Submitted by ennuinerdog t3_10adh31 in gadgets
EsuBlack t1_j45aheh wrote
Sounds like they want to sell new phones. How strange! Companies don't do they?🙃
MercatorLondon t1_j45blmq wrote
That sounds like my iPad Pro. I bought it in 2015 and I have full software updates 8 years later running their latest iOS. I believe it will also run next year update. I also had a battery replaced last year in Apple Store. I looked around the 3rd party repair shops but the cost was similar. So far this was the best supported IT product I had up to date. We need more companies doing this.
moneymanram t1_j45h82a wrote
More than fair considering apple is 6 years I believe
Sterling-Arch3r t1_j45jaml wrote
i'd love a percentage of how many fairphone 2's are still actively being used
purpletooth12 t1_j45jwj2 wrote
Why oh why did they remove the earphone jack?!
SharkyIzrod t1_j45kp9r wrote
Leave it to r/gadgets to make literally any comment section a pro-Apple one.
HunterDecious t1_j45n535 wrote
>I looked around the 3rd party repair shops but the cost was similar.
That's by Apple's design.
>We need more companies doing this.
Genuinely curious how right to repair people like Louis Rossman would react to this comment, lol.
ennuinerdog OP t1_j45ovuc wrote
If you read the article they're ending their industry-leading long streak of updates because old versions of android are themselves becoming irredeemable insecure. Not Fairphone's fault that 7 year old versions of android are no longer being kept secure by android.
ennuinerdog OP t1_j45p4ou wrote
A few friends of mine are using theirs from 2016. That's where I heard this news from.
ennuinerdog OP t1_j45p84s wrote
I'm running an 11 year old MacBook Pro on the latest version of iOS. Credit where credit's due.
SharkyIzrod t1_j45pz4r wrote
My favorite supermarket carries great golden kiwi and has carried it year-round for like 10 years now. Credit where credit is due.
jdbrew t1_j45sefa wrote
This is the big reason why I went back to apple products after switching to android and windows in 2014. Yes everything apple is more expensive and no you can’t do everything an android phone can, but I can do everything I need to, and their product support is so much longer.
On a tangent, Ted Chiang has an incredible short story stalled The Lifecycle of Software Objects that is excellent
CthuluTheGrand t1_j45twu6 wrote
Who is "android"?
CthuluTheGrand t1_j45tzmn wrote
Who actually uses it any-more? There are plenty of things I hate about new phones but wireless is too good not to use.
voodoovan t1_j45uht1 wrote
Not all iPhones.
nitrohigito t1_j45vv37 wrote
This may blow your mind, but upkeep is not free.
nitrohigito t1_j45vxeu wrote
RenegadeAccolade t1_j45w30q wrote
I think the “We need more companies doing this” was more about the long-term software support for devices.
I definitely am against Apple’s anti repair attitude, but I can respect them for having one of the, if not the longest, software support for their hardware.
RenegadeAccolade t1_j45x0nz wrote
When any fan of any thing can back up their love for that thing with legitimately commendable things, I don’t think it should be shot down or avoided simply because you have a personal problem with it.
Apple is notoriously anti repair for sure, and they are the pioneers of insane price jacking for their devices, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that they really do support their hardware with software updates for a long, long time. One of the longest for sure.
The iPad Air 2 only stopped being supported in 2022 with iOS 16. It stayed on the list for nearly 8 years (just 1 month shy of 8). That’s insane. Do you even remember 2014?
HunterDecious t1_j45xk6o wrote
Right, and I laughed because it comes at the cost of strangled repair rights. RtR has no chance if people are perfectly content with the current setup.
nathanfay t1_j45zrd6 wrote
SharkyIzrod t1_j45zrhq wrote
I really, really like StarCraft II, in fact it might be my favorite game ever. For all of Blizzard's misgivings, that is one thing I cannot and will not take away from them.
My point being, what does that have to do with the article?
BobbyP27 t1_j45zugy wrote
The iPhone 6s, that came out at the same time as the Fairphone 2 has been moved to the vintage list, meaning it still has both hardware and software support, but it no longer gets the latest version of upgraded software. It'll probably stay there for a couple more years before being moved to the obsolete list, when support is finally dropped.
nathanfay t1_j46039c wrote
The same people as "They"
CthuluTheGrand t1_j4611tw wrote
But what headphones do you use? If they are very old then why not stick with an old phone as well?
nathanfay t1_j461ehi wrote
I use apple headphones with a Galaxy S9
olqerergorp_etereum t1_j461mjh wrote
every high end or studio quality headphone uses wires instrans of Bluetooth because the difference in quality is easily recognizable.
if you like Bluetooth and have never tried professional headphones o luxury quality headphones, i don't fault you, but nobody that takes seriously their gear is going to mix or market music with Bluetooth headphones lol.
not because something is new it's going to be instantaneously better than what came before, wired headphones still have plenty of big benefits over wireless headphones.
ennuinerdog OP t1_j462hkn wrote
Exactly, paying for long-term upkeep is the fundamental concept of the company. Imagine if all phone manufacturers ensured handsets were repairable and kept software updated.
zilist t1_j462jic wrote
How about, and i know this might sound revolutionary, but how about choice? You can still use wireless headphones when a device has a headphone jack.
zilist t1_j462mz2 wrote
Because every high-end headphone is wired. A wired connection is 100% better than a wireless one, irrelevant of what's connected.
zilist t1_j462wmm wrote
Exactly, literally zero of the features Android has that iOS hasn’t are relevant for me.
