[deleted] t1_j41v79j wrote
TunaOnWytNoCrust t1_j41v8w1 wrote
I've been getting major future Trunks and Vegeta leaving the hyperbolic time chamber vibes with recent GPUs and CPUs. Sure would be nice to get some teen Gohan and Goku leaving the hyperbolic time chamber products instead.
azurleaf t1_j41vdyj wrote
My 3080 running Folding@Home was basically my heater for a bit a while back.
lurkynumber5 t1_j41wecj wrote
At what point will i require a dedicated socket for my gaming pc....
NormanPeterson t1_j41xgda wrote
You could probably even sell the excess heat back to the gas company.
Wait nobody do that idea. Then we’ll run into a shortage/hoarding again..
Yukondano2 t1_j41ydws wrote
Funnily enough that not a bad idea. Almost all power for a pc is turned into heat, if you need to heat a home anyways you might as well.
namesarenotus t1_j41z1ol wrote
Fun fact: if you are in the US on a 15 amp circuit which is most common. You can start tripping circuit breakers at 1400+ watts at 120 volts.
Chimalez t1_j41zttu wrote
looks around nervously at 165V pc
KungFuHamster t1_j4215gy wrote
I thought smaller transistor sizes were supposed to require less power, not more?
Rain1dog t1_j421d4f wrote
I miss seeing SETI running on my dads P3 on a CRT as a kid. Walking past the office at 2am hearing the cpu making its noises, lights on the modem flashing, having the urge to fire up TFC or CS1.6 and dick around on well or 2Fort.
God I fucking miss those days.
carl_on_line t1_j4226ty wrote
They do, but new chips have billions more transistors and switch them faster, that drives power consumption up again.
Komikaze06 t1_j4239fc wrote
That's for 1 breaker though, an entire room is usually on 1 breaker, so better hope you've only got 1 pc in there
algernon132 t1_j426yyd wrote
Actual transistor sizes have hardly gone down in years now
DarkC0ntingency t1_j427xtj wrote
A+ Metaphor
StarsMine t1_j4293tb wrote
The following numbers are not correct for this node But when new nodes come out you get stats like 20% more performance at same power Or 80% power at same performance These numbers come directly from the fabricators and do not take into account at hectare changes.
What you are still allowed to do is do is Use 20% more power and get 1.5x the performance
rakehellion t1_j42ca1d wrote
More transistors and higher clocks require more power.
oneplusetoipi t1_j42cw31 wrote
This is incorrect. It is not scaling like the name suggests but they are definitely getting measurably smaller.
In fact, in order to “print” a transistor requires extreme UV light so that the wavelength is small enough that the fringing effects do not ruin the outline of the printed structure.
It is very expensive and requires a lot of maintenance.
The smallest patterning is used for the transistors and the lowest metal layers. The higher metal layers still use regular UV optical pattern printing.
5kyl3r t1_j42d5e2 wrote
not sure why someone downvoted you, it's a fact
Nemo4evr t1_j42dh0w wrote
Go watch the review at Hardware Unboxed before you even consider looking at this cpu at the store, a real eye opener.
5kyl3r t1_j42evo4 wrote
let's use a simple example
you have 4 LED that is fits in car headlight but only 4 fits because they're huge. it uses 80 watts total (20w each)
next year they release new LED's that are 20% more efficient and half the size, so 16w each. but since they're half the size, you can fit twice as many now. 8 led's * 16w = 128 watts total
this is what happens with cpu's. the size of the transistor shrinks, and so does power use of each transistor. but since they're smaller, the companies pack way more of them onto the processor. if you have enough, it can end up being more power. if they kept the transistor count the same, it would use less power
The-Protomolecule t1_j42ez4f wrote
Yeah, running above that 1440w 80% level consistently starts warming up wires.
5kyl3r t1_j42f646 wrote
well we're down to what 2 nanometer now? a single atom is 0.1 - 0.5 nanometers, so we're nearly down to the size of individual atoms lol. not sure what'll happen after that
_Imposter_ t1_j42fu0r wrote
Holy shit what a godlike metaphor.
Avieshek OP t1_j42g0rr wrote
They do and hence why they've aimed and achieved beyond 5GHz on all cores but if they stop chasing after numbers for marketing purposes you'll likely see the efficiency improvements in power consumption like AMD or Apple (who barely hits 3.5GHz with their M1s) though also dial in the fact that they're not fabless and have their own fabrication standards in case of Intel so you can't compare with TSMC the customers of which others are.
red_vette t1_j42itzl wrote
Performance per watt goes up, but the increase in transistors far out paces it.
Daddy_Jayus t1_j42kwe6 wrote
Didn't I read something about a ~3ghz wall a few years ago?
TheSeek3r_ t1_j42leka wrote
Maaaan, I miss well and 2fort. Those were the days!
Rain1dog t1_j42lx1p wrote
Indeed they were! Loved setting up a sentry at the bottom of our base with a dispenser in the hallway leading down.
