Submitted by thebelsnickle1991 t3_zv14ci in gadgets
Mjs217 t1_j1my9u6 wrote
Friends don’t let friends buy Samsung electronics… it will probably burn your house down.
JRR_Not_Tolkien t1_j1myuyx wrote
I bet you have Samsung electronics and don’t even know it. Do you have an iPhone? The screen is most likely made by Samsung
RYUMASTER45 t1_j1mzlv0 wrote
This is brilliant.
Mjs217 t1_j1n0l18 wrote
I don’t have a phone or a computer. I’m writing these messages on a piece of paper and giving them to my carrier pigeon and my secretary makes the posts for me.
carvedmuss8 t1_j1n3fkn wrote
20% increase in performance with a 23% drop in power usage. Even with the numbers being tested in a lab and not the real world environment, that's crazy
cool2hate t1_j1n3o7s wrote
Samsung actually greatly influenced carrier pigeon development during WW2 and their fuel sources are still used in most birds to this day.
Brunonen t1_j1n3r9h wrote
Then how do you browse reddit?
[deleted] t1_j1n5hrb wrote
Roosevelt_M_Jones t1_j1n5qta wrote
That's the joke
Moscato359 t1_j1nbdc2 wrote
My aunt had a samsung dryer, and it actually did light on fire
Manufacturer defect, with class action lawsuit
Moscato359 t1_j1nbecj wrote
My aunt's house lit on fire with a bad samsung dryer
Moscato359 t1_j1nbgh4 wrote
Carrier pidgin?
LVAUGHNZ t1_j1nfh3t wrote
good way to tell us you know absolutely nothing, thanks for making it easy
beekeeper1981 t1_j1nfi7c wrote
Many appliance repair people say stay far away from Samsung appliances. Their phones and electronics are great though.
EMH-TheDoctor t1_j1nfrzj wrote
beefcat_ t1_j1ni977 wrote
Samsung DRAM and NAND flash is among the best in the business.
beefcat_ t1_j1nid99 wrote
Well except that one time their phones started exploding in people’s pockets
stupidwebsite22 t1_j1nkuwk wrote
And my Samsung fridge is more than 20years old.
Chr0ll0_ t1_j1nm0wk wrote
Pretty cool
Aluconix t1_j1nm1ym wrote
Tell your aunt to stop being lazy and clean the lint.
Moscato359 t1_j1nm7gx wrote
That wasn't the problem
There was a manufacturer defect, which had a class action lawsuit around it
Moscato359 t1_j1nmdx4 wrote
Random quality control is random
You can get lucky or unlucky
In this case, it was a design defect
ClippersEaglesAngels t1_j1npjj4 wrote
That happened to iphones too
stupidwebsite22 t1_j1npyh2 wrote
Plus stuff was made differently 20years ago. More expensive it was but it lasted longer
Blastoxic999 t1_j1nr9s4 wrote
TeamSevenLeader t1_j1nrzfv wrote
I don’t know electronics very well, is this for laptops or desktops?
StarsMine t1_j1nshl6 wrote
Weekly_Display_3353 t1_j1nv7w3 wrote
Funny way to spell hp.
SuperKael t1_j1nyssb wrote
Xen0n1te t1_j1o1mlj wrote
and it’s gonna cost $700
StaticBroom t1_j1o3mrj wrote
Nomis420 t1_j1o414f wrote
This is probably the technology that Linus from LTT has in his custom RAM
TheBrave-Zero t1_j1o4yt4 wrote
800$ by next year because inflation got inflated
Xen0n1te t1_j1o53n3 wrote
damn my pay got cut
FUCKYOUINYOURFACE t1_j1o8h7q wrote
And servers which means data centers and cloud.
Yeetus_McSendit t1_j1o8zjo wrote
Can they use the 5nm process from processors for ram?
CloneEngineer t1_j1o9rss wrote
12 nm is the size of the internal wiring. Smaller feature size means lower power, higher speeds and.greater density (smaller physical size).