CthuluTheGrand t1_j463zwl wrote
Then this might sound just as revolutionary, you can still use wired headphones through USB C or lightning.
CthuluTheGrand t1_j464ja6 wrote
Ah yes, the ol' audiophile argument.
So what "luxury" headphones are we talking about? I use XM4s, they are wireless and have good sound quality in relation to the source. As in a phone, using spotify. Which is what most people use.
And if you want to use your 10k studio headphones with a cord dangling from your pocket then how does a USB C adapter change anything?
Visauu t1_j4654i4 wrote
My gf was using hers until 2 weeks ago!
tjeulink t1_j465i8p wrote
it was harder to do with the antenna's for 4g, the repairability, and water resistance.
olqerergorp_etereum t1_j469a06 wrote
>So what "luxury" headphones are we talking about? I use XM4s, they are wireless and have good sound quality in relation to the source
that doesn't even come close to be high end, audiophile, studio/monitor quality and not even a shadow of what luxury means on headphones.
>spotify. Which is what most people use.
yes, but Spotify its not a great source for music anymore, between tidal and apple music, you can hear a big difference in quality that only becomes more evident the better gear you use.
>And if you want to use your 10k studio headphones with a cord dangling from your pocket then how does a USB C adapter change anything
totally annoying to have another thing to worry about, and can be loose easily, also, when you use a case most USB adapters become incompatible due to the fit. also, yet another thing you have to spend money on. I can go on all day on why I don't like adapters, I'll better ask YOU, why do you like them to being with?
tjeulink t1_j469ye7 wrote
louis rossman is often not knowledgeable about anything not hardware. he knows a lot about hardware and is usually right in that.
apple is genuinely very good in their software support. just as they are very good in regards to privacy compared to windows or android.
and even if your android phone receives long enough updates, the apps are just not going to work on it properly after sometime. you won't have that as much with apple products.
[deleted] t1_j46b0dj wrote
nitrohigito t1_j46b6z5 wrote
Did you grasp the conversation above?
They implied Fairphone is ending software support for the device because of corporate greed borne planned obsolescence. I reminded them that upkeep has costs: Fairphone wasn't charging for their software updates, so (since upkeep has costs) they'd eventually run out of money to blow on it, even if they were a saint and a non-profit.
This is even ignoring how the costs of said upkeep is not a constant or even a linearly increasing curve, but an exponentially surmounting one, since you keep losing the levels of support from earlier and earlier on in your software supply chain (see the article).
Neither the production of outdated and specialized hardware, nor the indefinite maintenance of specialized software is economically sound. This is why standardization and reuse driven design is key, otherwise you get people screaming muh capitalism and related circlejerk. And even then there are limits, which humanity tends to ignore using the famous "double down" and "looking away" strategies.
TrainsAreForTreedom t1_j46buix wrote
so I need a stupid dongle?
TrainsAreForTreedom t1_j46bwdb wrote
charging batteries are annoying
The-Protomolecule t1_j46c58z wrote
And to clarify for everyone. Vintage means apple might have the parts on hand to fix it, except a few states that require it. Obsolete means apple will not stock hardware to repair them.
[deleted] t1_j46f5wc wrote
olqerergorp_etereum t1_j46j99l wrote
>you just told them their XM4s were bad, which isn't true.
because they are, it is truth. they're decent if you need headphones with active noise cancellation, but compared to open headphones, they sound like ass. this is factually true due to how ANC technology works, you cannot make a ANC headphone and expect the audio quality of a pair of HD600 for example.
>You didn't really address why Spotify "is not a great source for music anymore."
low quality low bitrate music, sounds worse and this is factually true, again, it's not something I'm making up, Spotify is not lossless, has never been.
>Most people who support adapters do so because it allows for one less hole on their device and a slimmer profile for aesthetic purposes.
and thanks to that one less port, now you cannot use wired headphones while charging your device, bravo.
>People who know about hardware also like adapters sometimes because you no longer have a single point of failure for headphone connections. It's easier to replace an adapter than replace the headphone port on your phone
I've NEVER, EVER seen a headphones jack failing, but I've had lots of cables fail due to natural bending of the cable due to normal use. I've never ever had the necessity to change a headphone jack on my phone, not even on the phones that fell into water, the headphone jack always worked just fine.
>Additionally, is you're really obsessed with "luxury audio," you'd almost certainly need to buy an external DAC for your phone because the built-in one is nowhere near audiophile quality, which would require using a different port anyway.
I already have a DAC and they can connect either via the standard 3.5 jack or USB c jackz i don't really understand your point here, what's the problem with having headphones jacks? just aesthetic? just a slimmer phone that you won't even notice in daily usage??
