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busta_wolf t1_j2ug1yk wrote

Routed all cables through the wall.


pissedoffcalifornian t1_j2ugd7w wrote

What set up did you use back there? Because online it seems like a 50/50 on if you can actually get it flush with some set ups


busta_wolf t1_j2ugptx wrote

What do you mean like the amount of cables?


pissedoffcalifornian t1_j2uh09e wrote

Like for the power, did you run the power cable behind the wall too? Or did you install an outlet behind the TV? Because the main issue I’ve come across which has made me hesitant to put an outlet behind the TV, is even with that there, the cable may push the TV away from the wall, depending on how small or big that outlet is.


UzahNameAlreadyTaken t1_j2uuf2n wrote

The G1 was a pain. When I installed mine, I basically calculated and measured out where the hdmi would connect in relation to the tv’s borders and marked all studs. Cut my hole to ensure the plate was right behind where the a/v wires would connect and was lucky enough to not have a stud where I wanted my hole. For the power I used a power bridge with a recessed outlet and also made sure it would line up with some part of the recessed track on the rear panel. The plates for the power outlet and a/v wires would have pushed the tv away from the wall but thankfully I had put some shiplap here and so I cut out more of the wood around the plates so they were flush to the sheet rock instead of the wood. I ran the tv’s power cable up the wire track on the rear panel to line up with my outlet and secured it along with any extra slack. Before the tv went flush, I popped the hdmi cables in place , plugged the power in and pushed it completely flat. So the cables and power sort of come off the tv directly into their respective hole (one power and one av wall plate).

The right way to have really done it would have been to get a recessed box and just make one big cutout behind the back of the set. But what I did worked out well and it looks super clean on the wall, and sits flush.


spacemannspliff t1_j2uuhn9 wrote

You can get recessed outlet boxes or have a carpenter custom fab a recessed box with power and a big conduit.


busta_wolf t1_j2vfrvt wrote

Oh I ran it through the wall as well. It would be impossible to have the outlet right behind a g1