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AnaalPusBakje t1_iwvevvm wrote

You had a few errors in your sentence that made it incredibly hard to understand without knowing that TWS was true wireless stereo lol. But that is interesting, so the frequency you are talking about, would that be on the microphone pickup, or what the speakers try to reproduce?


Slammedtgs t1_iwvhsjs wrote

Thanks for pointing out that I, once again, failed to proof read my reply. I fixed the comments.

Historically, hearing aids have focused on the speech range to the spectrum, below 8khz. Newer generations are starting to increase the response curve to make music sound better. This is on the speaker side, not the microphone.

Earbuds/TWS have a wider frequency spectrum, to capture the high end audio (vocals and instrumental).

For ANC you need high output at low frequencies, which AirPods do well with a large driver. Hearings aids struggle here due to the size constraints in the ear canal.