Submitted by shakhawat0410 t3_ytjaif in gadgets
Dallenforth t1_iw4iwv0 wrote
Needs to rig a icemaker into the unit, maybe a small steam dishwasher too.
shhheeeeeeeeiit t1_iw4n21y wrote
Cool, but some people have way too much time on their hands
PlasticTreeTalker t1_iw4nu4y wrote
Alexa please give me life advices, while polishing glasses.
Odd_Holiday2189 t1_iw4q48p wrote
It is SO hard to pour your own bourbon on ice. This is the future we have been waiting for
Quartziferous t1_iw4qlyv wrote
>So what happens if Amazon shuts down the Alexa division…
Haha why would they give up the ability to eavesdrop on people’s conversations to better target ads? The US government would shutter the NSA before that ever happened.
VitaminPb t1_iw4rlvd wrote
Because according to what I’ve read, they are losing a ton of money on it.
gcostanzdil t1_iw4rqpn wrote
Ah so the robo bartender will easdrop, nice
Danjour t1_iw4yddd wrote
banjodoctor t1_iw54s7w wrote
Don’t tell me when I’ve had enough Alexa!
MJTony t1_iw56zo2 wrote
dontcareitsonlyreddi t1_iw57zsx wrote
Not sure but google and apple also have a history of doing stuff like that . Amazon isn’t the only guilty one of doing that .
One_Clown_Short t1_iw58xjg wrote
No, but it might lace your drink.
Smitty8054 t1_iw5a83s wrote
“That’s your 4th drink…are you sure…would you like the names of rehab centers”?
“Blow me Alexa”
VitaminPb t1_iw5b5yu wrote
Apple would leave the service running for a number of years (3-5) for things like the HomePods.
Google would take the service up behind the barn and shoot it in the head. Like they recently bricked a bunch of FitBits.
We don’t know what Amazon will do, but they have been selling a lot of hardware to use that service and other companies have been using that service too.
hamsammy4u t1_iw5bcih wrote
I’m not sure “mixing” is accurate, it’s one ingredient.
fhjuyrc t1_iw5hw0n wrote
Very interesting
fhjuyrc t1_iw5i0v0 wrote
I’m picturing jack nicholson talking to an end table while he goes inexorably mad
fordfan919 t1_iw5jle1 wrote
Until Alexa has had enough and orders a hit man.
[deleted] t1_iw5lk6u wrote
cosmothekleekai t1_iw5n6bz wrote
How the hell is the only home automation thingy with Samuel Jackson's voice failing?
SombraMonkey t1_iw5pwv1 wrote
The door to “automated fast food” has been open.
Guywithquestions88 t1_iw5wc85 wrote
My guess is because the average person doesn't really understand what it can do enough to see the value in it.
Nick_Brkhnv t1_iw5witi wrote
I quit drinking like many years ago , so what I can say , people are paying big money for killing themselves . Keep on keeping on 🤭
MediumToblerone t1_iw5wouu wrote
I’m down with this if Alexa checks in on me and chats with me like a bartender does.
MonarchyMan t1_iw5xxbf wrote
“I ain't been droppin' no eaves sir, honest!”
Unfadable1 t1_iw5z789 wrote
Or care.
It won’t be until smart home packages become much more normalized by builders, imo.
Kempeth t1_iw60t53 wrote
Looks pretty solid. There seem to be 4 separate pumps and feeds that only really merge right at the faucet. There's one such machine out there that only has one pump with a really long shared tube so when you order a drink you basically getting a measure of suprise liquid first (which might be water that has been sitting in there since last use)
I wonder though if you're going into the trouble of adding an elevator, could you make the pouring work on a purely gravity fed basis?
theamoeba t1_iw628sh wrote
Came here for this!
Redisigh t1_iw62byj wrote
Don’t forget Stadia lmao
EatTheShroomz t1_iw63ztq wrote
No. It doesn’t.
RadialSpline t1_iw65fqs wrote
“On account of Bag End havin’ no eaves sir!”
Ok_Refrigerator2110 t1_iw669u2 wrote
But it’s the drink I want 😂
coolsguy17 t1_iw66lm4 wrote
The bottle is all the way over theeeeeeere….
And the cup is all the way over theeeeeeere!!!
Why is life so difficult?!?!?
ImmoralityPet t1_iw67493 wrote
"Alexa, should they shut you down?"
