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Youvebeeneloned t1_j3wbqke wrote

Literally the only reason I am even looking at VR is for flight sims, where I would want to block out my surroundings. Outside of that none of the actual VR games interest me.


DarthBuzzard t1_j3wgj78 wrote

I'd say you're a rarity. 99% of VR users use it for things other than flightsims.

Flightsims in VR are a very small niche.


sambull t1_j3wcr22 wrote

VR for sim games is really it's strong spot.. in the end though it's a really niche market to be strong at.

The depth perception really helps in things like landing, and aerial refueling and the head tracking is great and way better then those IR trackers.


buttorsomething t1_j3wgeh7 wrote

People want to be immersed. VR is immersive most don’t actually care about blocking views. That being said VR/AR needs to be in one device for it to help.