Submitted by RenegadeUK t3_108fuaf in gadgets
Jdavis29209 t1_j3s6o0x wrote
1 display out?
BiberEsser2 t1_j3s9oma wrote
An award for 60hz ? :(
MrBudissy t1_j3sc3hd wrote
Did it win most expensive?
Redseve t1_j3sdsgh wrote
Does it spy on you?
Realtrain t1_j3shla9 wrote
One display out at 4K @ 60 Hz?
Feels more like 2018 than 2023.
[deleted] t1_j3sqmdz wrote
Neniaite t1_j3sspj8 wrote
Only in spy mode (active while docked).
Svard27 t1_j3stwho wrote
I’m guessing this is an advertisement.
thatsusernameistaken t1_j3svthk wrote
This happened to my when I used a docking station. Never heard about this before. What are these things doing?
[deleted] t1_j3swvxu wrote
[deleted] t1_j3sytxm wrote
GeneralCraze t1_j3t4vvo wrote
That's bizarre. You'd think you could prevent that with STP, but I don't really know a lot about how these docks are set up. I assume it's just a fancy switch, though.
Laumser t1_j3t961k wrote
They will never live this down, and god damn do they deserve it
NightHawkVC25a t1_j3t9fe2 wrote
For a very, very brief moment, I almost thought it would have 675 USB-C ports!
[deleted] t1_j3tbdrk wrote
Ramstik t1_j3tbzpo wrote
whoa, OOTL?
awildjowi t1_j3tce41 wrote
(also active while undocked)
ElvisArcher t1_j3tchc0 wrote
I'm not a monitor-stand kind of guy, but have been looking for a good docking station for my laptop. This looks pretty nice.
BooeyHTJ t1_j3tktnk wrote
It says payments as low as $23 with Klarna. $23!! If the payments were $24 lower, they’d be giving you money. You can’t afford not to buy this.
[deleted] t1_j3tzjg8 wrote
mihirmusprime t1_j3u0wmo wrote
It's an award given out at CES, not by the person who wrote this article.
oklahomasooner55 t1_j3u3lgm wrote
I like anker products. Is there a source you have? Could a portable battery charger have spyware?
[deleted] t1_j3u60kz wrote
gn01145600 t1_j3u96bj wrote
It’s a China based company it’s expected at this point.
spankythemonk t1_j3ufcr2 wrote
The f is a monitor stand? Every monitor comes with an adjustable base. Who’s like, ‘what i really need is a base for this monitor so I can shove my keyboard and other crap underneath and make them totally useless.’ OK IM OFF MY PROVERBIAL MONITOR STAND.
[deleted] t1_j3ug13n wrote
CandidEstablishment0 t1_j3ugyiv wrote
Don’t usually see a period at the end of a title here
traveler19395 t1_j3uhzid wrote
It's unlikely a dock would have spyware, but Anker has lost a lot of trust with the recent revelations of their privacy lies with their Eufy cameras.
Badwolf2013 t1_j3ujrz2 wrote
I was expecting 12 screens when I clicked. Very disappointing
plankton_boy t1_j3uk05t wrote
Not sure where is the innovation here. The design is nice, but but it's still uhs I sd card speed and 4k60 single display. Useless to me... Just mount your monitor to the wall and get a caldigit TS4?
Same goes for the iPad stand, I had looked at this model but just got a better hub and a better stand for my tablet in the end.
What am I missing here? What's new and innovative here? Give us a proper somewhat affordable usb4 switch that works, THAT would be innovative.
gymbaggered t1_j3uliua wrote
Some monitors hight adjust would go only so high. Some are still finding it too low, espesially folks with a right posture. Hence monitor arms/stands
SisterBob t1_j3uocz2 wrote
How else can my cat sleep under the monitor without knocking over my pens?
