bellatesla t1_iwruh9o wrote
Social isolation sticks?
oboshoe t1_iwruyfp wrote
Never heard that one before.
But I'm stealing it.
NoleContendere t1_iwsb2wv wrote
At some point people switched from walking around with those blue tooth ear pieces to AirPods or a single AirPod.
gazorpaglop t1_iwsfvdk wrote
NGL I put them on and listen in transparency mode but I pretend I can’t hear people I don’t want to interact with when they talk to me while I’m walking my dog. I love using them as social isolation sticks
Impressive-Anon6034 t1_iwshmyg wrote
So they can destroy your hearing … but can also help with hearing loss.. so it evens out?
threenamer t1_iwsht9p wrote
There is no other way to refer to them now.
DrFrozenToastie t1_iwsi7h0 wrote
Supply and demand, no wonder it’s a $2trn company
AwkwardPregame t1_iwsimne wrote
Sometimes happens by accident when AC is on lmao
Hygro t1_iwsjnum wrote
They sound better and work better than the two hearing aids I have owned. Also cheaper, more comfortable, and more stylish. I've always thought hearing aids should be honest so that they can look cool instead of trying to hide either behind the ear or like skin tone in the ear.
_Volta t1_iwsnzma wrote
I can’t wait to get mine just for that feature.
stackens t1_iwspkuh wrote
How do they function as heating aides exactly? Is there a way for transparency mode to amplify sound?
To your second point, agreed, and other forms of mechanical aid should do the same. So many fashion possibilities with prosthetics
Jun1or t1_iwsr5r4 wrote
Transparency mode DOES amplify sound, and also provides a degree of direction to sounds. I’ve got a 55 gallon fish tank and can tell the instant the water gets below the filter mark because I can heat it, but only with my AirPods on.
A10110101Z t1_iwsscne wrote
I think the transition was from Bluetooth head sets then when cars started adopted hands free Bluetooth in new cars people started using that and now that AirPods are everywhere it’s a mix between using them and what’s standard in cars now
crumbshotfetishist t1_iwsunvb wrote
How close?
dougsbeard t1_iwsv8cp wrote
You can also adjust your transparency settings to amplify nearby conversation and mute out background noise making it even better to hear when people think you can’t hear them.
Sun-Ghoti t1_iwt0zse wrote
Sure they amplify sound, but the point of hearing aids is to only amplify the right sounds, not every sound.
SameGenericNickname t1_iwt11hy wrote
Yeah I got Boses Earbuds that when I put them to Aware actually amplify my earing; they can also cancel all the noise the kid makes at the school I work at so that’s cool.
Aggressive_Worker_93 t1_iwt9u38 wrote
Not wanting to be bothered by people who can’t respect the right of others to quiet and peaceful enjoyment in public is now something to be ashamed of
JoeSmithDiesAtTheEnd t1_iwtd6vl wrote
This close +——————+
Z4REN t1_iwtgb03 wrote
[deleted] t1_iwtgjsw wrote
ZappyZane t1_iwtkf89 wrote
Sure, thats why Apple. Sony, Bose etc need to do user-tailored sound curves (audiogram), and for low to low/moderate hearing loss is probably fine for most.
A friend had hearing aids "professionally fitted", and the free internet audiogram basically matched the one done in a sound booth by the professional.
The tuning on the hearing aids wasn't that good, being a "cheap" (aka not mega-multi-thousand currency pair), so tbh i think consumer electronic companies could easily do something better at the lower end of hearing loss for users.
They did have a pair of Here One earbuds which were so close to being great, but battery life and app integration let them down. Then Apple came out with their first earbuds and kinda killed them off. Sad really as the tech was getting close.
randomheromonkey t1_iwtnkma wrote
Settings > Accessibility > Audio/Visual > Headphone Accommodations > Transparency Mode
(Yeah it exists, yeah it’s hidden)
AnimationOverlord t1_iwtnxoc wrote
They’ll destroy your hearing only if you want them to
TappedIn2111 t1_iwtz6ik wrote
Holy fucking shit… how did I ignore my fellow people without knowing this?!
