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Zondartul t1_ize1ase wrote

Actually, the production of a single Boeing 747 takes about 43 days.


anonanon1313 t1_izedypf wrote

I remember the excitement of my first 747 flight in the 70's. I had the unexpected pleasure of being being bumped into first class a couple of times in the 80's on trans-Atlantic flights, that was particularly awesome.


CallMeDrLuv t1_izefcl5 wrote

This is honestly the end of an era, and kind of sad. Gotta give props to the designers, the 747 has been a great success.


Rapunzel1234 t1_izeizks wrote

Did a tour of the Boeing plant several years ago, really cool.


zestyH20 t1_izej0wp wrote



Neverlost99 t1_izej76q wrote

Only flew on the one with the bar once.


jirfin t1_izembl4 wrote

Remember how Boeing put a bunch of important features behind a pay wall in their new jets and a whole bunch of jets crashed due to that and no one went to jail for that…well Pepperidge Farms remembers and still won’t fly because of that


BedrockFarmer t1_izemlq8 wrote

I’m surprised that they were still being newly manufactured TBH.


Vergenbuurg t1_izends2 wrote

I treated myself to a flight on a Lufthansa 747 upper deck, just so I could have the life experience. Having a widebody-style business-class seat with only a single aisle, with no other seats behind our section, almost made it feel like I was on a small private jet.


ScoobiusMaximus t1_izeo621 wrote

So for passenger planes this thing has been on the way out for a while, but what will replace it for cargo?


comeradenook t1_izeqi52 wrote

777X likely.

A lot of shipping companies and also been buying 757/767s as they retire from passenger service since used aircraft are cheaper than new. But the 777X is easily more efficient than the 747 so I’d wager that’s where the orders will go.


retrograderevolution t1_izetbk8 wrote



mainelinerzzzzz t1_izeua1z wrote

Best “passenger” plane ever. Passenger is in quotes because I’ll assume all the recent builds are cargo planes.


zap_p25 t1_izeullc wrote

More efficient wide bodies are already in common use and many air freight services have gone from shipping major hub to major hub with large wide bodied aircraft and then servicing minor hubs with smaller aircraft to more direct flights with medium sized narrow bodied air craft such as the 737.


cmdr_suds t1_izevzy5 wrote

So did I. Watched a movie and then went to a mezzanine that overlooked a small area of the plant. After about 10 minutes, we were ushered out and it was over. Never really got close to a plane. Kinda sucky if you ask me.


Chicken_Water t1_izeza49 wrote

Manufacturers making cheaper planes with less redundancy. How did they know that's exactly what I wanted to fly in?


zorbathegrate t1_izezf2z wrote


I wish Boeing could have created something 747 fuel efficiency solution type thing. Make it perfect for another 50 years


BalmungOfAzureSky t1_izf17gj wrote

Gonna miss these. Along with the a380. Lucky to have been able to fly both a few times intercontinental.


anengineerandacat t1_izf54sm wrote

Higher complexity doesn't generally improve your reliability aspects though and whereas I don't know much about the 747 it's entirely possible the 4 engines aren't entirely independent.

They might share fuel-pumps per-wing, so if say something happened to fuel pump 1 out of 2 you might not have engines 1 & 2 while engines 3 & 4 are calmy doing their thing.

Less moving parts is generally always a good thing, and if it weren't a passenger aircraft potentially eliminating down to a single engine "might" be acceptable if the gliding capabilities were very good (much like some turbo-prop planes) and the risk of losing life was overall lower.


RadialSpline t1_izf8jek wrote

That’s how the 737MAX happened. Trying to extend the lifespan of a design long past when it should have been retired.

As in the 737 was designed during a time when many airports had no baggage handling equipment for loading, so it sits lower to the ground than every other extant Boeing design, which then forced them to move the engine nacelles up when they slapped in the truly massive high-bypass turbofan jets. Moving the nacelles changed flight characteristics of the plane but they put a flight control system from the military side (MCAS) on to bring the planes flight characteristics back in line with the OG 737. The MCAS system got faulty data from sensors on some flights and severely contributed to the downing of those flights. There were specific trim levels on the 737MAX that had/have more advanced troubleshooting features (that’s the safety systems locked behind a paywall of earlier posts), that the airlines of the flights that went down didn’t spring for (new cockpit setup would require that airline to send its pilots in for retraining on the new features).

This is what I pieced together working in Boeing’s fabrication division deburring and hand-finishing wing ribs and spar chords (ribs hold the upper and lower wing skins apart and the spar chords hold the wing skins to the fuselage.) Chances are if you’ve flown on any of the new 777X aircraft parts of the wings I fixed up with angle grinders and hand tools.


fjingpanda t1_izf9243 wrote

It's actually mostly because airlines are unable to fill these jumbos as regularly so they have lower utilization.

