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SpectralMagic t1_j1orwtz wrote

This is why we buy Samsung electronics, they actually out here making everything in-house to never skip on quality. Mostly speaking about their m.2 ssd's as they don't use shit components to build them.


rosesandtherest t1_j1yh15g wrote

Lmao, just two days ago a post said 600,000 dishwashers are bring recalled as many are setting themselves on fire, or like how their washing machines exploded a few years ago or how other of their appliances are prone to fire


lavendermp t1_j1pqcin wrote

ever heard of evo 980?


SpectralMagic t1_j1r6t9o wrote

Yush, I own one. Is there something I should know about them?? o_O


lavendermp t1_j1r6zh1 wrote

i dont want to upset you but they are trash


SpectralMagic t1_j1r9xmc wrote

Untell me rn 🔫


lavendermp t1_j1race0 wrote

usually m2 contains ddram to perform caching. they removed it on 980 (try copy large file over 10 20gb you will see how slow it is)