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because_of_ghosts t1_jadlhz1 wrote

Anime typically makes terrible video games, or at the least underwhelming ones, if there’s any games out there that let you play as an alchemist with game-breaking powers you’re going to find them in the RPG/fantasy section, most likely.


ryantrw5 t1_jae26ki wrote

Persona series kind of seems like anime and it’s a pretty good series. I don’t know if it falls into what the person is looks for though.


because_of_ghosts t1_jae554k wrote

It would be a good start for OP for sure. It may not feature characters from an anime but I’re right the game is basically an anime haha.


drones45 OP t1_jae95es wrote

I don’t mean anime games, I just used Edward Elric and Overhaul as examples for their powers. I looking for games that will let you build a character with the same of similar powers as them.

And I also agree that Persona is a great series.