The DRAM packages can be mounted to Printed circuit boards (PCBs) for laptop, desktop or server form.factors.
Xendrus t1_j1ob35w wrote
Obviously not yet.
DarkerSavant t1_j1ob9z4 wrote
I don’t think so. I think his was the same as everyone else’s he just got to make his own set.
futuristicalnur t1_j1oclch wrote
All of that went past my head
bnlf t1_j1oe6ip wrote
TESEVLA t1_j1oenwy wrote
The engineering put into this is mind blowing!
rekabis t1_j1oh8qg wrote
If it’s anything like their domestic appliances, it’ll destroy most any computer it’s installed into, and likely burn the house down as well.
Edit: Ooo… fanboys be upset someone be calling out their tech god for a legitimate slide in QC.
rekabis t1_j1ohl84 wrote
You need to be explicit and talk about domestic appliances, otherwise you’ll piss off the fanboys.
But seriously, Samsung is now one of the worst possible brands to buy when it comes to domestic appliances. No clue what happened, but holy crap their appliances are pretty much a liability to own these days.
ultrahello t1_j1oi5kz wrote
“Dictated but not read.”
Major_Fang t1_j1oi9jz wrote
Is this enough DEDIDATED WAM for Minecraft?
Dracogame t1_j1oifye wrote
Still cheaper than “Apple” RAM.
Mjs217 t1_j1oiigj wrote
I like to shitpost and piss off the fan boys.
rekabis t1_j1oippk wrote
Fair enough, everyone needs a hobby.
New_Area7695 t1_j1ojea2 wrote
He got some weird module config that was NDAd
SomewhatIntriguing t1_j1ojsqu wrote
Guess you haven't heard of Samsung NVME chips, they're among the highest quality SSDs.
[deleted] t1_j1ojyia wrote
Synaptic_Jack t1_j1ojztd wrote
True, and I’m looking forward to someone getting their hands on them and putting them through their paces
firedrakes t1_j1ok434 wrote
the largest market for this will be hpc/servers. power reduction they will switch fast.
good server ram will be cheaper on used market... 500gb or a 1tb cheap.
Mjs217 t1_j1okiua wrote
It’s a comment if people want to down vote me cool. It doesnt effect my portfolio
rekabis t1_j1ola0s wrote
Oh, I have. But large swaths of Samsung’s product lines have not just dropped into the gutter over the last 24-36, but have gone clear down into the sewers. Their QC has gone from abysmally bad to pretty much non-existent, and I fear that many formerly-lauded products are no longer up to snuff. That it’s only a matter of time before real-world usage reports start overwhelming the inertia of stellar prior impressions.
I know people in the local appliance repair industry, as well as in appliance sales. According to them, Samsung now accounts for more product issues within the first two years of ownership than all other brands combined. Including the cheap Chinese and Indian off-brands.
And that can’t be good.
Stunning_Honeydew201 t1_j1omgfo wrote
I'm an appliance repair technician & have been for 10+ years & can confirm. It's so bad one big box store almost refused to sell them anymore. Samsung had to make some concessions on warranty stuff because the store was loosing a lot $$ on their extended warranty.
THEKONIG t1_j1omitn wrote
Awesome. Moores law is still alive!!!
mdoom23 t1_j1on41n wrote
Well transistors vs capacitors.
But if you really want your mind blown, the "5 nm process" isn't actually transistors that are 5nm in length. These numbers are more marketing terms and names of distinct generations more than actual physical dimensions.
In fact, the 5nm generation of CPUs actually are closer to transistors that are 35-40 nm in length.
The physical dimensions and the names haven't really been aligned in nearly three decades.
Drives me nuts. So misleading.
-JudeanPeoplesFront- t1_j1onwvy wrote
Thank you. Almost got excited that others might be able to afford it.
