Submitted by thebelsnickle1991 t3_zvo2jm in gadgets
ProMaDiGuAnA t1_j1rby42 wrote
As an avid OnePlus 7 pro user. My phone is absolutely amazing . I don't care what anyone says.. I work at tmobile selling cell phones. This has been my absolute favorite device I've ever used.
PapaKooT t1_j1regra wrote
The motorised front camera is Amazing !!!
I don't give a damn about selfies and I love gaming.
A clear full screen without any notch or hole is great !
Laktosefreier t1_j1tj88l wrote
Giggles in Sony
[deleted] t1_j1skdc7 wrote
Centricus t1_j1sklxi wrote
Why does this read like a ChatGPT response
EDIT: all of your comments do, actually… why are you doing this
Pandasroc24 t1_j1sqmjz wrote
Lol I didn't understand your comment until I looked through "knowledge_adaptables" comments. It does look like someone just automated chatGPT responses lmaooo.
KansaiKanpai t1_j1t1cvi wrote
Reddit truly is just a simulation lmao
datazulu t1_j1t2v0g wrote
Am I.... am I even real??
AbandonedPlanet t1_j1t9ccj wrote
You talk like a skinwalker trying to blend in
[deleted] t1_j1sqs9h wrote
[deleted] t1_j1rl2mc wrote
I loved it until it broke.
Winjin t1_j1tbvq0 wrote
I would find out that my front camera stopped working either accidentally or like half a year later.
I'm definitely in the market for retractable cameras
RGB3x3 t1_j1rnzy8 wrote
OnePlus was great until Carl Pei left. The OnePlus 9 was like the last decent OnePlus. Now, it's basically just an Oppo or Vivo phone with a different name. They even put Color OS on it.
Alexanderdaw t1_j1sjk8k wrote
I still think the 5T is the best phone ever produced, it had a perfect fingerprint scanner at the best location, sure it didn't make amazing photos or videos, but for me a phone is about being practical for it's use case. The audio quality was top notch, the GPS worked great, the screen was great, it was very flat and lasted two whole days for me for battery. I still think about that phone daily.
chicknsnotavegetabl t1_j1stsh0 wrote
Yup, well - I had the 5. Was brilliant. I've a 9R which is great but not in the way the 5 was, blisteringly fast and the battery went on and on. The finger scanner was on point
dingolfy t1_j1t7061 wrote
True. I’m still using 5T. Its body is great too. Battery and Camera are the only downsides it has now. I replaced the battery but it was not working as expected so reverted to the original one. Surviving only because of the fast charging 😅
BezniaAtWork t1_j1uulqo wrote
I miss my OnePlus 3T and my OnePlus 6. I would have preferred the 5T over the 6 mainly because they placed the camera just above the fingerprint sensor, so the camera lens was always smudged, but damn they were such great values.
justin_memer t1_j1shyvj wrote
I just traded my 7 Pro for a pixel 7 Pro because Verizon offered a crazy $700 trade in on it. The pixel feels like a better OnePlus. They're even the exact same size, lol.
JConRed t1_j1tp1ag wrote
Wow, has become a 7Pro love stream.
I have to wholeheartedly agree. Its an amazing phone with great performance. The 'gimmick' of the retractable front camera gives me a nice and clean screen.
I was forced to upgrade to the 7 Pro when my 3 broke on account of someone deciding that trying to run me over on a crosswalk would be a really good idea. Reading what others have said about the later one plus models, maybe im glad to have upgraded from the 3 early now.
TreAwayDeuce t1_j1t9qtf wrote
I feel the same about my 7t. Best phone I've ever had. No reason to upgrade at all.
DybyDyby t1_j1to9ux wrote
3 years and counting with OnePlus 7T, best phone I ever had by a lot.
Kahless01 t1_j1tck5n wrote
i had a 7T and traded it in after 2.5 yrs because they were stupid and gave me 1000$ tradein on a fold 3. regretted it every day since. the fold3 is a shit show. the big screen is the only benefit. battery life is iffy, charges slow, cameras are terrible for a flagship phone, both screen protectors started peeling away after 8 months. and it cracked falling from a car door sill to the ground.
Ambitious-Ad6236 t1_j1rh2fa wrote
I have the same phone too! It’s still going strong even after 4ish years.
BukkabangSanchez t1_j1s5cjc wrote
Currently have a 9 pro and I do miss the 7. It was the better phone.