Taizan t1_iw6at3c wrote
It can do much but it does not do it well. If you do not use the exact wording that it expects it fails. Like saying "echo play song X from y from playlist z". Also all too often it reacts without the keyword being mentioned which is always weird.
ProtoDroidStuff t1_iw6bqp5 wrote
I don't even think it HAS much value
When can a guy get one of these things with some VoiceAttack type shit on it ???
phillip42069 t1_iw6c6v3 wrote
Everyone wants to bartend. Everyone wants to make drinks. Everyone wants to look cool and be creative…… 85% of tending bar is organizing and cleaning, and if you’re not at that number or higher, you’re probley not the funnest coworker. Fuck cleaning this machine, it can’t taste, it can’t ask if it’s balanced, it can’t mod specs based on guest preference, it’s useless.
day7seven t1_iw6c76w wrote
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
day7seven t1_iw6c8da wrote
Only if you tip at least 15%.
jovialoval t1_iw6cfrz wrote
No one fucking wants cloud controlled automation
RETURN_OF_JD t1_iw6cz4d wrote
wtf just hire a bartender.
Lopsided_Violinist69 t1_iw6ewkx wrote
besides, where did the rock come from? 😂
ZellNorth t1_iw6f9dh wrote
I’ve only used Alexa for music.
atharaha t1_iw6fyts wrote
I would like to present my red button powered bartender. Every time you press the red button it makes a drink for you. Get your red button now, only $79.99!
King_Tamino t1_iw6jg17 wrote
I stopped using sentences and mostly using keywords and routines that I created manually. Increased the experience significantly.
I don’t think it’s a „every task should be done through „-thing but rather increase the experience of what you have or make some things like setting a timer easier.
For example, I got a routine that turns off all lights I might have forgotten, turns on a playlist with calming music and sets a timer to stop the music.
Regulation of the brightness of your lamps. Dimming. Or color changing is a nice feature too and I know I would use it less if I would need to use a button on the wall. Also a routine that turns the lights on 20 minutes before it gets dark. With a fixed brightness is cool
[deleted] t1_iw6jvup wrote
Halomir t1_iw6k3rt wrote
He makes a whisky/coke and a vodka cranberry in the video
RobotSlaps t1_iw6kbpp wrote
Ive been screwing with a mixing robot proto for a while. Getting pumps quick, accurate and cheap is hard too. And trying to dose carbonated beverages....
Grav fed will be a problem. They'll slow down as the liquor runs out.
KillingItWithFire t1_iw6lc3y wrote
If its not straight whiskey then its mixed
Excerpt “Cubes are often used for basic mixing”
Edit: I know its an unpopular opinion but I want to challenge and be proven wrong with evidence.
doublemint6 t1_iw6lews wrote
Damn it, they are finally going to get me to buy an Alexa product.
420blazeit69nubz t1_iw6maix wrote
You go into alcohol withdrawal
jjj49er t1_iw6nvfn wrote
You can do all those things with your phone. Why buy another device that does the same thing, but with less control over what it does in the background?
I have all my automation set up in my watch. I prefer to push a button rather than talk, but that's just me.
jjj49er t1_iw6o0mk wrote
And a drone that can fly to the liquor store and get another bottle.
jjj49er t1_iw6o7fr wrote
>“Blow me Alexa”
I didn't know that was an option. I think I'll look into getting an Alexa now.
fonix232 t1_iw6o85x wrote
Presumably the functionality can be replicated on an offline smarthome control system?
King_Tamino t1_iw6oskc wrote
Yeah that’s probably you. I hate watches. And I use my phone enough on work, if I come home it often enough ends up in a corner. I was mobile game .. addicted.. long enough to make that decision.
Also all that you said would require me to be there. Live. Things like Alexa work even if you are not there or others can use it rather instinctively.
jjj49er t1_iw6p6tz wrote
You can use whatever device you have at home; a desktop, laptop, raspberry pi, or tablet. They can be triggered from the other side of the Earth. I know I'm a watchaholic, but my point was that you can use any of your devices (which you have control of) rather than buying a dedicated device that listens to you all the time and does who knows what in the background.
Ikbensterdam t1_iw6pguu wrote
This comment could be read in three different ways and I love it.