Eshuon t1_j1oo6pl wrote
Lol the 2nd post after this, is about samsung recalling over 660 000 washing machines due to reports of fire hazards.
guano_guapo t1_j1oqxnz wrote
How am I supposed to play DDR on something so small?
47ES t1_j1or730 wrote
Kind of yes, but way too expense. RAM is a commodity, even the ultra high end stuff.
_jukmifgguggh t1_j1or9kc wrote
SpectralMagic t1_j1orwtz wrote
This is why we buy Samsung electronics, they actually out here making everything in-house to never skip on quality. Mostly speaking about their m.2 ssd's as they don't use shit components to build them.
[deleted] t1_j1ospuz wrote
AnBearna t1_j1ouis0 wrote
Yokepearl t1_j1ouj08 wrote
Aggressive-Willow550 t1_j1oumwx wrote
FUTURE10S t1_j1ovf7p wrote
Yeah, instead of being a power of 2, he had 24GB sticks. It's weird.
SkeleCrafter t1_j1oy8mi wrote
What was it before?
[deleted] t1_j1p16qf wrote
LeCrushinator t1_j1p1ryb wrote
14nm is the current size I believe.
rawrv49 t1_j1p1tw9 wrote
alterector t1_j1p2ged wrote
[deleted] t1_j1p4z42 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1p58rx wrote
nomnommish t1_j1p5gwt wrote
You need to be a dramurai to understand this
KillerMan2219 t1_j1p5p3a wrote
Not that it's the case here, but remember that toyota issued a recall for people being dumbfucks with their floor mats, that was a "manufacturer defect" with the stuck gas pedals.
Just because a company issues a recall doesn't mean it was actually not user error.
Again, not that it is in this case, but something to keep in mind.
_AutomaticJack_ t1_j1p75sm wrote
Servers, at first. High capacity and low voltage. Cutting your power budget is real shit when you're running thousands of machines... Trickle down to laptops and then desktops eventually....
MafiaMommaBruno t1_j1p7cqu wrote
Samsung has a hospital and people aren't dying from failing technology.
MafiaMommaBruno t1_j1p7l2e wrote
I remember when, instead of iphones exploding, they were holding water enough to be used as water guns. Good times. iPhone went full circle for faults.
LongDot7262 t1_j1p8o2r wrote
I am not sure where I heard something like this before
[deleted] t1_j1p8vha wrote
NootHawg t1_j1p9odn wrote
Yo dawg, you got inflated inflation in yo inflation, so we inflated some more inflation fo yo inflation… some billionaire in their best Xzibit voice😂
mvfsullivan t1_j1pcrbu wrote
What in gods flat green Earth is a Dramurai?
(btw flat = joke just fyi - I know Earth is a donut)
fullup72 t1_j1pdl8s wrote
That's $700 just for the stickers.
gramathy t1_j1pdsvt wrote
is 5 nm the resolution of the process? So the transistors aren't 5 nm, but creating a usable semiconductor structure requires precision on the order of 5 nm
andynator1000 t1_j1pf6en wrote
“5nm” is not related in any way to feature size or precision. It’s just a marketing name for the manufacturing process that followed “7nm”.
LV426-Nostromo2122 t1_j1pg6s3 wrote
With scrolling ads.
mark-haus t1_j1pg7dt wrote
When I hear Ram and power usage I immediately think of the benefits that gives unified memory systems like APUs. That basically means faster APUs that are already approaching middle gaming performance
graciebee21 t1_j1pik4d wrote
Tlaloc_Temporal t1_j1pj6rf wrote
Pastry heretic! Long live the holographic pyramid!
orincoro t1_j1pm511 wrote
And my axe.