Or playing as a spy on the snipers perch on 2Fort.
Or as a medic spamming infection at a spawn location infecting everyone!! Haha, guaranteed way of having others personally hunting you down.
The days of Half-Life, Unreal, Tribes, Quake, Doom, EverQuest, Asheron’s Call, Dark age of Camelot, City of Hero’s, Earth and Beyond were so much fun!
Tymko t1_j42ohme wrote
Had to double take what sub I was in. Well put.
ledow t1_j42rj74 wrote
As an IT guy in the UK, that makes me laugh.
We regularly plug in servers with 1400W dual-PSUs, multiple of them, on an ordinary test bench in an ordinary workplace, no special provisions required, or a rack running off a couple of ordinary wall plugs and a PDU (which is basically just a giant extension lead).
Hell, on my workbench at the moment is some 3.8KW of servers, just plugged into the same sockets we would plug our USB chargers or laptops into.
r_golan_trevize t1_j42t1gs wrote
It took as long to get from 3ghz to 6ghz as it did to get from 1mhz to 3ghz.
Yeah, I know, we got multiple cores and stuff along the way.
namesarenotus t1_j42tm54 wrote
Curious to know, what’s the load rating for each server under normal conditions? Even though the PSU is rated at 1400 watts I assume they are not running at full capacity. Crazy to think that home Computers can possibly run at the same draw rating as a household microwave.
DarkLord55_ t1_j42ulpo wrote
Few years more like 20 years ago
throwaway1point1 t1_j42vhpu wrote
Keep it in a server room and use a heat pump to cool it in the summer. Just open the door to heta the house in winter.
ledow t1_j42vjo3 wrote
A blade server I had used to pull 3KW under average load. Full load required 4 separate 13A 220V mains plugs. It would literally "dial down" if you only had 2 or 3 plugged in.
But even that just ran off four normal 13A sockets in two double-sockets that were installed in an office ring main.
Generally you don't have servers unless they're pulling power... or entirely idle. Even a redundant server is churning along doing everything the same, ready to take over at a second's notice if it needs to. 800-1000W draw isn't unusual for a single server, 1400W if it's being stressed (and all servers get old enough to be stressed, when you then start trying to pitch for upgrades).
Hell, I have network switches that individually pull 700W during operation (usually PoE switches powering phones, cameras and wireless points).
A small rack of basic networking equipment can easily max out two 13A 220V plugs (don't forget, you'll have a UPS on that, so it's only 90% efficient before you even start).
Drone314 t1_j42vlws wrote
Oh man, those were the days. 2 best days ever, the day I brought home a 3DFX graphics card and the day I got cable internet. Ping's and frames so good they kicked you thinking you were a cheater.
throwaway1point1 t1_j42vqa7 wrote
Probably should get a 20A circuit installed anyway.
throwaway1point1 t1_j42vvh3 wrote
Yeah UK 220 circuits are better, and the plug is far superior too.
Safer and more robust.
throwaway1point1 t1_j42w8pq wrote
The size of the transistor has gone down, helping efficiency, heat, etc, allowing higher clocks.
But they can't put them much closer like previous node advances.
Rain1dog t1_j42wgp7 wrote
Ha! The day I got the 3DFX and saw Quake II IN 3D blew my mind. How the world was in actual 3D. Seeing that effect for the first few times was so satisfying.
I still remember the first day we got Cox cable instead of Compuserve because I had been trying to download the trailer for Castlevania 64 from Ign64. I was floored the 30mb clip took 27 seconds instead of hours.
Then walking past my Dad’s office around 2am seeing SETI running on the Gateway p3 makes me nostalgic. Hearing the cpu make its noise, seeing the lights flicker off the walls from the modem…
Such great times!
Moose_knucklez t1_j42wjdg wrote
Good thing electric heat has 100% efficiency in the sense of energy converted to heat.
1_H4t3_R3dd1t t1_j42wl1h wrote
But at what cost!!! About 6 incandescent light bulbs running 24 hours a day. With a spike of up to 18 in extreme circumstances.
algernon132 t1_j42wq2p wrote
Gotcha, thank you. I mistook gate pitch for transistor size.
namesarenotus t1_j42ws46 wrote
Well shit that’s a lot of power. I knew Xeons were not that efficient but I had no idea they drew that much consistently. Gotta get those I and O requests completed.
Daddy_Jayus t1_j42xsjr wrote
You mean during the 90's?
ledow t1_j42y9rd wrote
The chip might be one part... but now consider a dual-processor setup, plus fans, plus cards (RAID, multiple 10Gb/40Gb networking, GPUs for some loads, etc.), plus storage (e.g. a server with 12+ drives in it is pretty standard, nowadays NVMe is pretty standard but the internal storage is often still 12 x 15K spinning disks), plus a TON of RAM (the last servers I bought have 32 DDR5 RAM slots - 16 per CPU - and can take several Tbytes of RAM).