Doctorjames25 t1_iw6ppqx wrote
Calm down there killer. I think this was made for someone's house. No robot will be taking your bartending job anytime soon.
queencityrangers t1_iw6simo wrote
“Hello, Jeff, Alexa here. Yeah, it looks like he’s had 15 drinks. It’s time to set up a couple subscribe and save orders for something he doesn’t need and will never be able to figure out how to stop”
[deleted] t1_iw6siy7 wrote
evillman t1_iw6sw3l wrote
3D printers are getting really advanced.
scstraus t1_iw6tdfs wrote
I think they expected it to lead to an increase of sales on Amazon, but it only led to people buying a bunch of subsidized voice assistants for cheap.
Yasstronaut t1_iw6tpdw wrote
True. Lots of people thinking cocktail instead
fndasltn t1_iw6v3gr wrote
I suspect that the intended monetization strategy for Alexa was to make it easier for people to buy products on Amazon, and I've never seen anyone order something from Amazon with Alexa. Maybe they use Alexa for ads targeting too but it might be difficult to attribute increased revenue to that, and maybe other methods just work way more efficiently (like looking at what a person already searched for or purchased).
adotbur t1_iw6wqb9 wrote
This one’s actually on the rocks.
comradecarlcares t1_iw6x2i0 wrote
Earl Grey, hot?
The1hangingchad t1_iw6x9jd wrote
I am an above-average Smart Home enthusiast. I have over 100 connected devices in my house (mostly z-wave and zigbee). I have echoes in every room for voice requests and announcements. The reality is that although those echo devices provide a great value, they don’t make Amazon any money beyond the initial device purchase.
I just don’t think Amazon has found a good way to monetize these beyond that initial purchase outside of reminding me here and there that I’m due to reorder something, most of which I have disabled anyway.
Mnstrdg t1_iw6xyx2 wrote
Not until you add the umbrella
neil_thatAss_bison t1_iw6yccd wrote
Someone should (probably not) tell Bert Krishna
GroundbreakingDot961 t1_iw6yh3z wrote
Need one that loads my bong
hellowiththepudding t1_iw6zo78 wrote
The evidence is basic reading comprehension. Yes ice cubes are often a component of mixed drinks, but their presence alone doesn’t make whiskey one.
W1ngedSentinel t1_iw6zyde wrote
“What about my boring side table?”
“It can be an ELECTRIC side table!”
Cobrastrikenana t1_iw712j2 wrote
His link doesn’t even make that assertion. Where’s he getting this from? My bar would love to charge whiskey on the rocks as a “mixed drink”.
_heatmoon_ t1_iw717wv wrote
News: “Alcohol related deaths are at an all time high.”
Amazon: “Let’s make a drink mixing robot.”
cantwaitforthis t1_iw71cg1 wrote
Accidental Chumbawumba reference.
Cobrastrikenana t1_iw71e21 wrote
It’s not a mix. The exact same molecules in ice exist in whiskey, If you want to be technical. If you want to be practical, no bar would call that a mixed drink.
cheebamasta t1_iw71kzu wrote
cantwaitforthis t1_iw71p2c wrote
I’ve never drank mixed drinks, but as a super annoying literal person, I could make an argument that ice is an ingredient and therefore combining with a liquor constitutes a mixed drink by definition. I also don’t care much about it, but google searched the definition because I feel the same way about grilled cheese sandwiches.I could also see folks argue that ice isn’t an ingredient. Anyway, have a great day!!
noun. : an alcoholic drink made with two or more ingredients
bluewizard139 t1_iw725xu wrote
Earl Grey, hot!
scootunit t1_iw73iq2 wrote
I've had enough Alexa and I don't even have one.
trippleBob t1_iw73syn wrote
So does my wife. Her name isnt Alexa
Ceremony64 t1_iw741fn wrote
Wouldn't really call it alexa powered if all alexa does is trigger stuff based on voice commands. Arduino powered would be much more fittint
Unlikely-Answer t1_iw74bao wrote
that reminds me of the good times
Unlikely-Answer t1_iw74oxs wrote
so technically, you could add a single grain of salt and have a mixed drink
Cobrastrikenana t1_iw74ugr wrote
Theseus’s Reserve is what I’d call it. Technically, yes. Practically, you’ll have an upset bartender. He’ll still let you do it. I promise.
intensifiedclicking t1_iw754x2 wrote
Didn’t think humans could be any lazier. They found a way.