FreeLegendaries t1_j1pnlmi wrote
what happens after 1nm
danielv123 t1_j1ppqhj wrote
For Intel, 18A.
danielv123 t1_j1pptd0 wrote
I believe those are what micron uses to make their dualsided 48gb server modules.
lavendermp t1_j1pqcin wrote
ever heard of evo 980?
awvandyke t1_j1pqwht wrote
Jokes on them, I download all my ram
pi_designer t1_j1pspw3 wrote
Interesting fact. The silicon memory die has bond pads running down the centre and it is fitted face down. The package substrate has a slot running through the centre. The silicon is electrically connected to the bottom of the substrate (the side with solder balls) by wires stitched through the slot. This is then covered in a strip of mould compound visible in the image. Super fast signals, super cheap construction.
TroubledEmo t1_j1ptdpi wrote
DDR like in GDR? /s
-Stuxnet t1_j1ptepo wrote
First probably servers and other businesses needs, after that probably consumer pcs and laptops might take a bit longer.
TroubledEmo t1_j1ptgat wrote
I think we‘re hitting max of physics there.
hey_there_what t1_j1pub0a wrote
What is this DDR for ants?!
EmperorOfNada t1_j1pw5ut wrote
Means my finance guy is gonna make me pack more virtual machines on hosts in the datacenter. Once they learned about virtualization it was all over.
Damn you ‘cost over performance’ analysis guy!!
[deleted] t1_j1pwiw3 wrote
misc0007 t1_j1pxuep wrote
How many years away... to benefit common man?
SomewhatIntriguing t1_j1pzad2 wrote
Cool, I just thought we were talking about computer memory, not large appliances.
JScoops4334 t1_j1q69zz wrote
Samurai of the DRAM. a play on words
gsoClarke t1_j1qmwql wrote
Apple had entered the chat.
Might you have any links to support those claims, Mac?
rekabis t1_j1qn7be wrote
> I just thought we were talking about computer memory, not large appliances.
When a single company makes both, the company culture that allows one product line to rot into supremely unreliable crap is the same culture controlling the other as well. It’s only a matter of time.
nomnommish t1_j1qndt3 wrote
Never mind. It is an old The Register reference. Old school tech journalism
rekabis t1_j1qo5tr wrote
> Apple had entered the chat.
Ah, yes. The company with a fraction of the issues of any other tech company in the same sectors. The only reason you hear more about Apple is because of how big they are, and how passionate their users are.
> Might you have any links to support those claims, Mac?
Failed to read where I clearly stated “I know people in the appliance repair industry”? That’s me clearly stating that it’s hearsay.
And failed to notice the follow-up comment from an actual appliance repair tech? That’s called corroborating evidence.
[deleted] t1_j1qwjvd wrote
SpectralMagic t1_j1r6t9o wrote
Yush, I own one. Is there something I should know about them?? o_O
lavendermp t1_j1r6zh1 wrote
i dont want to upset you but they are trash
SpectralMagic t1_j1r9xmc wrote
Untell me rn 🔫
lavendermp t1_j1race0 wrote
usually m2 contains ddram to perform caching. they removed it on 980 (try copy large file over 10 20gb you will see how slow it is)
SpectralMagic t1_j1re3fq wrote
Actually I have a 960, think I'm in the clear 😁
SapFireMC t1_j1sopd1 wrote
That's a slippery slope. So far, Samsung electronics are perfectly fine. Their appliance sector is a whole another thing.
Can you really not think of a single company that has a spectacular line of one type of product but also has a terrible line of other products? In fact, I'd say the vast majority of companies are like this, and I can't name a single company that has perfect SKU's all around
[deleted] t1_j1sx1n4 wrote
BezniaAtWork t1_j1uwn3h wrote
1mm One™, 1mm One™ X™, 1mm Series™ X™
rosesandtherest t1_j1yh15g wrote
Lmao, just two days ago a post said 600,000 dishwashers are bring recalled as many are setting themselves on fire, or like how their washing machines exploded a few years ago or how other of their appliances are prone to fire
fordfan919 t1_j1mpknc wrote
Hopefully they can make super high capacity memory modules with this.