Plus PSU losses, redundant PSUs (again... never completely idle), etc.
Dual NVMe boot drives + multiple 10GbE SFP ports + internal RAIDs on the order of 10Tb is pretty much standard "small school / office" hardware for servers nowadays.
And then you have multiple of them, usually in multiple locations, and that's just your on-premise stuff.
The small school I work for has 10Gb leased lines.
cardcomm t1_j42zo84 wrote
> in the UK
don't y'all have 220v power over there?
We're on 110v in the US
Chuckdatass t1_j42zsui wrote
Shit with Gas prices going up 200% in SoCal, I might just rely on that
UglyInThMorning t1_j431gie wrote
TheOGBombfish t1_j431w4m wrote
The actual formula for calculating switching energy is approximately E=C * Vdd^2 * fs, where C is the load capacitance (larger the transistor higher the C), Vdd is the operating voltage and fs is the switching frequency.
This means that increasing the frequency affects the power consumption at the same rate as decreasing the physical size of the transistor lowers it.
Ofc making transistors smalles is extremely difficult at the moment, which means that the increase in switching frequency pretty much negates it. This combined with the increased transistor count pretty much guarantees that higher performance -> higher power consumption.
QuantumInteger t1_j4321ba wrote
That’d be Apple Silicon. There’s a reason Apple harped on perform per watts. This TDP creep is getting out of control.
timeforaroast t1_j432ft8 wrote
Goddamn it. That’s some grade A stuff
lrn2drawplz t1_j4334ik wrote
tldw; more power thus cooling requirements, requires high-speed ddr5 to unlock full potential, and more cost for the CPU itself on top of all that
BezniaAtWork t1_j43424u wrote
My heat pump had a capacitor blow the night before we had those horrible freezing temps around Christmas hitting -40 wind chill, and -20F real temps. GF and I just stayed in our office with our gaming rigs both running software in the background using the GPU a 80-100% and that office stayed >70F the whole time. Living room had frost on the interior walls, which was neat!
D00m3dHitm4n t1_j4390gj wrote
You might be surprised to know that 220v is pumped into houses in the US but is split at the breaker box into 110v for each breaker.
namesarenotus t1_j439lfh wrote
Literally a life saver. Glad you got through the freezing weather.
BezniaAtWork t1_j43buek wrote
Yeah it was a bit scary, but I also am in a condo building with 12 other units in the same structure, so while around the doors and windows it was cold, in the interior of the house I believe the lowest it dipped that week was 54. Growing up, my dad used to not turn on the heat until it dipped below 58 in the house so I'm no stranger to wearing 2 pairs of pants, 2 long shirts, a hoodie, and 2 pairs of socks around the house.
Dickmusha t1_j43c3pz wrote
These companies are just lost in some weird mind space at this point obsessed with all of the wrong things. "Shit we fucked up by not going chiplets" "Lets just test every single chip we have and find ones that can survive shoving 120v directly into them and sell them at a premium" "Amazing idea Bill now pass me that crack pipe you've been hogging it all day"
Free_hugs_for_3fiddy t1_j43c3rp wrote
1 pc and absolutely nothing else. Can't turn the lights on, cant turn the fan on, can't have a charger, etc.
[deleted] t1_j43dr2m wrote
SteveThePurpleCat t1_j43f0do wrote
230v nominal, it can go up to 250v.
And a 3000 watt socket limit.
SteveThePurpleCat t1_j43fup3 wrote
>I've never understood where 220 and 110 came from.
Those are the nominal or 'average' voltages. Nowhere has 100% consistent voltage supply. The UK goes from about 216v to 250v. If you were to plot the AC sine wave, the peaks would be nearer 330v RMS. But that variance is of no damn use to anyone who makes devices, or the consumers shopping for something compatible.
So a nominal is used, a nice easy number for everyone to read and go 'oh yeah, that works in my wall socket'.
qutaaa666 t1_j43gazy wrote
Depends on where you’re from. In Europe it’s not likely
kkeiper1103 t1_j43ghgb wrote
Lol isn't that completely linear? 1mhz to 3 ghz is the same difference as 3ghz to 6ghz.
r_golan_trevize t1_j43gw21 wrote
6ghz is twice as fast as 3ghz
3ghz is three thousand times as fast as 1mhz.
[deleted] t1_j43gxqj wrote
kkeiper1103 t1_j43hcdi wrote
Yeah, but there's 3 ghz difference between both of them. Kinda like like 30mph is 30x as fast as 1mph, but 30-1 is 29 and 60-30 is 30.
r_golan_trevize t1_j43iuyt wrote
Yeah, that's one way to look at it and it is kind of neat that it splits the difference but the relative speed difference between 1~4.77mhz 6502s, Z80s and 8086s and the 3mhz Pentium 4s and their contemporaries is way more profound and impressive.
