P4n0pticZ t1_ja99okb wrote
And less money because lots of people would lost the purpose to buy a switch
TopCat0601 t1_ja99r2p wrote
The same reason they don't release any other games on PC, I suppose.
Beautiful_Omelette t1_ja99s5q wrote
Because money.
[deleted] OP t1_ja99xma wrote
bobface222 t1_ja99yjj wrote
Because they don't need to. People buy Nintendo systems to play their games.
They have Fuck You money.
great_auks t1_ja9a30r wrote
Nintendo thinks of games as a way to drive hardware sales, and they aren’t particularly motivated by popularity that way. Case in point: releasing remakes/remasters of older Zelda titles on the switch would basically print money and they don’t seem to care at all. They don’t sell PCs so why would they care about PC?
noxsanguinis t1_ja9a6eg wrote
Why whould they when you need to buy their consoles to play their games ?
2AFather t1_ja9acsg wrote
Same reason Sony has exclusives on their consoles
Siendra t1_ja9b22h wrote
They kind of did recently with Fatal Frame since they're a part owner of the IP.
irohr t1_ja9b5bi wrote
Nintendo doesn't release any games on other platforms that contain their main IP characters like Mario, Zelda, fire emblem etc.
ResidentPast9518 t1_ja9b7om wrote
Bold of you assume nintendo know about existince of pc and other consoles.
[deleted] OP t1_ja9bghk wrote
Room234 t1_ja9bkgu wrote
Nintendo will absolutely never port major first party games to other consoles aside from maybe some weird ports in China because it's a whole different animal. They're the Apple of video games. They value that closed ecosystem and they'll only give it up if the only other option is death as a company.
You think they'd make a lot of money selling PC ports? That's nothing compared to baiting people into buying a whole console and then getting them to buy *more* games.
DoeCommaJohn t1_ja9bouc wrote
They can make money from selling a console and a game instead of just a game. And, once you buy their console, you are more likely to buy their other games, or at least games on their consoles where they get a cut
Jcslider52 t1_ja9bt5e wrote
Because a bunch of people paying $60 for it on PC will make less money than a bunch of people paying $400 + $60 for a console and the game
NTKDeath t1_ja9c35t wrote
Because it is Nintendo
WoodpeckerLow5122 t1_ja9dlkb wrote
Sony has released several on PC lately
LucasD4 t1_ja9dpqj wrote
man fuck nintendo and their bullshit consoles
thewalkindude t1_ja9ebyo wrote
Nintendo turned down the opportunity to port SMB3 to the PC even after Id did all the work for them.
brian11e3 t1_ja9edjr wrote
Smash Bro, to me, is a couch co-op console game. I'll always see it that way. Converting it to PC just seems like a waste.
el_mage t1_ja9eo96 wrote
Because Nintendo will always cater to kids on their terms. PCs have too much freedom with what you can do with a game’s files that Nintendo doesn’t want you to fuck around with.
Remember Slippy?
Plus, Nintendo make it as hard as possible for pirates to distribute games.
Catty_C t1_ja9fk9t wrote
Nintendo prefer their ecosystem and stick to it.
ajerxs t1_ja9kcec wrote
Because they want you to buy the game AND the console. They don’t even bundle the games in with the special edition switches, they truly are min maxing our wallets
UranusLander t1_ja9kcoz wrote
What ports did they do in China?
LucasD4 t1_ja9m3cv wrote
Heres the thing: I wont buy a console just for smash bros, same with a lot of people. I WOULD buy the game for $60, and so would a ton of other people. I think if they released the game on pc a few years after releasing the console, so for example lets say the switch released in 2017, they could release smash bros on pc a few years later, after everyone is done buying new switche.
TheGamerHelper t1_ja9mjrb wrote
Because Nintendo sucks. They keep milking their fans with the same 3 games and it’s just unbelievable how they’re still around.
ajerxs t1_ja9mtxw wrote
I hear you, and I’m sure there’s a pretty sizable group that would, but I think that group is still in the minority. Smash is one of those games that sells consoles for sure, and one person that buys a switch and smash makes up for a couple of people that would only buy their games multiplatform. I doubt they’ll start dropping their IP on anything but their own consoles and mobile for a long while yet.
King_D3D3D3 t1_ja9nf0l wrote
The switch is 5 years old and is still selling more consoles yearly than the brand new gen that released just 2 years ago. It is the 3rd highest selling console of all time and is merely 30 million away from being number 1.
modsarentpeople t1_ja9q9lo wrote
A long time after they sold the console
_Pohaku_ t1_jaa2gxg wrote
The gulf between the latest gen Nintendo console and the latest gen other console or PC has grown exponentially wider over the last twenty years. The Switch will be the last Nintendo console that sells, because the world has now wised up to the fact that even that one (coughBOTW) Nintendo exclusive that really makes its console worth buying is so far behind the hundreds of other games outside of their ecosystem that it won’t work again.
Room234 t1_jaa2vu9 wrote
lol okay
MyRedditUsername1101 t1_jaa5hiv wrote
Because then you wouldnt have to buy their fackin console?!
iMadrid11 t1_jaai5ef wrote
Nintendo has released mobile games for iOS and Androud. Mario Kart Tour, Super Mario and Pokemon Go for example
djr7 t1_jaauomy wrote
wdym release?
there is no port to be released
jc726 t1_jaaykiq wrote
There are 120 million Switches on the market. Smash Ultimate is a 30 million seller, far and away the best-selling fighting game of time.
There are plenty of people who will buy the console and the game. Way, way, way more people than Nintendo needs to for them to be profitable. They are swimming in cash, drowning in profit, and you're questioning why they don't do it your way. You do understand that, yes?
> man fuck nintendo and their bullshit consoles
Then don't play the game and stop bitching about it.
LucasD4 t1_jab46nn wrote
shut the fuck up
iMadrid11 t1_jabdta6 wrote
They do on iOS and Android. Super Mario Run, Mario Kart Go, Fire Emblem Heros and Pokemon Go.
jc726 t1_jac0mma wrote
Look in a mirror and say that next time.
LucasD4 t1_jadm55q wrote
shut the fuck up again
2Sensitive1Wasabi6 t1_jadvae0 wrote
LOL WHAT???? That's like asking apple to make an OS for Google. You don't eat where you shit. Or rather they learned their lesson with the Song debacle. Might as well own everything you do.
LucasD4 t1_jae9zaz wrote
shut the fuck up
twohedwlf t1_ja99knz wrote
I don't think Nintentdo has ever released anything on PC?