AllGasNoBrakes_ t1_j6japyr wrote
I’m sure the good outweighs the bad… prob more accidental lock button 911 calls than anything
rebeccamb t1_j6kclja wrote
I did that once….. while making edibles. Thankfully I got out to the driveway before he could make it near our front door
ripperdoc23 t1_j6kh5da wrote
Gotta suck to live in a state where it’s illegal. It’s so normalized in CA now, I don’t smoke but I don’t think about it when I smell it or see people smoking or whatever. Lots of my elderly moms friends trying it out for pain relief, relaxation etc. Almost overnight it just became totally normal.
Smildo_Dasher t1_j6kt8at wrote
Same thing happened in Canada
Dozens of weed stores sprang up overnight in pretty much every single city across the country
Large grocery chains opened their own to complement their liquor stores
it's wild walking into a store with regular ass lookin grocery store employees asking how you'd like to get ripped today
surfacing_husky t1_j6lczdr wrote
It's been amazing walking into the dispensary and being able to go "I want my week to do xyz, what do you recommend?" And bam it works. No more shady weed that you don't know if it's bunk or couch lock.
AlloverYerFace t1_j6lecme wrote
…or having to talk to that weird guy, even though he had some good stuff. You know the guy…
surfacing_husky t1_j6lfu4i wrote
He was always the last resort for us too, and we went to him in pairs lol.
SupaDupaTron t1_j6nn06g wrote
I agree, but I also kind of miss the thrill of the chase. And then opening up the baggy to see exactly what it is I just scored. It could be a gamble, but it was kind of fun.
AlloverYerFace t1_j6lbk4o wrote
Haha I just knew it was going to be Calgary Co-Op.
latortillablanca t1_j6mioam wrote
Not sure that variable is that wild to me tbh! That’s precisely what liquor stores are like. Hell those enormous wine stores got fuckin half speed somoliers pushing adult wares down yer gullet.
At the same time regular ass grocery store attendants aren’t asking you how you’d like anything, to busy hating their fookin life
Angry-Dragon-1331 t1_j6n7cgc wrote
I really don’t want that to happen in the US. Half my family is allergic and we very much like breathing.
rebeccamb t1_j6la7y7 wrote
I have a medical card now (I didn’t when the cops were accidentally called) and the dispensary told me it’s still illegal for me to make edibles at home with product I got legally. I’m just happy I don’t have to drive 4 hours to get stuff anymore
A few weeks ago I accidentally told a cop that I make edibles. I didn’t know she was a cop but thankfully I don’t think they give a shit enough to make a fuss.
nugbert_nevins t1_j6m151k wrote
It’s probably only illegal to make edibles at scale/for sale. No chance you will ever face any charges for making edibles in your own home, unless you’re being raided and they stack that onto other more substantial charges.
Idiot_Savant_Tinker t1_j6n8zen wrote
>Lots of my elderly moms friends trying it out for pain relief, relaxation etc.
The best place for a dispensary is across the road from the retirement home.
[deleted] t1_j6lsuiz wrote
Sevaaas1 t1_j6kzsfd wrote
One time my phone screen kinda broke, the screen lost a small chunk of the display in the top, and the connector got kind of disconnected so i had to press a specific part of the phone to make the display work, i was in the sofa watching tv when i started to press the power button repeatedly, i forgot it would call the emergency line ( i have adhd and i constantly press buttons ) when the fucking siren started the countdown and the display wasnt turning on anymore, i was freaking out so much trying to explain the situation to the disparcher, it happened again 3 hours later because the touch screen was actually working but not the display so i butt called them…
GroundbreakingLow915 t1_j6mbnbf wrote
As someone that takes calls, we get a stupid amount of calls that someone called by accident or they'll call and immediately hang up
MaxiltonHamstappen t1_j6mhpkl wrote
Colleague of mine years ago did this while he was on stage photographing USC's graduation. Someone kept calling him and he kept silencing the phone in his pocket since he couldn't look at it and didn't realize it called 911. Little awkward
pfc9769 t1_j6nfz8y wrote
I had accidental lock screen 921 call once. I panicked and hung up. They immediately called me back and I explained what happened. The dispatcher then asked If I was under distress and answering truthfully. It threw me off and there was a long dramatic pause. She asked me if I’m sure and I repeated yes and the dispatcher sent out a cop to check up anyway. I felt bad for wasting their time, but it was good of the dispatcher to even think to ask that.
[deleted] t1_j6kpryp wrote
selfawarefeline t1_j6m4o6k wrote
did that once on accident on space mountain at disneyland years ago. pretty interesting
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