TheSimpsonsAreYellow t1_j3utlps wrote
I second this. I had never even heard of this product until I saw this post. I’m also tryin to figure out where the true innovation is. It’s just like any other “multi-in-1” products. It would be truly innovative if they would truly have the best of both worlds in one product.
arc-ion t1_j3utowr wrote
Thought u said penis
SisterBob t1_j3uve14 wrote
I keep those in a bag in my nightstand. Don’t want them to get cat hair on them.
erikjonromnes t1_j3uvld2 wrote
Can’t have that now
notathrowaway145 t1_j3uw8zl wrote
Tell me you have bad ergonomics without telling me you have bad ergonomics.
notathrowaway145 t1_j3uww2i wrote
Tbh if you have a machine capable of more than 60 fps 4k you probably don’t need the extra usb slots and such
[deleted] t1_j3uxhou wrote
Guac_in_my_rarri t1_j3v3y4c wrote
>have a machine capable of more than 60 fps 4k you probably don’t need the extra usb slots and such
You under estimate my need for USB slots....
RuckinScott t1_j3v9m6z wrote
You guys keep yours at all? My wife took mine long ago.
Ninety8Balloons t1_j3vreip wrote
Isn't most of Anker just cables and charging things?
[deleted] t1_j3vrta3 wrote
Laumser t1_j3vsafm wrote
Just like 1-2 weeks before the news broke I had to decide on a drop in battery powered home surveillance solution, and I was so close to choosing eufy, went with ring in the end cause if somebody wants to watch me naked inside my home they better be free and American!
Latt t1_j3vv3zr wrote
Only 2 USB-C ? useless...
[deleted] t1_j3vwcjz wrote
garry4321 t1_j3vwdsy wrote
Youd be surprised how many posts there are that are just people trying to advertise without paying Reddit.
"Im making this game!"
Fritzo2162 t1_j3waj4s wrote
I'm a network engineer and deploy a lot of docks/hubs for clients. I look a look at this thing and will give it high marks for design: one of the big issues with multi-monitor setups on laptops is the laptop screen blocks the monitor due to the power delivery/dock cable only being 3ft long. It's pretty well thought out and I like the port placement.
The fail here is only one video port. In my experience 3-4 USB A ports at most are used (USB C is used for charging phones occasionally, but few use it for devices). Ethernet is a must, but the SD card readers are never used. The audio jack is 50/50.
If they would have added an HDMI port and a Display Port outlet, removed some of the useless stuff, and included adapters to switch between HDMI and Display Port, they would have had a winner.
For right now, stick with Plugable for corporate docks. Dell's PD docks are pretty good too.
CheeksMix t1_j3wjmgs wrote
My duuuuude! Look in to fixing your desk setup.
You could end up with carpel tunnel or something else. Monitor stands, monitor risers, and monitor mounts are fantastic for ensuring your posture is proper! Stay healthy, ya know?
MoirasPurpleOrb t1_j3wpli1 wrote
A ton of monitors don’t have adjustable heights, just adjustable angles.
Nova_Nightmare t1_j3wqn6c wrote
It's about Eufy (Anker brand) and their cameras. They deserve all the shit in the world over it and hope they have to payout over it, but I still use and will use their batteries and cables.
junkie-xl t1_j3wv5qc wrote
In terms of docks with power delivery and port options this pricetag is reasonable.
junkie-xl t1_j3ww74a wrote
All my C levels have ditched multiple monitors setups for curved ultrawides. 3 x 8.5x11 with no wasted screen real estate in a smaller footprint.
Fritzo2162 t1_j3wz9li wrote
Curved monitors are still out of the budget limits of most of our clients. We haven't had an order for any yet. We're mostly deploying 22" or 24" bezel-less HP Elite Displays.
marbar8 t1_j3x2zxj wrote
In what world do you need more than 60 hz for 99% of "office work"? This isn't designed for gaming. And no one is going to benefit from running 240hz in Excel and Powerpoint.
SomeKidFromPA t1_j3xcu2u wrote
Yeah, I'm fine with Independent creators sharing their work. Not so cool with established brands doing stuff like this.
MariachiMacabre t1_j3xgq1m wrote
If you click the Amazon link at the bottom, it leads to an entirely different product. And the monitor stand launches at the end of the month for $250. So this article is wrong in just about all of the ways that matter.
harryoe t1_j3ximb4 wrote
A subsidiary of them who made home security cameras was caught for uploading video when they claimed they weren't
longhegrindilemna t1_j41b3y3 wrote
So Facebook never does this?
