Submitted by SAT0725 t3_11xehuh
Submitted by rebbsitor t3_107ucg1
Submitted by hatramroany t3_127tesd
Submitted by SAT0725 t3_11mt405
Submitted by diacewrb t3_123jsea
Apple, Google, and Samsung have released the most iterative updates to their top-tier phones this fall. But all three have also released new smartwatches that are more interesting than they’ve ever been, reinvigorating a category that’s been stagnant for more than half a decade.
theverge.comSubmitted by speckz t3_y32ttq
Submitted by [deleted] t3_120wfxr
Submitted by diacewrb t3_11xolvq
Submitted by ChickenTeriyakiBoy1 t3_11dlrnb
Submitted by StrongInteraction594 t3_11b7zzj