ChucklesInDarwinism t1_j43j7x2 wrote
I guess the 13900K is referring to temperature...
tempski t1_j43kdjj wrote
Maybe for the next CPU release, we can have something that uses very little power but packs a punch at the same time instead of this monster?
uiucengineer t1_j43myqv wrote
There are tradeoffs, "more" isn't inherently "better". I'm in the US and I can't remember the last time I tripped a breaker, though I remember quite vividly the last time I got a shock.
draftstone t1_j43n2xr wrote
I assume that the US is like Canada, you have some 240v outlets (with different shapes) for things like clothes dryer, oven, possible welder in the garage, but outside of that everything is 120?
jezza129 t1_j43o72s wrote
My favourite take away from the K reviews. The 16 E cores use the same power as a 5950X (AMDs 16 core cpu). i don't think intel can
koolaidisthestuff t1_j43o7ig wrote
My m1 MacBook Air froze along with me.
Zncon t1_j43ofo2 wrote
Back when you could potentially turn the GPU cycles into some cash via crypto it made sense, but it's same as running a space heater.
uiucengineer t1_j43otlx wrote
That all sounds pretty obvious...
Cindexxx t1_j43qw8g wrote
Yep. The plugs are kind of random though. My old dryer, my new (used) dryer, and my stove are all 240v and every one is a different socket. It's weird. I think my RV hookup is the same as the new dryer though, which matches my little generator.
Noxious89123 t1_j43rfs3 wrote
>Didn't I read something about a ~3ghz wall a few years ago?
My old i7-2600k from 2011 humming along at 4.9GHz be like "Hmm, what did you say?"
draftstone t1_j43rxnf wrote
The plugs being different is for a purpose I think. In most houses the oven and the dryer use different wiring size because they pull different amount of power and you don't want to plug an oven in a dryer outlet.
[deleted] t1_j43uzin wrote
Figuurzager t1_j43wcg8 wrote
Damn getting Intel Presscot vibes... Where intel also dragged its feet for way to long and just kept on clocking higher instead of improving efficiency per tick. As a result those things also consumed a shitload of power (still 'only' half of this thing) and ran really, really hot.
PhotoSpike t1_j440ceg wrote
Those are tiny tiny light bulbs
Randomthought5678 t1_j440h1n wrote
Honestly that's completely insane. Wow. Care to share what you've got in those rigs? Can the heat pump keep up with the excess heat in the summertime?
Overcriticalengineer t1_j441ctt wrote
I read that as you had Microsoft Office open, and it still made sense.
semibiquitous t1_j44212g wrote
Can confirm. Hungry gaming laptop + 2 monitors + 1200W space heater + 3d printer + peak 300watt speakers = occasional trip. Which isn't fun to get out in the cold to reset.
namesarenotus t1_j443wi2 wrote
Oh snap!!!
SentorialH1 t1_j446ka8 wrote
I always wonder why people post stuff like this... like, can you do their job better or something?
pdinc t1_j447cn2 wrote
How to get your CPU hot and bothered
pdinc t1_j447dqy wrote
This is what I did, heh
Trichotillomaniac- t1_j447mi2 wrote
No vacuuming the office with the PC on
bplturner t1_j44aibs wrote
Large data centers recover the heat and use them for preheating.
guyonahorse t1_j44akq7 wrote
Heh, 3mhz Pentium 4s. They were slow, but they weren't *that* slow.
lordofbitterdrinks t1_j44axar wrote
From 2012 to like 2016 I heated my house every year with bitcoin and altcoin miners.
eXAKR t1_j44clah wrote
Yeah, it does feel like Intel is going down that whole “chasing more megahertz/gigahertz” thing again and feeding into the old megahertz/gigahertz myth, something which Apple and AMD back in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s rightfully attacked them for.
blackdynomitesnewbag t1_j44d4i1 wrote
We could’ve gotten to 6GHz sooner by using deeper pipelines like the Pentium line, but it would’ve resulted in poorer performance. Clock cycles per second isn’t everything, what you do with those cycles is just as if not more important.
1_H4t3_R3dd1t t1_j44dbsb wrote
Those are leds, incandescent are the gas filled bulbs that can take a range or anywhere between 25watts to 100watts. They were chosen over longer lasting bulbs because of the bulb industry able to profit off the sale of.
Realistically a standard house hold incandescent bulb used 60watts.
6x60 is 360 I obviously exaggerated.
It is more like 4 to 11 incandescent bulbs.
PM_ME_YOUR_SSN_CC t1_j44dhzn wrote
Uh, no. If we round 1 MHz to 0 GHz then we went from 0, to 3, to 6. In the same amount of time we'll have 9 GHz. This is obvious math.
second_time_again t1_j44dn2e wrote
I’d like to know why you’re being downvoted
cyrixlord t1_j44dn6f wrote
the secret is in the size of the nm .. oh wait
[Laughs in AMD]
cyrixlord t1_j44dutd wrote
It WiLl HavE An Air CooLeD SolUtIon
cyrixlord t1_j44e2h1 wrote
my grow lights add +30f on those cold nights. spending a night in the greenhouse is such a wonderful experience (seriously!)