TappedIn2111 t1_iwtz7cq wrote
Hygro t1_iwu207s wrote
Somewhere deep in the settings I was able to get them to boost specifically the highs in transparency mode. But it might be related to my previous hearing aids' tie-in to my phone (they were bluetooth). Or not related. Definitely do some googling regarding the accessibility settings. I can't remember my steps.
srcorvettez06 t1_iwu40hw wrote
Try taking off your case. A friend of mine had the same issue and a different case solved it.
srcorvettez06 t1_iwu415n wrote
HHtown8094 t1_iwu7qj3 wrote
$$$$$$$$$$$$ close
woodyshag t1_iwu7r31 wrote
Former hearing aid supplier here. Headphpnes/Buds make things louder, which helps, but not necessarily at the frequencies that your hearing loss is at. Real hearing aids can adjust the volume of certain frequencies so that it's not only making sound louder but clearer for the wearer.
[deleted] t1_iwu8h5x wrote
Sir_Loppy t1_iwu8u92 wrote
Not really that different from Sony or Samsung's equivalent in this respect, not sure why they're singling it out, the "improved hearing" is simply compression of loud and quiet noises so they all play at closer volume levels than the ear would naturally hear them at. Nothing ultra high tech going on.
luchobe t1_iwu9ec4 wrote
Guess what!? More trash! Oh but murica don't think about that.
ItsJustJohnCena t1_iwueen5 wrote
Are these the hearing aids I keep reading about in those ads that doctors are amazed by?
AnaalPusBakje t1_iwufkfx wrote
>social isolation sticks
amazing term lol, also same
AnaalPusBakje t1_iwufr3j wrote
the line between hearing aids and earbuds has been vanishing for years already, my grandfather has one that let's him directly stream his phone audio to it for phone calls. he uses it to listen to spotify!..
DriscollMayweather t1_iwuggv7 wrote
I played in a metal band for years and used hearing protection at a grand total of 2 practices and 0 shows. Hearing loss is moderate and these help a ton with my hearing, it was pretty eye opening. Plus it’s nice to turn noise cancellation on and turn off my annoying coworkers sometimes
jaqattack02 t1_iwukrxe wrote
Any earbuds or headphones can cause hearing loss if you play them loudly enough. That's like blaming the fork for getting you fat.
ackillesBAC t1_iwuldoc wrote
Useful for creating low to moderate hearing loss by packing your ear wax against your eardrum
amanfromthere t1_iwupoet wrote
If that's happening, I think you're sticking the wrong end in your ear.
NightSpirit2099 t1_iwuqhx3 wrote
What model?
JesseWebDotCom t1_iwus8nh wrote
I recently tried to use them at a loud party. After tweaking everything, I expected the headphones to cancel out the background noise and music while amplifying the person talking in front of me. It made about a 20% improvement.
reddituseronebillion t1_iwuuuio wrote
The hearing loss they almost certainly caused.
AintNobody- t1_iwuvtp7 wrote
Does this technology only work with this kind of ear-sealing earbud? I don't like this style, but I'd like the benefits in the amateur airpods.
beenburnedbutable t1_iwuy20s wrote
Funny, some might say they cause a problem they’re now solving. Hmmm.
ntack9933 t1_iwv22fg wrote
There is a host of Settings to prevent damage to the ear
ntack9933 t1_iwv2buu wrote
Transparency and noise cancellation tech is available in all forms of headphones, including over the ear
Lootcifer- t1_iwv6cnv wrote
Sam-Lowry27B-6 t1_iwv76pl wrote
I have not heard about these amazing hearing aids...wait a minute
Sam-Lowry27B-6 t1_iwv7byl wrote
That's what she said.
Epistemophilliac t1_iwvb349 wrote
From the way he worded it it seems that the kid was an ordinary humanoid model
Puzzleheaded_Quote29 t1_iwvc19i wrote
I use them as hearing aids
[deleted] t1_iwvc5x8 wrote
But it’s important to note that most don’t do it well. There are a few (Sony and Bose for instance) but Apple is leading the field right now.
illogicallyovercome t1_iwvcfla wrote
I’m going to hit you with my social isolation stick! 😏
[deleted] t1_iwvcgk6 wrote
There are others, for sure, but once you’ve used Conversation Boost, you’ll see why they are focusing on Apple. Other can do this… but Apples doing it really well right now.
Slammedtgs t1_iwvcmr5 wrote
They are still not the same. Some TWS are catching up in terms of frequency response that hearing instruments focus on and some hearing aids are focusing on higher resolution audio for streaming capabilities. The two devices focus on different frequency ranges though and are not the same today.
Slammedtgs t1_iwvd6ji wrote
AirPod pro are vented. The noise canceling is from a massive 11mm driver. With a smaller driver you need a sealed ear tip for good ANC.
SecretCrockpot t1_iwveke8 wrote
i have -10db and tinnitus in both ears and i agree, literally once i put transparency on i was so confused.
