Submitted by TimeSpentWasting t3_z60rfh in gadgets
migueeel t1_iy0kz6a wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in News Release: NREL Creates Highest Efficiency 1-Sun Solar Cell - 39.5% efficiency by TimeSpentWasting
Maybe it's more for if there's a strong hail storm and it wrecks them?
ThatOtherGuy_CA t1_iy0uu8y wrote
Warranty doesn’t cover physical damage, the warranties usually just guarantee that the cell will have more than 80% of its rated power generation after 20 years or they will replace it.
Most panels only lose about 1% efficiency a year, so it’s basically a meaningless gesture that looks good, unless you have a genuinely defective cell.
[deleted] t1_iy13wda wrote
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