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Dan_the_moto_man t1_jadxbz9 wrote

Where'd you find that character sheet? I like how all the skills are grouped with their ability scores, all the ones I've seen just have them listed in alphabetical order.


DamnStraightEye86 t1_jae6lx2 wrote

Nice. I just got into DnD. Went with Fighter for my first run but now wish I had something more complicated. On a side note, I made a character sheet in excel that calculates everything for you and adds proficiency bonuses, pretty stoked to use it 🤓


EarlGrey_Picard t1_jaeaecu wrote

These are definitely new then, as we started about 6 months ago and they weren't grouped like this. They were the same as the ones in the back of the 5e players handbook.

I'm definitely going to redo mine with these when I get home.


xboxhobo t1_jaeul17 wrote

Good lord, what stat rolls.