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CloseEnough2Me t1_izfnt7q wrote

It's easily above 100w. My Dell work laptop has a 130w usb-c charger.


Chronotaru t1_izfqvbb wrote

According to standards, it shouldn't be possible to go over 100W without USB PD Revision 3.1, and only the very newest stuff has that and it's not that common yet. It's always possible your Dell falls into this category, but perhaps the 130W is from the wall or the USB-C output post voltage conversion?


CloseEnough2Me t1_izfrkx8 wrote

I've had this laptop for 2+ years.


Chronotaru t1_izfs4n2 wrote

Then it can't be PD Revision 3.1 as it was only announced in 2021. Either it's a third party custom Dell modification, or it's not really a 130W charger at the point of the USB connection. Would be interesting to see what one of those power measurement cables said.


CloseEnough2Me t1_izfseys wrote

You're right I got a replacement last year, I forgot. I don't even use the charger because it's always docked. But it's got the old style connector with 180w.