Seva55 t1_j4qnt9d wrote
Cheese graters dont need chips
hexoicmusic t1_j4qpk8y wrote
Wow. We might actually see the end of the hackintosh
throw123454321purple t1_j4qzc43 wrote
Aya409 t1_j4ra463 wrote
Fun fact: If you plug in a 4 year old $50,000+ Mac Pro into Apple's trade-in site, you don't even get enough credit to buy an iPhone 14 Pro 🫠
Mkbhd on twitter
Willinton06 t1_j4rcllr wrote
hexoicmusic t1_j4rcs3f wrote
Yeah after researching it a little more it seems the death is looming
The-Protomolecule t1_j4rp7v1 wrote
That’s because you were dumb enough to buy a $50k computer
Youvebeeneloned t1_j4rpbwg wrote
This is literally the only reason they are still Intel on the pro... way too much pro level apps that require the Intel chip and are not compiled for ARM.
elister t1_j4rppyh wrote
Correct. After this, no more updates to x86 MacOSX. Its all ARM from this point on, or until Apple gets bored switches to Texas Instruments OMAP format to sell more desktops.
hexoicmusic t1_j4rptys wrote
I’m sure we’ve got a few years till they cut ongoing intel support right?
elister t1_j4rq4ch wrote
That work on a Hackntosh? Maybe. Its like trying to install Kodi media center on AppleTV, heres this simple 20 step process.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j4rqgh9 wrote
Eventually but not any time soon. Maybe in a year or two... but at the same time M chip based MacOS is ARM... and I would not be shocked if someone figured out a way to make other manufactures ARM based architecture run MacOS not unlike how people figured out how to get OS X to continue working on x86 chips long after apple moved to x64 and removed any of the instruction set to allow it to work.
honestly though probably not much of a market to it other than for some hardware/software hackers to say they could and put it on their resume.
Whatmeworry4 t1_j4rqyel wrote
It’s probably the most complicated transition and also the least profitable. How much does the Mac Pro contribute to Apple’s bottom line or to increasing overall sales? I would guess it’s a tiny percentage.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j4s2wv3 wrote
Baumschmuser123 t1_j4s9bjw wrote
I seriously doubt this is any reason for apple at all.
mgd09292007 t1_j4schyj wrote
Maybe we will get a calculator app on the iPad then
yuiop300 t1_j4sitzl wrote
synthjunkie t1_j4sntuj wrote
Now I’d love to see a m chip desktop variant that competes with Nvidia/AMD GPUs and Intel/AMD CPUs on the highest end.
pseudocultist t1_j4sx4xe wrote
That sort of makes sense, they want you to trade up in the first couple of years so they can refurb it. At 4 years its only value (to Apple) is recycling, I bet you're getting a pretty good deal in that sense. The trade-in program is for people that want the current year everything.
alc4pwned t1_j4t5vu6 wrote
$50k+ professional workstations have existed for a long time lol.
kent2441 t1_j4tclr7 wrote
Apps don’t need to be compiled for ARM to run on ARM.
f700es t1_j4tcw5l wrote
Or calculator app! My M1 iPad Pro doesn't have one
Seva55 t1_j4tmv17 wrote
Noctua cheese warming bowl cpu cooler
Seva55 t1_j4tniih wrote
Exactly thats partly because apple’s 2TB costs 1,000 US dollars while in reality that storage has an actual value of only 120 dollars. And thats based off 2022 prices. I bet in 2018 that price was tripled
Photodan24 t1_j4ttogu wrote
Doesn't matter. M1 and M2 chips invisibly run Intel code under emulation and do it impressively fast. Faster than the Intel chips run the same code in some cases.
helixflush t1_j4uasgw wrote
Easily. People are just dumb
helixflush t1_j4uau9x wrote
Rosetta is a thing you know
SUPRVLLAN t1_j4uye1d wrote
The resale market for a 4 year old extremely expensive computer is very small, a low trade-in value is to be expected.
kangadac t1_j4v48pa wrote
Rosetta 2 is the key part of this. Only works under MacOS, alas.
I tried running x86 emulation under qemu and was sorely disappointed. qemu, unfortunately, isn’t well written for this use case (only keeps 16 MB of instructions translated in memory at a time, last I checked). Rosetta 2 just rewrites an entire app once.
