Patapotat t1_iziuy9f wrote
If the phone can't be charged with a wire, they don't have to use usb-c. Apple will just launch a portless phone with a proprietory wireless charger, or even better, one with a lightning port for data only that cannot be used for charging at all, and call it a day.
orhanGAZ t1_izk6ge5 wrote
Do you think in the next 2 years Apple will have a breakthrough with wireless charging where it's actually fast enough to make most people happy?
Patapotat t1_izk8uv8 wrote
Maybe, maybe not. I don't think they started researching it now, they probably already did most of the leg work in anticipation of this years ago. I'd say they'd prefer annoying ppl with something slighlty inconvenient over giving in to USB C though. The move to all wireless without any ports was already in the works for a long time, the EU is just accelerating the pace a bit imo.
orhanGAZ t1_izk9b37 wrote
Do genuinely think Apple will develop and release something wireless charging fast enough to make people happy? I'll be at Apple. Customers have a fairly low bar when it comes to being happy because it's become so wild garden and cult-like. Just a little bit of spin polish and PR, Tim Apple can sell anything to his followers.
Patapotat t1_izkakp1 wrote
True, most realistic is probably some wireless tech that is just shy of being bad enough of a replacement to freak ppl out. It will be "good enough", look well designed and have a bunch of marketing behind it proclaiming it the second coming of Christ.
orhanGAZ t1_izkaur3 wrote
Exactly! It's been done before many times. They have a successful formula and they're not going to break it.
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