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North_South_Side t1_j25tnjx wrote

My 7 Plus is still going very strong. The battery isn't quite as great as it once was, but everything about it works just fine still. I easily get more than an entire day of charge unless I run any GPS app (turn-by-turn driving instructions, which I seldom do). Granted I am not a power-user when it comes to phones, but I'm probably average in my usage and it's easily the most long lived mobile device I've ever had. Maybe I just got lucky.


Aggie0305 t1_j26imdu wrote

I had an 8 forever, the screen finally gave out in august. Best phone I’ve ever had. This new XR I got really isn’t great that great lol


G35aiyan t1_j26l6lf wrote

I had my 8+ for 2 years, then got an 11 Pro Max.

My mother in law is still using my 8+. Dang good phones.


bkl7flex t1_j28cywv wrote

8+ previous owner, lasted me until early November. Loved that phone, only changed it because it was lacking in the core phone stuff as I couldn’t video chat as it restart due to getting hot, stutter, gps would crap put when i was driving and could not hear people properly in calls sometimes.


BILLCLINTONMASK t1_j28k9z4 wrote

I went from iPhone 8 to iPhone se3. I'm likely to have the same form factor iPhone for a decade.


matt-ross t1_j28lczx wrote

I was very reluctant but recently upgraded from a SE1 to a 12 mini. Body size is the most important feature in a phone since I have small hands.


gudematcha t1_j29sayp wrote

how was the upgrade to the se3? I have an 8 currently and am looking for something to replace it since the top speaker has blown out.


imelliam t1_j29gufm wrote

Well you managed to buy a phone that's almost not even newer. A XR is one model newer than the 8.


_Billups_ t1_j271l1n wrote

I’ve noticed in the plus models (iPhone 13 plus and iPhone 6 Plus) they def last longer. Now I know there are bigger batteries in them but they def last longer longevity wise as well


im_wudini t1_j29ang8 wrote

My wife just upgraded from her 7 Plus, I believe they are never getting iOS16, FYI.