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tcwillis79 t1_ixg5wrb wrote

Still weird. Apple isn’t doesn’t make the modems and I don’t recall any of the tear downs mentioning anything remarkable about their choice. Maybe good antennas or something.


unpeople t1_ixgsq21 wrote

Yeah, the article says that Apple is using the same Snapdragon modem that most current Android models are using. I couldn't tell you why the iPhones are faster, but Apple has historically been able to wring a lot of juice out of their devices. iOS needs and uses less RAM than Android, for example, and iOS has had low-latency MIDI for a decade or more, while many Android devices still struggle with it. But, who knows? Also, this speed test was only conducted in the U.S. and the U.K., so it's not necessarily the case that iPhones are faster at 5G everywhere.