The narrowbodies/modern widebodys do have slightly lower maintenance costs, but also actually have a higher load factor since they can be filled regularly and flown more often.


macfail t1_izfdwbu wrote

The 747 series has 4 engines and a wing form optimized for higher cruise speed. You can't easily engineer your way around those without redesigning the whole plane. They already have the 787 and 777, which meet customers needs.


Sixspeeddreams t1_izfe6f9 wrote

I flew on a BA A380 two weeks ago from London. The big jets are a fantastic passenger experience (so much less turbulence, a much quieter plane) but the plane was like you mentioned only 80% full. They let me sneak up to premium from coach for most of the flight since they had empty seats


bouncyb0b t1_izfeumo wrote

You missed the bit where the Boeing sales people deliberately miss informed the airlines that no type conversation training was necessar, in order to increase sales. The pilots of the crashed jets had no idea that this system existed let alone how to deal with a failure of it.

Ford pinto levels of corporate competence.


SoyMurcielago t1_izfgbn6 wrote

I always wanted to fly in a 747 never did. I did manage a 767 once so at least I got to experience a true double aisle wife body but not the same. The only time I got to go in one was the prototype I think it is at Museum of Flight in Seattle.


fjingpanda t1_izfgrmm wrote

Do you remember when carriers ignored emergency ADs and did not train their flight crew properly?

Boeing isn't blameless, but it wasn't just them. Ultimately it is a failing of the entire industry


SparksMurphey t1_izfi3ul wrote

Ironically, the 747 actually lasted a lot longer than they expected it to. The whole reason for the raised cockpit was to allow a hinged nose with direct cargo loading under the cockpit - the idea being that all the passenger 747s could be quickly and easily converted to cargo once supersonic airliners like Concorde made them obsolete. Except that never happened, and the 747 passenger role lingered much longer.


ag9408 t1_izfil5h wrote

What about the new airforce 1 ? I thought that was going to be a brand new 747-8


NPCwithnopurpose t1_izfk6at wrote

From a quick google search, a 747 can’t really maintain altitude with one engine, unlike twin jets. So, 50% of engines to maintain altitude in either case, but the 747 will cost more. That said, one engine providing thrust (to exclude APUs) is better than none. Also, the loss of an engine will probably just lead to an early landing anyway. The pilot just has more options when they started with 4 engines


tree_washer t1_izfmbko wrote

What a majestic airplane.

I’ve been fascinated with the 747 since I can remember. These days I fly very frequently - nothing glamours, just regional flights on Wizz Air or its Irish competition - but I felt honored to travel on a recently-built 747 on a transatlantic flight.

Nothing of its type - past or present - can complete with its elegance. The A380 is a bloated albatross in comparison and I can’t imagine it being eulogized with reverence like the 747.


RadialSpline t1_izfqdqw wrote

Technically the 737MAX was on paper the exact same flight characteristics of an non-MAX model at the time of sale, so per regulators there was no need to have the pilots go through it. The Lion Air flight 610 and Ethiopian Air flight 302 tragedies were monumental fuckups from many sources, not just Boeing.


ivsciguy t1_izfs44d wrote

I got to design one repair for a DC-3 that one of the airlines runs for charity now. That was cool. Also very easy because fatigue isn't much of a concern without a pressurized cabin. If they had actually decided to re-engine MD-80s I think they could have operated practically forever. They are built like tanks. Also seems like the military will run B-52s until the end of time.


Chicken_Water t1_izg7seh wrote

I thought I recalled the 747 only needing 1 engine to fly and land in an emergency. If I am remembering wrong and you're correct that it requires two, then I'd agree with you.


XJDenton t1_izgg6ng wrote

The massive jumbos were built to service the largest airports, when most long haul service operated on a "Hub and spoke" model. This is when the big international airports serve as a "hub" for the vast majority of incoming flights, where people would then connect on to another flight which would fly a shorter distance to the final destination. However airlines, for a number of reasons, have shifted more towards using smaller, more efficient aircraft that serve more direct routes. Larger aircraft also require bigger runways, which means they are not as flexible as smaller craft.


cramduck t1_izgpd2u wrote

My grandfather did avionics maintenance at Boeing for like 60 years, contracted out to airlines all over the place. Kuwait, Saudi, Beijing... the man had some wild stories.


ichankal t1_izgvbcq wrote

When the fuck did a Boeing 747 become a "gadget"?


SpaceTruckinIX t1_izgvu0n wrote

Here we go again on a 747 Looking at the clouds from the other side of Heaven Smoking and drinking, never gonna stop Reading magazines stop me looking at the clock


Nicktune1219 t1_izh05sl wrote

I flew on a condor airlines 767 to Germany. That aircraft was so old that it had separate RGB filters on 3 different projectors to make a single image on the bulkheads of the aircraft. Somehow it managed to have headphone jacks in each seat but that was your only luxury.