[deleted] t1_iw75g8q wrote
Unlikely-Answer t1_iw75qnb wrote
im picturing you in a small apartment with echoes piled up waist high and trying to get to the fridge is like going through a mcdonalds ball pit
Accomplished_Bug_ t1_iw76whb wrote
For my mother in law it's a novelty. For my engineering buddies, they have literally thier whole house integrated to "OK Google"
For me, the wiretap is not welcome
Rance_Mulliniks t1_iw77d1l wrote
Exactly. Pouring a scotch is not mixing a drink.
wbruce098 t1_iw77esc wrote
Maybe we are in the minority, but a lot of people I know have smart home stuff and an Echo Dot is one of the most affordable ways to control them. And Amazon sells a LOT of smart home stuff. If Amazon is going to profit off Alexa, that’s where, not in sales or ads from the device.
Tbh, I see zero advantage to ever buying anything with Alexa. That function is a useless novelty to me and can actually be problematic if you have kids. But these things are so incredibly useful otherwise.
Edit: I mean, I could always use the clunkier Google thing or the pricey HomePod or just my phone I guess, but then Amazon gets even less money from me and loses out on a major market opportunity.
RedditNFTS t1_iw78qom wrote
Ah yes! Yet another device for amazon to completely know my habits in my home they’ve already mapped out.
Tcanada t1_iw78u95 wrote
Also you already had to do the work of getting the ice cube
droans t1_iw79dpv wrote
Maybe if Amazon wasn't so full of garbage.
Search for a specific product and all you get are unrelated items or knock-offs.
Search the exact same thing on Google and the first thing you'll see is an Amazon ad for that exact product you couldn't find on Amazon before.
If Amazon can't find what you want when you type it in, why would you trust that it'll order the correct product with your voice?
qqoze t1_iw79htf wrote
It’s not on the table. It’s one of the services they named that has a future.
wbruce098 t1_iw7a2qn wrote
Echos control 70% of the home smart speaker market in the US. Ending Alexa would devastate that market and Amazon’s ability to maintain a presence there at all.
They need to go the Costco route and view it as a loss leader. $5 rotisserie chickens apparently cost the company $30-40mn/year. But their annual revenue is over $200bn. How many people buy smart stuff on Prime to work with their cheap ass Dots that cost $20 on Black Friday?
TexacoRandom t1_iw7awg3 wrote
Plus, sometimes my hands are full. I could be working on a project or playing a video game, and I don't have to stop working or pause a game to pull up whatever on my phone. I can just tell Alexa to play a song or tell me the weather while I continue to work or play.
Same thing with cooking, I can make Alexa set timers or change the music without wiping my hands off, or stopping what I am doing.
WhyDoIEvenBotheridk t1_iw7bdiy wrote
Yeah, just what the world needs right now
pepperell t1_iw7bm0g wrote
Of course it's hot!!!
barjam t1_iw7bvms wrote
I was at a party this weekend with a mixing machine. It’s the one that uses pods like a keurig. Anyhow it was a huge hit and people loved it.
SophieCT t1_iw7c4iw wrote
Exactly. He still had to get up.
wookiee_borg t1_iw7cs46 wrote
“Alexa, play mood music.”
“Alexa, mix me a drink.”
“Alexa, impregnate my wife”
barjam t1_iw7d1wp wrote
You can buy a commercial thing like this for 350 bucks that is kind of like a keurig. Put in a pod and it will dispense your drink using your liquor.
Lusitanius t1_iw7d2wg wrote
Let me guess, she’s still going to expect 20% tip?
Gcodelife t1_iw7dvaf wrote
I have zero issues doing all that without alexa. The best thing about a smarthome, is not having to ask it to do things that it can do on its own.
PM_ME_ONE_EYED_CATS t1_iw7e69n wrote
And that reminds me of the best times ^best ^times
snowyoda5150 t1_iw7f0e1 wrote
So does my wife!
wilburwalnut t1_iw7fbh2 wrote
I have a 3d printer built into my freezer.
cernegiant t1_iw7fvvb wrote
It's a neat conversation piece.
But holy hell people wire management is not that hard.
Regeatheration t1_iw7gvfk wrote
Its cool but I still have to stock the unit myself so why not just make the drink myself
ark_mod t1_iw7j1mw wrote
Ahh yes $350 for a mixed drink maker that uses shitty syrups and the end result is a crap drink...