That actually sounds terrible. Fortunately it's nowhere near that bad because you won't be running heavy loads all day.
Wuyley t1_j44i7ll wrote
Someone care to explain how an old fogey like myself can tell recent processors apart? Back in my day a Pentium 4 was better then a Pentium 3 and a 2.4 Ghz was better then a 2.3 Ghz.
Now everything is is an I3/5/7/9 regardless of what year it was made and its now "generations".
Is the best way to tell by looking at a I7 12th gen being better then a I7 13th? Do GHz even matter anymore?
greatgoogelymoogely t1_j44ieay wrote
A functioning 120v breaker will start tripping at 1800 watts.
Amps x volts = watts. 15 amps x 120v= 1800 watts.
xShooK t1_j44io86 wrote
Grabbed 3 antminers when they released first edition. Those mining rigs plus 2 gaming pcs in the dining room between two rooms kept it fairly toasty with fans blowing to rooms.
Ok_Ninja_1602 t1_j44k2r6 wrote
Same, wish I saved all the coin from ltcrabbit.
dynamic424 t1_j44lmv1 wrote
honestly, if we could make this a thing, why buy a 2000 home heater, when you can just buy a top of the line PC, and pipe it through your house.
namesarenotus t1_j44mxsg wrote
While you are inherently correct circuits are engineered to run at 80% capacity. Check out the 80% rated breaker rule.
namesarenotus t1_j44n1wj wrote
Now we are getting somewhere. I like where your heads at.
Tenter5 t1_j44o5om wrote
Please review sig figs. You are assuming 1mhz is 0 in this scenario.
uiucengineer t1_j44odqh wrote
A knee-jerk reaction to perceived American exceptionalism? I didn't even say our way was better, but most people don't understand nuance if it isn't spoon-fed to them.
nitrohigito t1_j44pxm3 wrote
Sounds suspect, even my 13600K goes up to 230+ watts under P95, according to hwmon.
professorDissociate t1_j44qbox wrote
> 6ghz is twice as fast as 3ghz > > 3ghz is three thousand times as fast as 1mhz. > > s
All I can say is I hope we don’t keep the same pace slowing down.
stackjr t1_j44qyx3 wrote
Or Chrome with three tabs.
uncoolcat t1_j44rad4 wrote
I was only able to achieve a stable 4.8 GHz on my 2600k (with custom water cooling at that), but was rock solid at 4.8 GHz even when running stress tests for days at a time. I did get it up to 5.0 GHz, but it'd blue screen after just a few minutes. lol
Pooshonmyhazeer t1_j44rt91 wrote
15A * 120v = 1800 watts bubba. You ain’t trippin shit at “1400+”
double_turd t1_j44ticg wrote
Sure, bc you weren’t mining crypto
[deleted] t1_j44uq0c wrote
azurleaf t1_j44ww7u wrote
3080 LHR can't mine crypto for shit lol.
Zzzzzztyyc t1_j44wwfc wrote
Everything you need
poostew t1_j44x5o2 wrote
Yeah, absolutely mind blowing to be able to click on a link and it just loaded instead of taking minutes. It was like switching to a SSD for the first time but 1000x more insane. The world at my fingertips INSTANTLY.
Mario 64 was my biggest mind blowing experience graphically. Grand Theft Auto in 3D was a generational leap as well that I haven't really experienced since.
guyzero t1_j44xare wrote
It's not random there's literally a standard.
LukeLC t1_j44xvii wrote
While it's not super helpful, generation is the most useful singular spec to tell CPUs apart these days. Even the i3/i5/i7/i9 branding breaks down, since a 12th gen i3 can perform as well as an 11th gen i5.
GHz doesn't really matter anymore, except when comparing CPUs within the same generation.
To get a clear idea of what really differentiates one CPU from another, you pretty much have to look at benchmark scores. There's just too many variables to meaningfully compare on paper.
403Verboten t1_j44yc0s wrote
Linus from Linus tech is heating his pool with cpu heat so it's definitely possible.
lammatthew725 t1_j44zb1z wrote
Depends on where you are
If you are in the 220V world, with a 13A socket, you should be fine with anything drawing less than 2860W.
In case you have no high school science background... The equation is P=IV. Power = current* voltage
Unicorn_puke t1_j44zklh wrote
You joke. I saw someone promoting a bit mining rig that was also a room heater. Like legitimately designed to do those tasks
lammatthew725 t1_j44zl21 wrote
Lights now are usually at the 5-10W range
Speaker, depending on size, usually range from 10-150W
Air conditioner ~700 - 1500W
Laser printer is at the 500W range when active (inkjet uses way less)
give_me_a_great_name t1_j450kie wrote
abhiram214 t1_j451c78 wrote
More cores and better Out of order execution >>>
1_H4t3_R3dd1t t1_j451njj wrote
Depends what you do. It definitely isn't for productivity and I certainly wouldn't use it on a heavy game that requires a lot of processing power.
twigboy t1_j452kzt wrote
History is really repeating itself. My mate was a big Intel fan until he got hit by Pentium 4 I think it was? The thing kept throttling itself due to heating issues and was unusable for the most part.
