship Enterpoop….
Conscious_Yak60 t1_iw5x3aw wrote
But they limited their EVs performance because people don't need speed?
Terry_Seattle t1_iw5xfnc wrote
Buckets-of-Gold t1_iw622du wrote
As someone who not one, but two Star Fleet costumes in their basement- why?
EatTheShroomz t1_iw63v6n wrote
What is wrong with me that I actually kinda want this thing? I mean it really doesn’t also need to be a WALL-E chair. But I would like a captains chair inspired chair with some other types of feature
phpdevster t1_iw643or wrote
So... are they going to make the Captain Pike version of this thing next?
x014821037 t1_iw64k4l wrote
The uh.... seat belt seems... helpful
Adventurous_Ad4950 t1_iw64sfq wrote
Sooo why?
TomKattWasHere t1_iw66asi wrote
it has a seat belt, thats no captains chair.
ryanorion16 t1_iw698sv wrote
When does the check engine light go on?
wank_for_peace t1_iw6bv96 wrote
Does Auto.
flompwillow t1_iw6d1xh wrote
That’s what u/Gnarlodious has in mind, he doesn’t want this pavement princess chair. Rubicon edition, minimum.
RETURN_OF_JD t1_iw6d2cm wrote
but how are its efficiency standards??
LocalLadybug t1_iw6e4rl wrote
Thank you, now I’m picturing Captain Kirk zipping all over the ship in this thing
brickmaster32000 t1_iw6ioxw wrote
And is considerably slower.
brickmaster32000 t1_iw6ixu6 wrote
It actually is on a wheelchair. You need at least one hand to manuever a chair and the other hand is likely needed to open doors and move obstacles. Trying to hold anything in your lap tends to end poorly as eventually you need to stop and your thighs are ill equipped to stop thongs from jerking forward when you do.
Raichu7 t1_iw6kr8c wrote
20kph is pretty standard for a mobility scooter, if they were much faster they wouldn’t pavement legal in a lot of places.
Hot_Nature_161 t1_iw6oum1 wrote
This is great but why doesn’t Volkswagen build an actual fucking wheelchair for disabled people instead of a toy for rich twats
[deleted] t1_iw6vaim wrote
CooLMaNZiLLa t1_iw6vbar wrote
Fail. Not a single button labeled “Engage”.
cupofteawithhoney t1_iw6yxtp wrote
Well, that’s not really the same, is it?
ArchdukeOfNorge t1_iw70bbd wrote
Oh ffs, that’s the last thing crowded trail heads need. Those will absolutely destroy wet trails too.
hakunamatata365 t1_iw70f5m wrote
What are the emissions this time???
hennsippin t1_iw75jnl wrote
Would start every day with “Captains log, star date…”
ArgyleTheDruid t1_iw79lp5 wrote
I don’t know what I was thinking but at first glance I totally thought it said 120mph
[deleted] t1_iw7a319 wrote
ChampionsWrath t1_iw7b4jv wrote
Yeah I think they’ll have only designated areas they can go
soIstartBlasting t1_iw7cku4 wrote
The all new 2023 Volkswagen ENGAGE
Mode3 t1_iw7g612 wrote
It’s a disaster, all the wet trails are destroyed, just a line of all-terrain wheel chairs as far as the eye can see. The handicapped are destroying everything we love. Something must be done!
ArchdukeOfNorge t1_iw7jzl0 wrote
During wet seasons in the mountains even light foot traffic heavily damages trails and native ecosystems. It’s the same reason why dirt bikes and atvs can’t use forest service or national park trails.
AceBalistic t1_iw7kvuj wrote
Everest isn’t actually the most dangerous, just the tallest. Not necessarily the same thing
Mode3 t1_iw7lfg5 wrote
Sounds like nobody should use those trails?
alaskarawr t1_iw7pskh wrote
So Everest is considered safe terrain then?
AceBalistic t1_iw7qevv wrote
I never said that. The person I’m replying to said “the most dangerous terrain possible”. Everest is dangerous, sure, but it’s not the most dangerous mountain in the world to climb
zinten789 t1_iw7rcy2 wrote
I want to see if it can do Trango Tower or something. Everest is a cakewalk in comparison.
[deleted] t1_iw7y9lz wrote
[deleted] t1_iw82v0m wrote
unicornlocostacos t1_iw832m3 wrote
More like Wall-E
AceBalistic t1_iw8483u wrote
It’s actually 3.05%. Annapurna, for example, has a death rate of 29%
EitherEconomics5034 t1_iw876iw wrote
TheCannaZombie t1_iw8ewn1 wrote
Where else am I supposed to take my mushrooms?
Mode3 t1_iw8x2bd wrote
Get in line buddy. Why do you think we’re here?
whiskeybidniss t1_iw9tbxc wrote
VW fighting back against the ‘standup desk’ trend.
Available-Debate-700 t1_iwa0jxl wrote
Well, I mean if you wanna get picky about it, I'm sure there's routes on everest that at least at certain times of year are virtually guaranteed to kill the person trying. Idiotic yes but so is driving a captains chair up a dangerous mountain.
Available-Debate-700 t1_iwa0up2 wrote
The probably make an R version with a drift mode.
AceBalistic t1_iwa1ny0 wrote
Yes, but my point is just that people assume that Everest is the most challenging and most dangerous mountain because it’s the tallest, when it’s not, statistically or practically. It’s difficult, don’t get me wrong, but height is not the only factor when determining how dangerous or challenging climbing a mountain is, and in many situations not even the most important one.
JuVondy t1_iwc004e wrote
Yeah, maybe don’t take psychedelic drugs in a forest with grizzly bears and wolves.
TheCannaZombie t1_iwe5l49 wrote
Yeah. Especially if you aren’t sharing.
Hyperion1144 t1_iwglu6r wrote
For the uninitiated:
killerbake t1_iwr5hs2 wrote
I never realized how much I’ve wanted a seatbelt for my office chair until just right this moment.
Id probably be more inclined to put in on faster than in my car and that scares me
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