FeralCJ7 t1_j31v469 wrote
Now this is pod racing
jjj49er t1_j324bdq wrote
Every time I read about these things I get so upset. I had a design for one of these in the 80s and my physics teacher told me it was impossible and discouraged me from trying to make it work.
SevenSebastian t1_j326esm wrote
Well, you know what you have to do now.
jjj49er t1_j326jhn wrote
Find a flux capacitor so I can go back in time?
The_Bee_That_Bumbles t1_j32cfne wrote
I thought this was some kinda sadistic bike seat
Uranium-Sandwich657 t1_j32cwdx wrote
Shut up and take my 158 pennies
Hiseworns t1_j32d0hj wrote
Fucking finally a flying car, let's go
halfaura t1_j331xki wrote
Are there any real pictures or videos of it? I can only find rendered images and videos.
multitaskgod t1_j337ws1 wrote
Yes you totally invented this as a no name student 40 years ago. And I’m a wakandan Oompa Loompa
jjj49er t1_j339cah wrote
I didn't invent it. I never made it. I only had the plans drawn up for it. I wasn't trying to impress anyone. I doubt I'm the first one to have that idea. I bet others were also told by professionals and scholars that it wasn't possible. My point was: don't listen to people when they say you can't do something.
I can't say that I would have perfected it, or even been able to market it, but I kick myself for not even trying, just because someone I looked up to said it wouldn't work.
REHTONA_YRT t1_j33hvn0 wrote
What the fuck is the difference between a flying face car and a helicopter or plane?
StreetCornerApparel t1_j33pgq4 wrote
My exes dad had the idea for the salad spinner, and his dad took him to a patent office and gave his idea away to the person there because it was “stupid and nobody would use it” and I’m sure we all know how that went.. lol… He would get drunk and sadly rant about it pretty often 😅😕
[deleted] t1_j33wgk5 wrote
FindTheRemnant t1_j340p1e wrote
Maca unveils a CGI model of something.
Impossible_Garbage_4 t1_j349xgl wrote
It likely hasn’t been built yet
Impossible_Garbage_4 t1_j34a31z wrote
A flying face car would have wheels allowing it to drive at standard driving speeds I suppose? A plane can’t do that and helicopters don’t have wheels typically
Efffro t1_j34gb45 wrote
I’ll not hold my breath until I see one flying.
ParaGord t1_j34jtjk wrote
Nicknamed "Fireball"...
other_goblin t1_j34k2h7 wrote
aphex twin intensifies
racerx21 t1_j34k9uf wrote
This doesn't sound like a real thing. No specs on it or actual pics.
Looks cool, but I think that's all there is.
zero0n3 t1_j34ywtp wrote
gospdrcr000 t1_j354mqr wrote
Who pissed in your cheerios this morning
Unlimitles t1_j35a6wh wrote
DingalingKingPiccolo t1_j35bbt0 wrote
Anybody else thinks it looks like a baboon face?
-praetorr- t1_j35drjt wrote
You have to fly over the X to activate rockets. Arrows give you a speed boost.
Korblox101 t1_j35lkb7 wrote
Perhaps it’s more of a hovercraft, in that it can only hover a short length above the ground.
[deleted] t1_j35z97h wrote
CL1122 t1_j360ajl wrote
If they don’t play techno music while racing they better at least have power weapons!
YadaYadaYou t1_j364es0 wrote
Oh, this must be the improved version of a hydrogen powered flying race car that no one has ever heard of!
Ok_Visit_1968 t1_j36je7l wrote
Finally . We will be the Jetson's.
Salmol1na t1_j36mpiv wrote
Get in the damn pod race and win the young queen amadala’s heart
Mtndrew420 t1_j36upef wrote
Isn't Maca Australian for McDonald's?
diacewrb OP t1_j372nj3 wrote
The car is yellow as well.
RushEm2TheDirt t1_j372op2 wrote
If you had it in you, you'd have ignored him and kept going
jjj49er t1_j3731fz wrote
I started, but I hit a tiny snag and I gave up because his message of "it can't be done" kept running through my mind. I was very easily influenced by "authority figures" when I was younger.
RushEm2TheDirt t1_j376e9d wrote
I realize what I said had a bit of a nasty delivery, but I swear I meant well. It's just one of those "I could've/would've if only x didn't happen" that people hold onto that build resentment. Resentment can manifest itself in our physical and mental health in ways people might not even notice, and release of said resentment can be astounding. ❤️
jjj49er t1_j378li3 wrote
I don't dwell on it. I just get reminded every time I see a story like this. It's not my white whale.
Ben-solo-11 t1_j38ckp4 wrote
So wizard.
halfaura t1_j3d37v7 wrote
Sad days. I want to know if it is real or just a marketing scam. Hoping it is real.
Impossible_Garbage_4 t1_j3d3qmg wrote
Yeah, they’ve probably got a concept planned out and are working in prototypes. They’ve somewhat announced it now to generate PR and help raise their stocks so they have some funds for designing and building
Scrotemeal69 t1_j3fas0q wrote
It would be so much easier to just strap a Honda Civic to the bottom of a helicopter than build a flying car
arguix t1_j3flfdc wrote
i had this with solar powered LED light, for areas without power, so people can do stuff at night. tolf not doable, failing grade. later found proff won award for similar idea. one of several reasons i dropped out.
arguix t1_j3flwrp wrote
flip this, decide your mind will "invent something that you can and will make now, doable and appropriate for your current situation in life" and just keep obsess over, with feeling.
get back to me in month or year. everything can and will change
Impossible_Garbage_4 t1_j3guvlq wrote
Yeah but that wouldn’t be a flying car, that’d be a helicopter welded to an car. It probably wouldn’t even be able to fly
aldeayeah t1_j3kjy2i wrote
Oh, the humanity!
hel112570 t1_j31tbzv wrote
OH MAN WE'RE GONNA GET WIPEOUT! (Shouts in Sasha Xpander)