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MagicOrpheus310 t1_j0t8gul wrote

Same here mate! Had me fingers crossed they meant Asia Pacific but that was wishful thinking haha, if you are after something similar for handheld PC gaming, I ended up buying a Powkiddy RGB max2 off Ali Express for $200 AUD (it should arrive this week so I haven't used it yet) with the intention to use it to stream games from my PC using Steam Link or Moonlight app. I figure if my PC is doing the work then the handheld only really needs to be a controller with a screen haha if you had a capable gaming PC already then grabbing one of those might be a better option than sourcing a Deck over here.

If you're interested there is also the Retro Pocket 3 and Anerbic RG552 that are very similar handhelds (all on Ali Express and often with preloaded games etc)