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musicantz t1_iy0edbz wrote

The payback period on solar is pretty long. It’s even worse without subsidies.


ThatOtherGuy_CA t1_iy0vnjn wrote

Right now it’s about 10 years without subsidies and 5 years with in most places.

Obviously the exact economics depends on your location and your local price of energy. But my companies been installing systems for commercial and industrial, and the saving off of their power bills straight up pays for the system, and once it is paid of, it’s free energy for the life of the panels.



Residential payoff takes a lot longer unless your roof, weather, and/or local electric regulations are really good, especially now that interest rates went up. Most are paying 4 cents per watt financed at at 3%+.

I got in at .99% and it still wouldn't be obviously worth it in terms of ROI if not for the tax refund. A big cash infusion when the market is low like this could tangibly impract retirement age. But without it, especially with interest rates as they are now I could see people taking longer than the 20-25 year life of their loan to net positive.


migueeel t1_iy0kwmt wrote

At least solar doesn't have as much maintenance cost as coal, I'd say.

For starters, you don't need to import the sun!


musicantz t1_iy12grd wrote

Solar def has more maintenance cost because it’s so diffused.


DelusionalPianist t1_iy16hnx wrote

It depends on what you install. If you install 13kWp then sure it may take a few years. But if you install like 800Wp then the amortization may be less than 5 years, without selling excess energy or subsidies.


ThellraAK t1_iy1hpxn wrote

Yeah, the equipment to not kill linemen is kinda spendy all on its own though.