And Amazon never does this?
Personal data is valuable. When corporations have it, there is temptation to sell it.
Trying to pin that temptation only on a single race or country, might be maybe missing the point a little bit, maybe.
longhegrindilemna t1_j41bbh3 wrote
You would expect
first display output at 4k @ 60 Hz
second display output at 8k @ 60 Hz
That would be future-proofing a little bit, and definitely much more useful for 2023 and 2024.
garry4321 t1_j41o0el wrote
I think ethically, anyone trying to advertise on a platform that charges for advertisement, should, you know; play by the rules.
Reddit is free for a reason.
SomeKidFromPA t1_j41p5wp wrote
Idk, it's a social media platform. User posts are already the product. I don't really see a difference in someone posting an opinion of theirs vs something they created. Maybe posting "hey buy my game" isn't the best look, but sharing something they made to users who might have an interest in their product is fine with me.
I can post advertisements for what I made on Facebook or Twitter, they also have ads. Reddit just allows the creator to select a larger, more likely to be interested, audience for their post beyond their current following. (Obviously some subs have rules against this to stop the constant postings, but I don't think it should be against Reddits rules in general.)
Jeeper08JK t1_j41ttqe wrote
Needs a display port or 2
Seva55 t1_j41x2l2 wrote
Its disingenuous as a news article tho. Its claiming its the best. And it looks like shit. Not just hey we built this product. But advertisement using psychological manipulation. Unethical
SomeKidFromPA t1_j41xdmy wrote
I literally said companies shouldn't do it. Read. Independent creators who are making things on their own dime/time are just like you and me, and should post what they want. Anker has an advertising department. They shouldn't be doing it.
amishbill t1_j41yfx9 wrote
I run at least 2 external displays, even on docked laptops. A single monitor dock and stand doesn't get me very far.
I do like the simplicity of one less thing cluttering my desk, but only lifting one monitor is of limited utility to me.
CantBeMadifYouBad t1_j427gdy wrote
Those companies will tell you they are collecting your data. Eufy said their cameras were local storage only (people shouldn't be required to know how push notifications get sent to their phones) then ended up not encrypting it to the point of users in other countries getting access to people's home feeds.
FFFalk t1_j45m6tt wrote
And US companies are different?
WhereSoDreamsGo t1_j4ej6og wrote
This is equivalent of a wine winning an award
Axman6 t1_j4ftuo1 wrote
Eufy specifically marketed their product as keeping al, your data in your home, then sent images to the cloud, and allowed anyone in the world to CONNECT TO ANY CAMERA WITH JUST VLC, WITHOUT AUTHENTICATION. And then when the news broke, they flatly denied it, when it was trivial to show it was true. They could barely have handled it worse.
Axman6 t1_j4ftxvd wrote
Not upload, live streaming, without any authentication, so ever worse.
[deleted] t1_j4givt5 wrote
MrBudissy t1_j4ns6up wrote
Oh wow thanks /s
junkie-xl t1_j4nu1zo wrote
I guess you've never worked in a corporate environment.
MrBudissy t1_j4nu9ia wrote
I do, but until these are handed out for free— IDAF
ahecht t1_j4q7r41 wrote
Without authentication, as long as you knew the serial number for that specific camera (and the serial numbers are non-sequential 16-digit alphanumeric strings that would take longer than the age of the universe to guess).
Axman6 t1_j4q9bj5 wrote
IIRC there were only 65536 possible urls, but off the top of my head I can’t remember the source I got that from.
ahecht t1_j4qityi wrote
The URL included the serial number (with 8 million-million-million-million possibilities) plus a 4-digit code (65536 possibilities), but a lot of tech reporting these days is a giant game of telephone so many article did incorrectly say that there were only 65536 possibilities.
[deleted] t1_j5a93zx wrote
xman747x t1_j3s3lnn wrote
not impressed