Sound0fSilence t1_j1sdexg wrote
I loved it until the battery failed me, swapped it out for a new one, but the battery life remained to be absolutely shitty. Had to charge it twice a day almost every day. Would have loved to use it for at least another year, but it made me switch to the Pixel 7 Pro. :(
oOflyeyesOo t1_j1suwjm wrote
On it right now! Love the 7 pro. It will be really hard for me to go to another phone on the future.
Ethrem t1_j1tmdpe wrote
Well you'll definitely hate the direction OnePlus has taken now. I bought a 9 in February and dumped it in October for a Pixel 7 Pro, one of my shortest upgrade cycles ever. Too many software issues and OnePlus has shown zero competence with actually fixing the bugs. Loving the Pixel 7 Pro, I'll never buy another OnePlus (and the 9 was my first too).
Also, long time no talk man. Hope all is well! Happy holidays :)
hsudonym_ t1_j1sskmv wrote
Hell yeah. This all the way. I love having my full screen watching YouTube. Seeing any notch or holepunch cameras on the screen stop me from upgrading
onewilybobkat t1_j1t46tb wrote
Hey, still rocking my 7 pro too!
External_Philosopher t1_j1tb694 wrote
This is my fav One plus phone so far..
lHatePoliticsAlot t1_j1tgfi2 wrote
Agreed... I have owned almost every OnePlus since 5. My favorites were my McLaren and Cyberpunk phones. After the battery started to go on my Cyberpunk edition I skipped to the 10Pro. Which is next level bad. I feel like they lost the " IT Factor" that made me a fan in the first place. It is absolutely garbage...
I opened the box and immediately knew I wasn't getting what I became a custom too, No Phone Case, No stickers. They didn't even have a case to sell me according to the T-Mobile store, it was too new( it was out for 2 weeks at the time).
Phone wise, the first issue was the lesser memory without the option of expanding. I couldn't even transfer all my data from my old phone onto the 10pro. I optimized my business to be able to run a lot of programs off my phone. So storage is extremely valuable. I made the mistake of not checking prior to purchasing because it was never an issue in the past.
Next is the glitches. Half the time I don't get all my messages. I can see someone's texted me but If I open the text I can't read it. I have issues sending emails with attachments. OnePlus has tried to fix it a few times and if it works it's for a week until it's back to its normal bs. If my hands are slightly wet the screen flips out compared to my old phones.
I feel like the cost has gone up and we are getting a lesser product. ** This is prior to the inflation we are currently experiencing**.
I'm curious if the 11 is going back to what made us fans in the first place or should I jump ship and go with a Pixel?
Excuse my punctuation I'm buzzed and obviously emotional about
Ethrem t1_j1tmk4s wrote
Go with the Pixel. I dumped my OnePlus 9 for a Pixel 7 Pro and the only thing I miss from the OnePlus is the stupid fast charging (the 7 Pro gets to 50% in 30 minutes but takes around 1h50m to hit 100% while the 9 charged to 100% somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on what the phone was doing while it was charging). Oh and the fingerprint sensor is strangely terrible sometimes and great other times but it's not a big bother for me really.
lHatePoliticsAlot t1_j1to4t8 wrote
I appreciate your honesty thanks
SupaMcNastyyy t1_j1t5f6s wrote
Facts! Unfortunately mine had dust enter the camera lens, apparently a common issue.
Ethrem t1_j1tm8cz wrote
You wouldn't feel that way about the new ones.
Kriss3d t1_j1tzklz wrote
I loved my 7 pro as well. I only wish I could have replaced the battery.
Redemptionking t1_j1u2xev wrote
Still have mine as a back up
KingOfCook t1_j1u8pw5 wrote
Just switched my 7t to Mint Mobile and currently having mixed results. Has a 7 user that works for TMobile, do you have any insight?
ProMaDiGuAnA t1_j1xxl7v wrote
I've had TMobile Over the span of about 13 years. Have had many different phones and I must say that I am incredibly happy with my 7pro on TMobile. No complains from me bud.
utter-futility t1_j1riwm4 wrote
Still going strong on my 6T after trying to upgrade to 13PM -iOS sucks and it's too heavy-, and a P6P -overheat warning out of the box-.
What percentage of apps on a Samsung phone are unremovable? There's like 3 on my op.
jfk2127 t1_j1rqj3s wrote
Agreed! Except I dropped it a few months ago and the back cracked. Wanting a new phone and not sure the 11 is a good enough value proposition over an galaxy 22 ultra or 23 ultra
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