But I was trying to emulate an entire VM, which isn’t something you can just point Rosetta at.
[deleted] t1_j4vhrdx wrote
helixflush t1_j4vp59y wrote
You’re right, carry on
Koffiato t1_j4vpsx8 wrote
If I remember correctly, Apple has extra instructions on chip for the CPU and have completely proprietary GPU. We don't have access to these in different hardware configurations which would make Hackintoshing next to impossible.
The-Protomolecule t1_j4wbcci wrote
I don’t disagree, I regularly buy $200k servers for work. My point is you can’t feign surprise that a high end device depreciates aggressively. A $50k desktop has 30k of premium. A 10k desktop would likely have 80% of the performance. You made the deliberate choice to buy a system way above and beyond the price/performance curve that will be shredded by the $2500 midline system a generation or two out.
It depreciates faster when you buy that far off the curve. You’re throwing a lol like I don’t know shit here, when you can’t see beyond the context of them existing.
alc4pwned t1_j4wmjyo wrote
> You’re throwing a lol like I don’t know shit here, when you can’t see beyond the context of them existing.
Ok, but that's exactly the impression your first comment gives. If you're buying $200k machines at work, why are you saying that anyone who buys a $50k computer is dumb?
I highly doubt anyone who is buying $50k editing machines is actually surprised by the depreciation. MKBHD, the person this comes from, is a very competent tech reviewer who was absolutely aware. The point of this tweet was not to complain.
stew9703 t1_j50z2fo wrote
Listen the poster actually on god threw his twitter into his post where he is labeled to be a professional video editor and a PRO ULTIMATE FRISBEE PLAYER. Let his get his nose tweaked a bit.
alc4pwned t1_j5113co wrote
You clearly have no clue who this guy is lol. Yes, he’s a very well rounded person. He runs one of the biggest and oldest tech YouTube channels around. He’s got a degree in business. He’s respected in the tech world to the point that he’s been given one-on-one interviews with people like Bill Gates, Satya Nadella, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Craig Federighi. Google invited him to the 2022 Met Gala.
If you followed tech even a little, you’d know who he is.
stew9703 t1_j519wiz wrote
Yeah i have no clue who this guy is, so he must be doing a great job as an interviewer and influencer being some facless individual who asks questions to corporate faces.
Also the way you are stating this comes off as abnormally high praise for the guy. Like unbelievable levels for what he does, so im going to have to assume you are a puppet account or rabid fan.
alc4pwned t1_j51gg4v wrote
Doesn't sound like you really know what he does, to be fair. He's one of the OG tech youtubers. If you've looked up a smartphone review on youtube sometime in the last 10 years, you've probably seen his content come up. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who is even slightly interested in technology hasn't heard of him. This is like someone who is into pc hardware never having heard of Linus Tech Tips.
MyVoiceIsElevating t1_j53pytt wrote
It was a hell of a run.
rakehellion t1_j5750dk wrote
Hackintosh was dead years ago.
hexoicmusic t1_j5752p8 wrote
I have one with Monterey wdym?
rakehellion t1_j5755sk wrote
Which apps?
bradland t1_j58s85q wrote
I run MacOS, Windows, and Linux on my M1 Mac Studio all the time. It works fantastic.
[deleted] t1_j5h9wvo wrote
[deleted] t1_j5ha4w2 wrote
carl_on_line t1_j5j1qha wrote
> Rosetta 2 is the key part of this. Only works under MacOS, alas.
And Linux.
Shavethatmonkey t1_j5oyvg8 wrote
A virtual machine isn't "running it" on the laptop, in my opinion. But it's fine for many people. In a pinch I do that, but really prefer running on bare metal.
[deleted] t1_j5vq5d5 wrote
harvma t1_j635mi7 wrote
Lmao u loser
stew9703 t1_j63a9e3 wrote
Still mad? Had to grab the other puppet?
Shavethatmonkey t1_j4qkcv1 wrote
That's too bad, macs with intel were so versatile. The only reason I buy old macs is because I can run mac, windows, and linux on them. They were good for IT guys who worked on all three systems.