dzhastin t1_j5ymwqq wrote
They need to go full Warhammer and just patch the sensors directly into the soldiers’ brains. No heavy goggles to worry about, just a skull implant
Bubbagumpredditor t1_j5yqcgc wrote
Yeah, that's all well and good until your solider try to microwave his coffee.
Or the enemy breaks out microwave generarors and starts frying their brain circuits.
Omnivud t1_j5yrvzd wrote
Perhaps a Faraday cage instead of helmet lmao
BoofinBart t1_j63if10 wrote
Tinfoil hats are back on the menu boys!
TheRealDoomsong t1_j5z5fso wrote
Nah, just shield the implant with lead foil, that should stop any outside interference
xenon54xenon54 t1_j5zrvtb wrote
Ah yes, lead, a metal well-known for its safety when inside people's brains.
bucketsofpoo t1_j5ztdgu wrote
The lead makes soldiers angrier so it is a win.
BrevityIsTheSoul t1_j6376lh wrote
That's what the thought leaders tell me.
[deleted] t1_j5yry3j wrote
DARPA has entered the chat
poulard t1_j60gj16 wrote
Yeah Elon Musk is currently working on it.
DJHellduck t1_j62v316 wrote
I guess we should write it off then.
Kitosaki t1_j63ong3 wrote
Yeah, he can’t even buy a functioning, successful company without screwing it up 😂
[deleted] t1_j61in0r wrote
aughlord t1_j638oqt wrote
Not sure if there are enough sheep, pigs and monkeys on this planet to make it work.
Fuckfuckgoose69 t1_j63rd06 wrote
A lot of soldiers were flipping shit and got chaptered out recently because they were scared the vaccine would enhance their 5g capabilities since they did their facebook research. Good luck convincing them to get a chip in their head
dzhastin t1_j65yil4 wrote
It’s the Emperor’s Will! They will not refuse
larz86 t1_j60ho84 wrote
Lets just create the cylons already and be done with it lol
DynamicHunter t1_j62hjto wrote
Black Mirror would like a word
Zaku_Zaku117 t1_j636m5a wrote
You want to Let a Mil doc operate on your brain? You first champ lol.
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