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Termades t1_ixawp6n wrote

I’ll agree on USB-C, but why would it need to have the M1 chip? What performance upside is that going to give you that wouldn’t be more than offset by the massively increased power consumption?


OkieBassist t1_ixawvah wrote

M1 has a better power management. My MacBook Pro goes days without charging and trust me, I use it. I want 3-4 days between charges. Not nightly. Pipe dream I know, but a man can dream. I’d be quite happy with usb c.


dlewis23 t1_ixb38un wrote

Your MacBook doesn’t have a 5G modem in it sucking down power. You might not realize it but cellular modems use a lot of power.

And your MacBook has a much bigger battery.


OkieBassist t1_ixb3cqj wrote

You’re not wrong. I did say it’s a pipe dream.