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amgodfrey t1_j2uzkhr wrote

Did we not learn anything from all the theranos nonsense?

Also abnormal labs without symptoms don’t tell a healthcare team anything. This would have limited use tbh


hjwood1986 t1_j2v9i40 wrote

They tell you that you should go to the doctor and ask their opinion.

That’s worlds better than some people get.


Gemmabeta t1_j2v8lcj wrote

This machine is basically a bunch of miniaturized urine test strips and a detector to read them.

Hospital labs have been using this sort of machines for decades.

And abnormal test results (blood, nitrites, sugar/ketones) is very important and can be an early indicator of oncoming issues. E.g. people go quite far into diabetes before they actually notice the symptoms.


Chikasha t1_j2vhd9y wrote

Exactly! This would be cool for me because I already have type 1 diabetes and kidney issues/stones/infections. I get labs done every 3 months, I know what levels I am looking for, and if I can pay 500 dollars once (and it worked well enough), I'd be very happy.


Me_Krally t1_j2vowes wrote

I'd buy it too, but don't understand why my data has to be stored in France? Just show me the bloody results and I'll write it down ;)


barbarianbarber t1_j2w5yd4 wrote

These kinds of machines can also be pretty useful at hospitals and doctors offices. just pee and boom lab results already inn. if something looks iffy well time to pee in a tube.


MaleficentPi t1_j2vh6j1 wrote

Um... "Don't give lots of money to blonde women from wealthy families who have a daddy/middle child inferiority complex and a seemingly impossible business model with technology they insist is purely proprietary even though it kinda looks like an elaborate 1/4 of a square schematic that's an anagram of iZOPN?"


MaleficentPi t1_j2vhar8 wrote

Incidentally my new indie rock startup is officially going to be called iZoPan now.


MrBohannan t1_j2xt2qf wrote

Urology provider here. I 100% agree, save your money, its not changing anything but the dollars in your wallet!


laveshnk t1_j2v5r3s wrote

Yeah this reminded me of that too lmao