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Capital-Goal-3123 t1_jacv8f4 wrote

They own the nemesis system. Wb basically made it to where no one could ever make or copy the nemesis system. So it will only be exclusive to shadow of war


XXed_Out t1_jacvwyw wrote

Could have been amazing in a game like Ghost of Tsushima 2.


noclahk t1_jacy1nj wrote

Would have been cool in spiderman or batman games so you would have your own villains


Equisapien004 t1_jaddz3o wrote

Monolith fully owns the patents for it. They're using it for an open-world Wonder Woman game.


Kiethblacklion t1_jadk8aw wrote

I think the Nemesis System could have been great in a Star Wars game. Specifically, a new Bounty Hunter game.


fidelacchius42 t1_jadlc3t wrote

I thought it would have been great in Metal Gear Solid V.


Macho-Fantastico t1_jae3v3g wrote

I think Assassin's Creed would be awesome with the Nemesis System. Sadly WB can't be arsed to do anything with it since copyrighting it. Screw them.