FYI - watch YouTube reviews of this product. The drinks taste like absolute trash from what I have read.
soIstartBlasting t1_iw7jw6o wrote
Ohhhh Danny Boyyyy
Cast_Rate t1_iw7kofe wrote
This is especially true when playing VR. Alexa is a life saver when you're wearing a headset
BasementS4fe t1_iw7kygt wrote
Damn we sure are becoming lazy
barjam t1_iw7lfsa wrote
The drinks are fine. No different than what you get at a low/mid level bar or if you are using store bought premix at home. For example the margarita is no different than using zing zang. Making your own drinks with fresh ingredients is better of course but if you are hosting a party who wants to sit around making drinks all night.
I was at a party with one of these a few days ago and people loved this thing. Being able to make all sorts of random drinks was a lot of fun for folks.
[deleted] t1_iw7lnl9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iw7lr3i wrote
lifestream87 t1_iw7m3n7 wrote
Am I the only one who actually enjoys the process of making cocktails?
needmorehardware t1_iw7m515 wrote
Not everyone wants to bartend or make drinks lmao
0ne_Winged_Angel t1_iw7m9wi wrote
> Maybe if Amazon wasn't so full of garbage.
Any more it feels like Amazon is just a reskin of AliExpress
johnmanyjars38 t1_iw7mbjg wrote
"Alexa, roofie me."
pm-me-your-keyboard t1_iw7mh6i wrote
And you gotta byo rocks
oo_Mxg t1_iw7mxpc wrote
I mean, stadia lived for 4 years but ultimately failed because the first impression they gave was absolutely horrendous so even when they improved the service, the damage was already done
TreTrepidation t1_iw7n6f2 wrote
i prefer neat.
anonymoosejuice t1_iw7nek6 wrote
Just use Drizzly
Optimus-prime-number t1_iw7nel8 wrote
That’s pretty neat
paco1342 t1_iw7nxyx wrote
I have a smart light in my laundry room and as I’m walking through the house to go do laundry, I’ll just say “Alexa, turn the laundry room lights on” so I don’t have to flip a switch, fumble in the dark, or make sure it’s on before I carry things. It’s a small convenience, but it’s one of many and I use them often.
aegis666 t1_iw7o60j wrote
of course it does. it can't be made with love if a machine makes it.
aminal-factzz t1_iw7oj8d wrote
Boy that’s neat…. NEATURE!
burnbabyburn11 t1_iw7oygc wrote
Old bartender trick of the trade. People are uncomfortable if you just stand there.
AgitatedExtent1331 t1_iw7q149 wrote
Pack me a bowl of weed, then I’ll be impressed
Drinking sucks
SomeNoteToMyself t1_iw7qxap wrote
But why
Temporary_Art_9213 t1_iw7r8wa wrote
What in the alcoholic?
StressedCephalopod t1_iw7sfnn wrote
Just realized I have to figure out how to block a subreddit. Thank you for the reminder!
LoveLivinInTheFuture t1_iw7t16u wrote
I heard it in Archer's voice.
intellifone t1_iw7u279 wrote
Seriously, Reddit needs to implement like a button that lets you indicate when a post isn’t relevant to the subreddit. Like a downvote or something…
kinopiokun t1_iw7uhvi wrote
This is a myth. They do not do this.
Guywithquestions88 t1_iw7veh5 wrote
That's a good point.
Guywithquestions88 t1_iw7vkw3 wrote
I use it to remind me to do stuff, set alarms, do math, and I use it as a search engine (like google) that I can talk to.
I also control the lights in my house with it, as well as my coffee pot and tv.
Critical-Series t1_iw7waql wrote
Slowly trading all our data for marginal convenience.
Quartziferous t1_iw7wif9 wrote
Nice try Amazon Employee
kinopiokun t1_iw7xa2r wrote
Lol I work in cyber security. It’s actually much more concerning The web tracking and algorithms don’t need to waste all that bandwidth and processing power required to spy on you via audio eavesdropping.
LanaDelHeeey t1_iw7ya7k wrote
Like in the movie smart house?
twostartucson t1_iw7ybdh wrote
And thus, the Age of Bartenders ended, not with a bang but an, “Alexa…”
_Administrator t1_iw7ylfc wrote
Take that alcoholism to a brand new level!
Tur8z t1_iw80qlq wrote
Yes we are!
ANiceDent t1_iw81ge0 wrote
Serious question, I’ve drank countless drinks….
What in the hell would I need to mix my drink for ?