I'm not trying to make you mad here or sound condescending. I'm not a native English speaker so sorry for my tone. and please don't feel offender because I said the XM4 were bad, they're not, but they're average at best, I've used them before, and they just aren't high fidelity headphones, they're bassy headphones for the general market and that's ok because that what works with most people, but not for those who look for true high quality audio.
purpletooth12 t1_j46v2ny wrote
It doesn't have to be a "this or that" scenario.
Motorola and Nokia still have the headphone jack and bluetooth so people can pick.
If it was a cost measure, no one would've batted an eye had the price been an extra €5-€10.
TheRetenor t1_j46v5br wrote
My condolences. For both the headphones and the S9 at this point. I too use an S9, but I luckly had the chance to test the apple headphones before buying anything.
TheRetenor t1_j46vmve wrote
With a dongle that
- will on average break much sooner than the headphones or audio jack so one has to buy a new one
- in most cases allows you to either charge OR use Headphones
- might fuck up your sound quality because 99.99% of those dongles come from china and have questionable specifications
- is a hassle to carry around all the time just in case one wants to listen to music and lost way too easily ?
L4RK1N t1_j46w1lq wrote
It’s a mandated 5 but recently was pushed out to 7 years of software & hardware support for Apple phones & computers. In some cases it can be up to 10 years.
If an Apple Store has the parts they will service your device. If they don’t they often times know a local shop that still holds inventory for old parts.
TheRetenor t1_j46wnrg wrote
I have actuallt never seen an Android app not work on an Android phone that was on a somewhat reasonable older version (like 8.0 kind of is currently). I have however seen apps act up specifically in brand terms. Sometimes an app will not work on a certain Samsung device or similar.
And ontop of that you can install literally any Android version on most android phones if you are willing to invest a day of reading through guides (and have an unlockable phone), I mean there was the Android 10 patch for the 2011 Galaxy S2 and even new apps ran on that. Issues came mostly from insufficient hardware, which is of course not as much a problem on apple phones because there is no budget segment. A 2018 Galaxy J Something will struggle with anything 2023 way before flagships.
But in general, backwards support is mostly good for both OSes and I wouldn't want to discredit apple there.
In privacy terms however I disagree as recent events have shown. If you watch rossmann, you would know about some of those anyways though.
thethrillman t1_j471d4v wrote
People don't understand that while they said they did not update their phones OS from Android 10, Android 13 is currently out.
CthuluTheGrand t1_j4750l2 wrote
Having a noose around your neck is imo slightly more annoying.
CthuluTheGrand t1_j4755pr wrote
Yes. So you can connect your stupid cord.
Or you can join the dark side and use wireless.
Fritzo2162 t1_j4783yu wrote
...for a phone.
nathanfay t1_j479rvl wrote
Thank you for the condolences.
tjeulink t1_j47at6d wrote
you don't have to invest a day of reading for an iphone to just work.
backwards support is much worse for android. new API versions just aren't supported by older systems causing glitches, crashes, inefficient opperation, etc.
apple completely clamps down on shit like that.
and no, apple is still better privacy wise. android does very little to protect your device. there are custom niche versions out there that do it better but even those are not good.
slightlyused t1_j47t1k6 wrote
You mean it is too late to get one?
pressedbread t1_j480xmh wrote
Lots of reasons, some don't want bluetooth on the head for various reasons. Others like me) listen to a ton of music and don't want to be recharging and waiting to connect all the time.
Wired headphones are just dead simple and work well. Also many audiophile grade headphones that require a wired connection
OsMindDrop t1_j48d0vh wrote
7 years of updates?! Sounds like the iPhone
Pubelication t1_j48eqee wrote
It's a hassle to carry around? You're already happy dealing with 3ft of wire for the headphones, why does a 2in dongle make you angry?
TheRetenor t1_j48yc4y wrote
Because that wire is already connected to the headphones and pretty damn hard to misplace while the dongle is more of a "whoops gone" item that also adds a double point of failure to the tech I'm having to carry around.
tuckejak t1_j492efl wrote
zilist t1_j4al4h6 wrote
And how do you charge your phone at the same time? 🤡
zilist t1_j4al5ow wrote
What a pleb..
CthuluTheGrand t1_j4c6o2k wrote
Let's go back to horse and carriage while we are at it
CthuluTheGrand t1_j4c6uw1 wrote
You don't.
You simply buy a phone that can hold a charge and then charge at night. Battery is getting shit? Then replace it.
zilist t1_j4cabt8 wrote
Holy shit.. Is this how it is arguing with a Tesla fanboy who climaxes when Daddy Elon locks features already installed in their car behind a paywall?
Homebrewguy13 t1_j4cwhxp wrote
To be fair…
CthuluTheGrand t1_j4cy9ze wrote
If you don't know how to charge your phone at night that's on you.
JoejoestarPR t1_j4inkrb wrote
Fair enough.
[deleted] t1_j4mnjhp wrote
My personal phone is an iPhone and my work phone is an Android, for the life of me I could not tell you what features one has that the other doesn't have.
zilist t1_j4n5prt wrote
Yeah at this point i feel like it’s not even a argument anymore.
TasweII t1_j451k21 wrote
Sounds fair