They're going hard on marketing these scorching hot wasteful chips while AMD is doing more for less power.
[deleted] t1_j45338h wrote
UnnamedStaplesDrone t1_j453x9f wrote
stupid sexy efficient m1
im_thatoneguy t1_j455uas wrote
Even with the crypto crash I paid for all of my heating electricity last year with the Bitcoin mined.
namesarenotus t1_j455xsu wrote
Uh no joke man. This is the internet, we are never joking.
beefcat_ t1_j45666r wrote
Yeah, I remember when their Penryn-based chips came out and even with a single core they wiped the floor with my aging Pentium 4 at much lower clock speeds
nezukotanjiro150 t1_j45842c wrote
Well...the better question...
Can you use it as a heater...
Lechowski t1_j45bjvo wrote
Isn't there a physical limit to the frequency of the processor based on the size of the die? I mean, at some point the transistor in one edge of the die will take more time to update it's state than the clock in clocking'
Zenith251 t1_j45e2z4 wrote
250w? No, my friend. 295w for the 13900K. The 7950x eats up about 250w.
Zenith251 t1_j45ejx6 wrote
Remember when Intel said their Netburst architecture would scale up to 10GHz?
Still waiting for that, Santa Clara.
[deleted] t1_j45ekcj wrote
Zenith251 t1_j45f0r0 wrote
12th Gen and Zen3 were big jumps. 13th and Zen4... Ok. Certain tasks that require massive memory bandwidth benefit, but the power consumption of these new chips... Oof.
OldBoyZee t1_j45fag2 wrote
They changed the naming convention a while ago, due to more stable release launch window and a specific project name. For ex. Skylake i3, vs coffee lake i3. They are different generations, but anyone can easily know its an i3. While the pentium was long running with many, many variations, if i recall, and they used to figure that out with ghz since it was a one and done core processor or dual core, etc.
Actually, amd had the same thing. They would just call their processors, zhambezi, or some weird name no one understood, but it was always ghz based due to oc and how many cores, even when the core processing sucked.
Personally, ghz matter little now, specially since most applications already use multiple cores and threads. Singular core stuff is more ghz related, and honestly, its good we made it past that stuff.
[deleted] t1_j45ih07 wrote
trebuch3t t1_j45juaj wrote
But imagine going from a vehicle that tops out at 1mph to a vehicle at 30mph, and then after the same period of time getting to a vehicle that tops at 60mph. Despite linear progress, 1mph max speed to 30mph is clearly much more impressive
hopsgrapesgrains t1_j45kf24 wrote
58 is a normal temp to have heat set at. Hah
james2432 t1_j45lmam wrote
only missing 1250w to pull as much as a space heater/ hair dryer
james2432 t1_j45ltc0 wrote
brb gaming in my kitchen now
[deleted] t1_j45luta wrote
AJelvani t1_j45lwc6 wrote
Yes, the physical limit is found by finding the length of the longest critical path on the die.
Rapid_Sausage t1_j45ncou wrote
I think, generally speaking, you wouldn't want a valuable appliance on anything but a dedicated socket.
Honestly it'd be even better if you bought a UPS for your PC, the added cost is negligible for the peace of mind you get to safeguard from electrical mishaps.
holymasteric t1_j45pot3 wrote
Absolutely. There was never any question about that
Cindexxx t1_j45q6zj wrote
I thought that too. But it turns out, no.....
WolfResponsible8483 t1_j45q98a wrote
> Personally, ghz matter little now, specially since most applications already use multiple cores and threads. Singular core stuff is more ghz related, and honestly, its good we made it past that stuff.
Single thread performance does matter.
Not everything can be multithreaded. Some algorithms are purely serial. Some can only really be split into 2 or 3 threads. See Amdahl's law
This is why Intel is still chasing it.
WolfResponsible8483 t1_j45qfae wrote
If it improves single thread performance I’m all for it.
OldBoyZee t1_j45qmkz wrote
Yah, i should have worded that better.
In general, single performance per core matter,but they arent the selling point like the old days where a single core would have x.x and the rest would throttle. Idk if im explaining it right.
Also, you are 100% right, intc is chasing that, the same way amd was before the ryzen series, but as mentioned above, it wont matter as much from a few .x difference, unless the architect could actually use it. Look at the 8350, or the 9000 series amd cpus that could easily overclock, but their performance per value was lackluster since their architecture was shit. Idk if Im explaining that right, but thats what was going through my brain in my prior reaponse.
Geek55 t1_j45u712 wrote
The Pentium 4s were basically a step backwards from the Pentium 3s architecturally but Intel wanted a big number to stick on the box.
reimancts t1_j45udjz wrote
It's not a barrier. They can make a processor much faster. But if they do, they won't make all the money from slowly releasing CPUs that at faster and faster.