AnaalPusBakje t1_iwvevvm wrote
You had a few errors in your sentence that made it incredibly hard to understand without knowing that TWS was true wireless stereo lol. But that is interesting, so the frequency you are talking about, would that be on the microphone pickup, or what the speakers try to reproduce?
SecretCrockpot t1_iwvex9g wrote
you can take an audiogram using them which is how i found out i had -10db in both ears (already knew i had tinnitus) and then import it under headphone accommodations. not sure if this is what you mean tho so i could be definitely be wrong.
Fortyouncestofreedom t1_iwvfyhd wrote
DavOks t1_iwvgyrr wrote
Try em bro
ASDFzxcvTaken t1_iwvhf4z wrote
>Ignore [insert from contacts: Fucken Bob]
Slammedtgs t1_iwvhsjs wrote
Thanks for pointing out that I, once again, failed to proof read my reply. I fixed the comments.
Historically, hearing aids have focused on the speech range to the spectrum, below 8khz. Newer generations are starting to increase the response curve to make music sound better. This is on the speaker side, not the microphone.
Earbuds/TWS have a wider frequency spectrum, to capture the high end audio (vocals and instrumental).
For ANC you need high output at low frequencies, which AirPods do well with a large driver. Hearings aids struggle here due to the size constraints in the ear canal.
AccountantGuru t1_iwvhw9i wrote
Hehe this emoji made me laugh
Long_Educational t1_iwvip65 wrote
You can import EQ curves? I didn't know that! That basically makes these hearing aids! That is very cool.
varano14 t1_iwviqlq wrote
This takes people watching to the next level
Perfect_Opposite2113 t1_iwviqwm wrote
Better than a personal space enforcement implementer. ie: fist
EyeYamQueEyeYam t1_iwvjmrx wrote
Audiologists Hate This One Simple Trick
EyeYamQueEyeYam t1_iwvk5s7 wrote
Most underrated comment on the entire internet
PaulVla t1_iwvk8pm wrote
You can also stream your phone mic to the AirPods “Live Listening” Apple named it.
Dirtymountain48 t1_iwvkpy2 wrote
I’m not going to lie. I love the options of these social isolation sticks. Suffering from anxiety I can easily block out the world. Deaf as fuck because I run a chainsaw for a living I can switch the option and I can hear better. Glad they are going in this direction.
[deleted] t1_iwvkra7 wrote
Manofalltrade t1_iwvl1xx wrote
It really is. A young lady mentioned to me that the ear pieces she was using hadn’t been charged for the last three days. She just keeps them on so random men don’t bother her at the store, etc. At the same time you hear about incel types complaining that woman are taking measures to prevent being harassed being mean to them, and the patriarchal types are being themselves about it all.
woodyshag t1_iwvlaq8 wrote
Well, 10db in both ears for what frequency? Raising the volume doesn't help as it affects all frequencies. If they do EQ curves like the other response to this, then now you are working with something.
Monstermart t1_iwvmh3v wrote
They better find a better way to keep these things in your damn ear. I bought a pair and they would fall out while I was chewing gum
MikiZed t1_iwvmx14 wrote
gillsaurus t1_iwvmxlb wrote
Is it only for pros or for standard ones too
PAM111 t1_iwvn5wo wrote
Thanks buddy. I'm good. 👍🏻
DavOks t1_iwvnbx4 wrote
Ithxero t1_iwvo8ki wrote
What the FUCK. Thank you.
420Deez t1_iwvoj1e wrote
dont lie, youre gonna forget in 10 minutes.
SecretCrockpot t1_iwvoneo wrote
yea thats exactly what it is, i have a screenshot of it. then you can input it into headphone accommodations under accessibility
woodyshag t1_iwvoqba wrote
Wow, that's actually very cool.
SecretCrockpot t1_iwvp7hu wrote
they can boost individual frequencies like hearing aids, have them on the setting right now. headphone accommodations in settings allows you to import a frequency hearing test, which you can take for free on the app store
count_nuggula t1_iwvqxsz wrote
Typical HUM-4N model
iwellyess t1_iwvraef wrote
A great alternative to this that also works well is to eh listen to music with them?
video_dhara t1_iwvsd5p wrote
I’m all for social isolation, but I have a roommate who has them on all the time, in common areas and the kitchen and it makes for an uncomfortable dynamic bc I don’t know how to even acknowledge the fact that we’re in the same room. I can’t get their attention so I just ignore them and then I feel like a jerk for some reason. I have Bose noise canceling ones and if I’m in the kitchen and someone comes in I’ll take them out, even if the person doesn’t want to speak. Being made to feel like you don’t exist is a shitty dynamic in a household. I understand wanting to be left in peace, and I’m not looking to have a conversation every time we’re in the same room, but maybe even a nod of acknowledgement is too much to ask for idk.
