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Youvebeeneloned t1_j4rqgh9 wrote

Eventually but not any time soon. Maybe in a year or two... but at the same time M chip based MacOS is ARM... and I would not be shocked if someone figured out a way to make other manufactures ARM based architecture run MacOS not unlike how people figured out how to get OS X to continue working on x86 chips long after apple moved to x64 and removed any of the instruction set to allow it to work.

honestly though probably not much of a market to it other than for some hardware/software hackers to say they could and put it on their resume.


Koffiato t1_j4vpsx8 wrote

If I remember correctly, Apple has extra instructions on chip for the CPU and have completely proprietary GPU. We don't have access to these in different hardware configurations which would make Hackintoshing next to impossible.