FlightlessFly t1_j45x94q wrote
so an m2
kemosabe19 t1_j45yakn wrote
Can’t new with a free rotisserie, so there’s that.
Nanaremilamina t1_j45ymwe wrote
Damn it global warming
Jake123194 t1_j461v8l wrote
Nowadays you could run folding at home and set it up so you earn some banano, Contribute to science, heat your house and get much potassium.
RikerT_USS_Lolipop t1_j4635s7 wrote
Upon reading the headline I thought to myself, Holy Hell, imagine how deflated you would be if just that headline were sent back in time to 2001.
Yukondano2 t1_j464auf wrote
Preheating? Not familiar with that in this context. I see articles on using heat for the office but, what needs to be pre heated?
sillypicture t1_j4651fs wrote
Moneybags with a P3. I had to make do with my pentium 380 MHz.
Nayleen t1_j4655u0 wrote
So a 7900 at stock settings then ?
PhotoSpike t1_j466dyr wrote
You said 6 and 18 at peak. 18*60w=1080w.
At peak it draws 250w or just a tad over 4 standard incandescent bulbs. Probably actually slightly less then 4 bulbs depending on the efficiency of the ballast used if you took that into account. Also they get a lot higher then then 100w, in horticulture 400w&600w bulbs where common before leds replaced them. (Although a high quality incandescent can put out more light per watt then some of the really crappy horticulture lights)
Now I was probably exaggerating a bit when I said tiny tiny. At 250w/18 we would need a draw of about 13.888w this is the closest I can find it’s 11w so a little smaller then a 13.8w and tbh I would call it small not tiny.
these I would call tiny at ~0.4w per bulb but much smaller then this cob led, assuming we consider all the diodes on a cob to make up one light wich I totally would. In the same way we consider all the molecules in the wire of a bulbs filament part of the light, in fact if we take that to the extreme and argue all the diodes on a single lighting unit constitute a light (wich is a bit of a stretch) we get big boys like this and of course much larger.
Now if we want a tiny tiny incandescent light I would say we look more at something like this
And just because I like extremes while obviously not commercially available look at this 1.4 micron long 13nm wide incandescent light made at UCLA! And then there’s this fucking giant incandescent bulb
That is to say, no when I said tiny bulb I did not mean led. I meant smaller then the incandescent lights used in households in normal fixtures.
Also 11*60w is stil 660w and last I checked 660 is greater then 250.
Gandalf_The_Junkie t1_j466saf wrote
Hot, power hungry, expensive, and poor value.
mypostisbad t1_j4691rz wrote
It might FEEL more impressive but it is actually more technologically impressive to go from 30mph to 60mph
[deleted] t1_j46avkd wrote
[deleted] t1_j46c1rx wrote
Uh no this is completely wrong. Not unless the breakers are really old and need replaced. Breakers typically won't trip until about 15-20% ABOVE their rating. So a 15A breaker wouldn't trip until you start pulling over 2Kw continuous/2.5kW instantaneous. Most modern houses are using 20A breakers and 12ga Romex now anyway so there's very very little chance of someone tripping a breaker at 80% of a 15A rating.
[deleted] t1_j46clxd wrote
The circuit is designed with that spec in mind but the actual breakers you find in use don't trip until 15-20% over their rating. No they do not trip at 80% unless the breaker is fucked.
-source me, EE, work with this shit quite literally every day and trust me, you are not tripping at 1400w and no one is assuming that we only have 1400w available when designing products. And yes I do work on things that pull that much or more power continuously and we are using residential breakers for testing. The reason a device might trip a breaker when it's continuous rating is 1400W is if it pulls an instantaneous load over ~2-2.5kW. but under normal operation a 15A breaker will never even sneeze at a 1400w continuous load.
r_golan_trevize t1_j46een2 wrote
I should also point out that the steps between 0 to 1 to 2 to 3mhz ghz were not linear at all. 0 to 1mhz ghz took from the dawn of computing to the late 1990s and then we went very quickly from 1 to 3 mhz ghz in the span of just a few years and then we leveled off around 3.4mhz ghz very quickly after that. It wasn't really linear at all.
seiggy t1_j46s4xa wrote
Think you're confusing 1-3MHz with 1MHz-3GHz. In the 1990's, chipsets were running in the 100's of MHz. The first 1Mhz chip was in the 1970's, the first commercial PC, the Altair 8800 used a 2MHz Intel 8080. The original IBM PC in 1981 released with a 4.77 MHz CPU. In 1995, the Intel P5 was running at 100MHz, and in 2000 AMD released the first 1 GHz CPU.
r_golan_trevize t1_j46sb72 wrote
Yeah, I mixed up mhz and ghz for the unpteenth time typing this stuff out.
seiggy t1_j46sgha wrote
LOL, yeah, happens to the best of us.
