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hus_k_ t1_j0v4o17 wrote

It is text only, I just tried haha. It'll tell you where to place a beat but can't output a file. If it was connected to another sub Ai that could do it, perhaps


TeH_MasterDebater t1_j0v8mkh wrote

In this video a guy managed to do it by asking ChatGPT to produce a melody in the form of a tuple expressing pitch and duration. Then he played it using Python and a library called Scamp. It's a pretty cool workaround to not being able to express music notes directly but I don't think it'll be winning any Grammy's soon.


uqde t1_j0vtpca wrote

There are ways around the text limitations if you’re creative enough. I saw a youtuber play chess against ChatGPT by using standard written-out chess notation. (The AI started attempting illegal moves after about 10 turns, but according to the person that was better than any other text-based AI he’s tested)


TangoDeltaFoxtrot t1_j0vg373 wrote

Yeah, I imagine it would be relatively simple for another program to translate text to music