Even the picture is just straight liquor with an ice cube ?
turbodude69 t1_iw81zfu wrote
why? cause FUCK BARTENDERS that's why.
turbodude69 t1_iw82542 wrote
seriously. there are some dogs trained at getting a beer out of the fridge and bringing it to you that would be more useful than this robot table mashup thing.
turbodude69 t1_iw835cv wrote
and don't ya just loooove your aged whiskey pumped through a series of plastic hoses and then poured through a home depot brass spigot.
mmmm microplastics with a nice metallic notes and a smokey burnt electronics finish.
TheLazyD0G t1_iw84nlp wrote
Thats dope. I have an injection molded system in mine.
TheLazyD0G t1_iw84qlm wrote
Probably not. Amazon just bought the rights to their music.
TheLazyD0G t1_iw84wuw wrote
But it still has that sweet ethanol?
highoncaffeine2 t1_iw84zac wrote
RechargedFrenchman t1_iw85n8d wrote
Yeah, everyone wants made drinks, not to make drinks. Some people just want those drinks enough they are willing to do the making themselves. A very small (proportionally) subset of those people discover they really enjoy making drinks, and get into bartending/mixology. I love a number of cocktails but can't be assed to have all the ingredients handy and actually make any of them.
If I'm mixing a drink at home more complicated than putting something carbonated into something with an alcohol content it's like a bit of like juice or a fruit garnish as a third ingredient. Maybe over ice. Because much as I'd love a martini or old fashioned I'm not stocking bitters or vermouth or whatever on the regular, and those are even pretty easy drinks to make.
turbodude69 t1_iw86bt9 wrote
maybe we can make all robots run on ethanol like bender.
BananaPeely t1_iw89hty wrote
Button-powered content filtering
[deleted] t1_iw8btrd wrote
I_AM_A_TOASTER42069 t1_iw8m9jf wrote
Alexa poison Gregg's drink
jjj49er t1_iw8nzxv wrote
I had to look that up because I've never heard of it before. I was shocked to see my city as one they deliver in. I don't drink anymore. It's probably a good thing they didn't have that when I did drink.
Baschoen23 t1_iw8tcyp wrote
My alcoholism definitely cannot handle this.
Reddit_FTW t1_iw8tqtq wrote
My parents refuse to go smart house. My entire house is.
thenextguy t1_iw94xoq wrote
Electricity powered.
scstraus t1_iw97o04 wrote
Exactly how I use them. But I don't this is how Amazon wants us to use them ;-).
Yasstronaut t1_iw9fpka wrote
What? A mixed drink as per standard definitions is a drink containing two or more ingredients- that’s it. So whiskey and ice is a mixed drink albeit a boring one.
I know that goes against our intuition and of course no bar would call it that but strictly by definition it’s true and you cannot contest that without throwing out every dictionary.
What do you mean the exact same molecules exist in whiskey? Do you mean water? You can say that about fruit mixers, tomato juice, everything. Not sure what you’re getting at there
Cobrastrikenana t1_iw9pw5x wrote
Is ginger beer a mixed drink or is your definition shit? This literally my job lmao! Never seen a dictionary make a drink.
MediocreCommenter t1_iwa7ez9 wrote
How many people mocking this saying that it’s easier to pour your own drink use Alexa to turn things on or off? Sure, I can turn on my coffee pot by flipping the switch, but I like to tell Alexa to do it as I get out of the shower so that my coffee is ready by the time I’m dressed and downstairs. If I could have my favorite drink ready for me every time I got home from work I would be very happy.
CharmOffensive- t1_iwacagc wrote
It's missing a comma to be read in the way it was intended.
nickllhill t1_iwcmk4o wrote
They have buttons on computers now
haahaahaa t1_iwm3mg6 wrote
The problem with buying anything with alexa is Amazon's pricing model. The cat food I buy goes up and down by a couple dollars a case consistently and thats from Amazon direct. If they're sold out the sky is the limit to how much it will cost. Everything that I could reasonably imagine someone use a home assistant to order is like that. It was significantly worse during covid for obvious reasons.
wbruce098 t1_iwofybn wrote
Makes sense. And a lot of people like me like to at least pretend we are comparison shopping. Basically impossible to do on a smart speaker. It’s just not a good model.
[deleted] t1_iwqd5yu wrote
[deleted] t1_iwqdr9m wrote
[deleted] t1_iwqe0pu wrote
[deleted] t1_iwqeazh wrote
AutoModerator t1_iw4eo2x wrote
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