JukePlz t1_j46sj30 wrote
Modern processors also support more special purpose instruction sets, and a lot more instructions per cycle. So a newer processor at the same clock speed can still be a lot faster than a previous generation processor.
r_golan_trevize t1_j46sttv wrote
My brain and fingers are running on millihertz right now.
Lord-Sprinkles t1_j46xfr5 wrote
I know you’re joking but when my partner and I are cold in our room, I literally sometimes decide to start gaming or making AI images to run in the background so the room heats up. It will go from 65 to 80 in about an hour or 2. Not even joking I use my PC as a heater sometimes
Noxious89123 t1_j475jyu wrote
Mine did like 4.3GHz on air, couldn't cool it with the voltage needed to go faster.
Watercooled it in 2018, got as high as 4.95GHz but wasn't willing to use any more voltage to go faster.
Ended up degrading it over ~6 months, now it won't do over 4.8GHz.
Probably should have just settled on 4.8GHz, as that required way less voltage.
ShesMyPublicist t1_j476ahl wrote
Loocsiyaj t1_j477q3p wrote
You joke but I heat my room with my setup
CoolFreeze23 t1_j47kykc wrote
You'd be right but technology gets harder to improve the higher you go up. Going from 1mhz to 3ghz was really impressive, but the technological advancements needed to double that even further are insane.
Its like this, the iPhone 1 was released in 2007 and had a 2MP camera. And the iPhone 7 has a 12MP camera and was released in 2014. That's like in another 7 years the iPhone 15 had a 22MP camera. Sure it might *seem* like the same thing, but there's reason the phone's been at 12MP for a while. Your not doing the same thing you did from 1mhz to 3ghz as your doing from 3ghz to 6ghz
Linear progression with exponential technological advancements.
CoolFreeze23 t1_j47lfrs wrote
Wait someone explain please. I get that its something about Trunks and Vegeta being inefficent and Gohan and Goku being more efficent and powerful.
BroMatterhorn t1_j49bajy wrote
It worked too. AMD was killing it back then, but people didn’t understand the lower number was still faster.
TunaOnWytNoCrust t1_j49k0qj wrote
Vegeta and future Trunks went for brute force power at all costs, which created weaknesses for themselves including being unable to stay in that state for very long.
Goku and teen Gohan didn't get much physically stronger, but they mastered efficiency and energy control while being SS1 and improved across the board. They could sustain being SS1 seemingly indefinitely.
Damn I really miss when they were just low-key SS1 all the time with zero effort. I wish they kept that going, such a massive flex.
throwaway1point1 t1_j49oc1k wrote
The new safer breakers are less tolerant. They trip all the time if you run any kind of load at all (space heater in our basement office, for instance)
throwaway1point1 t1_j49othv wrote
Common appliances are too much for a standard US/Can circuit tho.
Treadmill? Boop.
Space heater? Boop.
Dehumidifier? Boop.
The safety factor of the UK plugs is the biggest thing tho, and the fact that almost all outlets have a hardware switch cut off right on them (tho with kids that could become a pain)
[deleted] t1_j4cm9cv wrote
Cindexxx t1_j4e7kmw wrote
Still, only kind of. My oven and dryer are different plugs with the same amperage rating. They're actually wired into the same breaker..... I don't really like that but I don't have the space for a new breaker to fix it, and that's how it was when I moved in. So I can't run my dryer and stove full blast at the same time lol.
The different plugs do have different uses, but they're not strict and they can be interchangeable. I found out mine were wired together because my old dryer outlet was different than the new one, but the wiring met the amp requirements so I just took the old socket off and put the right one on. 30A/240v but different plugs for the stove and dryer. It's kind of nonsense.
Cindexxx t1_j4e7q6a wrote
That link sucks lol. But the amps/volts overlap in some places, which is why I think it's dumb.
ShesMyPublicist t1_j4ed63p wrote
Ah the fun of old homes, years and years of DIY hack jobs with wildly varying quality lol. In a similar boat with my home, slowly trying to improve things as they come. I just replaced all the outlets in one room and found just 1 was on a totally different breaker - luckily I was checking them individually instead of assuming the breaker took care of everything.
Sure-Temperature t1_j4gdeit wrote
That’s 24,560.33* Farenheit or 13,626.85* Celsius
BezniaAtWork t1_j4gdwzl wrote
Haha they're both running RTX 3080s. It typically doesn't get crazy hot in the summer here in Ohio except for a couple weeks, so I tend to open all of the windows in the house and have fans running to keep it cool. On the very hot days in the 90s, I'll kick on the AC and it does fine. I don't keep any temperature sensors in or around the office so while the rest of the house will be about 72, it stays in the upper 70s in the office.
nezukotanjiro150 t1_j5sgxdq wrote
This will be a good heater
namesarenotus t1_j41s6zt wrote
Up to 250 watts. No longer will my house need a furnace. This packaged with a 4090 should be integrated into my air handler and WAMMO I got sufficient heat for my winters needs.