[deleted] t1_izh7xt4 wrote

So what's the new big boy?


jbeech- t1_izhbskk wrote

Regarding the last 747, I too love the aircraft. My uncle, a lifelong
Pan Am employee rose to cargo operations manager at PTY before retiring in the mid-90s. PTY is Panama City, Panama for those not versed in airport designators.
As such, when we flew (I was born in Panama), we did it under his
aegis, which on a Pan Am flight was a big deal. I also remember –
vividly – meeting Mr. Juan Trippe, Pan Am CEO. This was in 1968 when I
was ten years old. He gave me a model of a 747 jet in Pan Am livery, one
of those which was destined for travel agencies as part of the
promotion for the upcoming ‘world largest passenger jet’ promotion.
Anyway, in 1969 we moved to live in Birmingham (when my stepfather
retired as Command Sergeant Major of the 193rd Infantry Brigade). This,
to continue serving in the reserves at a backwater Army depot (viewed as
a plum assignment used as reward for long service because it meant
certain perks of Army life, remained).
Point being, we traveled back to Panama twice a year. Of course,
always on Pan Am (after an Eastern flight through Atlanta to Miami).
Heck, I still remember my excitement as if it were yesterday when in
1971 we flew on the 747 for the first time! Travel with my uncle’s
imprimatur on our tickets meant the stewardesses treated 11-y/o me like
And for those unaware, the aircraft has a circular staircase to the
upper deck, through which the crew access the flight deck. I was puffed
with importance at being in 1A at the very front. Honestly, I felt like I
was king of the world because I was even welcomed onto the flight deck
itself where they let me sit in a jump seat for about 15 minutes. Small
wonder model aviation followed and I use a Bonanza to this day for
personal and business travel, eh?
I maintain a fond part of my heart for the 747 to this day.


CollectionOfAtoms78 t1_izhhrl0 wrote

If they made this decision, it was not a recent one. Someone did the math months or years ago showing when it would no longer be profitable to continue producing these things.

I also believe there are newer plane innovations are in process of being implemented. Here is a video by Real Engineering that explains some of these ideas and their pros and cons.


forrest_the_ace t1_izhl6hz wrote

They're too expensive to fly because they are hard to fill with passengers for even the most popular long haul routes. This was the original purpose of the aircraft. Many airports do not support them limiting their market. They being outclassed by significantly more efficient aircraft.

Boeing not producing them doesn't mean companies will stop flying them today. It just means that they will not fill and complete anymore orders. They are still popular aircraft for cargo, military, and some smaller roles.


RadialSpline t1_izhr5zt wrote

Yep. With MCAS the MAX had the same flight characteristics as the OG 737, so by adding it Boeing was able to manufacture them under the original 737 production certificate, which is/was a MASSIVE loophole that hopefully the FAA has closed (I have not checked as I got the hell out of Boeing earlier this year due to culture issues when I got called back from a layoff).

It turns out that people who survived [in upper management] the Boeing/McDonnell-Douglas merger in the 90’s were the scum-sucking corporate raider types who would take a league if you give them an inch who would exploit things like vague regulations/legislation for a payday and set up someone who actually kinda sorta gave a crap about longevity of the company as a fall guy. [James McNerney was the President, CEO, and Chairman of Boeing’s Board of Directors while the 737MAX was developed and certified, then resigned before the first deliveries for Muilenberg to take the heat, then Calhoun has taken over once an executive was used as a scapegoat. McNerney and Calhoun are MBA types while Muilenberg was an engineer…]


Mamalamadingdong t1_izhyrap wrote

The economics of very large planes just isn't really viable anymore. It is more profitable now to get smaller, very efficient planes to fly direct rather than having a hub model where small planes feed 1 big plane at a major airport which then flies to another big airport to feed a bunch of small planes.


DLF1984 t1_izi0uhc wrote

I got to fly on two 747's on my trip to America in 2018 and was so sad to see those Qantas 747's were both retired not long after.

I was absolutely ecstatic when I booked a flight to europe next year and the flight from Singapore to Frankfurt is on a Lufthansa 747. It's going to be awesome.


Specific_Main3824 t1_izi2koz wrote

It's not the same plane as the first one anyway. They only look similar and share the same name. They will bring back a new version soon enough.


BalmungOfAzureSky t1_izilwvx wrote

I’ve been on the newer ones now over 10 times in intercontinental flights as well. They’re pretty nice, but I feel like they’re more cramped. The double decker was always cool, and they had more space in seats in all classes it felt like. And I know this doesn’t matter much but it was always nice knowing there were 4 engines when being hours over the ocean lol


xdqz t1_izilyy8 wrote

Really a true engineering marvel. Somehow I always get the feeling that things made in the past were just much better designed.


TXOgre09 t1_izivmmg wrote

The blades in the jet engine don’t propel the plane. The exhaust jet does. The jet engine blade assemblies are compressors up front and turbines in the back.


Gagarin1961 t1_izk1nxj wrote

Damn, with no other double decker aircraft, the next Air Force One will have to be a typical 777.

Doesn’t project the same level of power.


CN2498T t1_j0stmsn wrote

Why are they getting rid of it and what will replace it?