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draftstone t1_j43rxnf wrote

The plugs being different is for a purpose I think. In most houses the oven and the dryer use different wiring size because they pull different amount of power and you don't want to plug an oven in a dryer outlet.


Cindexxx t1_j45q6zj wrote

I thought that too. But it turns out, no.....


Cindexxx t1_j4e7kmw wrote

Still, only kind of. My oven and dryer are different plugs with the same amperage rating. They're actually wired into the same breaker..... I don't really like that but I don't have the space for a new breaker to fix it, and that's how it was when I moved in. So I can't run my dryer and stove full blast at the same time lol.

The different plugs do have different uses, but they're not strict and they can be interchangeable. I found out mine were wired together because my old dryer outlet was different than the new one, but the wiring met the amp requirements so I just took the old socket off and put the right one on. 30A/240v but different plugs for the stove and dryer. It's kind of nonsense.


ShesMyPublicist t1_j4ed63p wrote

Ah the fun of old homes, years and years of DIY hack jobs with wildly varying quality lol. In a similar boat with my home, slowly trying to improve things as they come. I just replaced all the outlets in one room and found just 1 was on a totally different breaker - luckily I was checking them individually instead of assuming the breaker took care of everything.