[deleted] t1_iwvshxe wrote
gazorpaglop t1_iwvsyz5 wrote
Lol, yeah, I have my podcast going but in transparency mode while I’m walking so I can hear traffic or other stuff, not for people who want to start a conversation with me about my dog though
ImDirkDiggler t1_iwvvo9e wrote
Something tells me the majority of Audiologists would disagree
NorthernSweetie t1_iwvvrve wrote
Hi, audiologist here. “Close” is a relative term that all the tech companies are using to push over the counter hearing aids. It’s not adjusted frequency (pitch) specific so it’s going to bring everything up the same volume. Most hearing losses are worse in some pitches than others. So which it benefits people with mild losses it’s not really fixing the true issue.
NightSpirit2099 t1_iwvwj95 wrote
Could be some T-1000, they are indistinguishable from humans on the outside.
EetswaDurries t1_iwvwvma wrote
Regular AirPods don’t have transparency or noise cancellation.
EetswaDurries t1_iwvxkl0 wrote
You can import an audio gram for the AirPods Pro
AgentG91 t1_iww05c3 wrote
My dad got a hearing aid last year that’s an actual hearing aid and also connects to his phone automatically. Music, phone calls, audiobooks, YouTube, all run straight through his hearing aid.
This is just an advertisement for Apple. Modern hearing aids are much more advanced than airpods
Wloak t1_iww1ivm wrote
My wife does the same. She got tired of guys saying shit like "you'd be prettier if you smiled honey" randomly on the street, wearing headphones in an obvious way apparently cuts this down even if they're off.
ZappyZane t1_iww3ip1 wrote
That is great then, thanks for info.
JulPollitt t1_iww7od3 wrote
bruh i just want a black pair that i can wear in the shower
Woods26 t1_iwwoyqd wrote
seems like it is adjusted frequency though, since you can import an eq curve from a hearing test.
eshemuta t1_iwwymv3 wrote
The majority of audiologists charge thousands of dollars for hearing aids. Of course they will disagree.
[deleted] t1_iwwypk4 wrote
ImDirkDiggler t1_iwwzhrz wrote
That seems a little jaded. Most healthcare providers want to provide the best quality care for their patients. And there’s a reason they don’t recommend OTC hearing aids to people; inevitably one of two things happen, people get mad that the OTC’s don’t work and they stop pursing hearing care, or they end up paying for OTC’s one year and then come back the next year and upgrade to a better quality hearing device. AirPods are great, but this study feels like it was a paid marketing ploy by Apple. Just my opinion though, definitely consult your healthcare professional for advice.
eshemuta t1_iwwzybc wrote
Regardless of their intent, a lot of people simply can’t afford them. Medicare doesn’t cover them at all. So some improvement is better than none at all. And for people with mild hearing loss (like me) something like this is adequate.
ImDirkDiggler t1_iwx0skd wrote
If they work for you and you’re happy, then I’m happy for you mate.
Hygro t1_iwx4s3w wrote
yeah, imagine if they tried to hide glasses. Like, not contacts but plastic skin tone frames and looping around your face in weird ways like a bad pair of monocles
jjj49er t1_iwymyb7 wrote
I have one of those in my pants.
AnaalPusBakje t1_iwyphfu wrote
I would probably give a nod of acknowledgement. But I feel the opposite about keeping them in, that may have to do with the fact that I'm autistic and i don't always want to talk to people. From my perspective the best thing would just be to do your things seperately, and if you have something to discuss just tap his shoulder or something.
SameGenericNickname t1_iwywi1s wrote
Quietcomfort earbuds, I adjusted the setting in the Boses App to allow more sound to come in allowing me to listen to my music while being aware of my surrounding.
PM_ME_YOUR_ANUS_PIC t1_ix3taa4 wrote
Eh I prefer “Social Isolation Penis”
[deleted] t1_ix53y4u wrote
Mrdrsrow08 t1_ixjl6zp wrote
I am a hearing aid wearer and I have tried this but it seems to keep crashing my phone in iOS 16.
shashinqua t1_iyceyrw wrote
That’s been there for years. NOW has demanded that feature be removed, and Cook is weak and has crippled products from their threats before so don’t expect that feature to last.
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