-BodomKnight- t1_jacy64f wrote
Sick man \w/
[deleted] t1_jacz0z6 wrote
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jad36tk wrote
Thanks buddy <3
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jad37td wrote
Penguinazu t1_jad3ev5 wrote
🥲 how wholesome.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jad8rq7 wrote
blitherblather425 t1_jadb6ui wrote
It’s tough seeing your parents grow old. My dad turned 70 a few months ago and it really bums me out. I have this feeling that any day I’m gonna get the call.
ryclarky t1_jadcoe1 wrote
You should get him a ps5 and the new Rift in Time. It was my first R&C game but it is absolutely amazing.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadcxp7 wrote
I really want to do that indeed
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadd8f1 wrote
I feel you homie, my dad is 75 now and recently got well from prostate cancer amongst covid and many other things, but I'm wondering when this cat's 9 lives will run out. So it felt good to show this to him before something eventually happens.
Equisapien004 t1_jaddv01 wrote
Haha those original R&C games are some of the only ones that exist where I too will immediately hop into a second playthrough. Challenge Mode in those games is my favourite version of "NG+" ive ever played, by far. It's the real game to me, the first run is just prologue! Rift Apart really took me back to those days.
Super cool piece btw, I suppose I should comment on that. Really strong lines and solid packed blacks, with a good balance of exposed skin. That's gonna look great for a LONG time.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadehu2 wrote
Thanks a lot buddy I completely agree with everything you wrote. U da man/gal <3
This_Dutch_guy t1_jadfits wrote
What is his favorite weapon over all the games?
SpiderPidge t1_jadfth0 wrote
This looks wonderful dude, and the artist you picked is incredibly talented.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadg0o2 wrote
Thanks fam, it's my gf's son's father who made it. I appreciate it a bunch <3
TelmatosaurusRrifle t1_jadgfnq wrote
My dad also really likes Ratchet and Clank.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadgmki wrote
I can't remember the names of them but I know he used to replay them all and the more u replayed the games the better ur weapons became right? I slightly remember there was some weapon in R&C2 that shot blue, like a minigun or something, my mind could be playing tricks on me though.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadgo32 wrote
Demoniccrunk t1_jadh7el wrote
That tattoo is sick and I love your story, I wish you both well!
SpiderPidge t1_jadhehz wrote
R&C have always been some of my favorite games too, especially A Crack in Time and Going Commando and I have completed GC at least a half dozen times. Your dad definitely has me beat!
And like someone else said, that tattoo is going to look gorgeous for a LONG time.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadi3un wrote
Thanks fren <3 I know my dad really enjoyed Quest For Booty as well, and also A Crack In Time :)
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadi6qi wrote
I appreciate that very much, thank you buddy!
SpiderPidge t1_jadibuf wrote
Ahhhh Quest for Booty was fun! Crack in Time is probably the best game in the series but I can't help but forever love Going Commando because it was my first. :)
Demoniccrunk t1_jadidkc wrote
You're welcome, take care! :)
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadifv4 wrote
And you as well! :)
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadimx5 wrote
It's 1 and 2 for me, but they're all great imo :3
Demoniccrunk t1_jadiqci wrote
Thank you :)
Installeddaily t1_jadkcxz wrote
I’ll never forget my ratchet and clank days…….
[deleted] t1_jadkgqm wrote
PM_Me_OCs t1_jadm4qg wrote
Father's, brother's, nephew's, cousin's, former roommate.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadopyh wrote
PM_Me_OCs t1_jadqvpk wrote
Never seen Spaceballs, have you?
TrixForKidz t1_jadtbld wrote
Yeah. That was the RYNO II
appraisersRdum t1_jadw0le wrote
I know I'm not that young but how old is your dad? I grew up on those games and I'm only in my 30s
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadwnn5 wrote
He is 75 now
H31130UND t1_jadwpi0 wrote
I've been in the ink business for a long time. I've reviewed and critiqued thousands of tattoos.
While small, this tat may be the best line work I have ever seen. If this is in homage to your father, it is a worthy tattoo.
Very impressive. Post the artist and give them some cred. And I hope you tipped the hell out of them.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadx0xm wrote
It's my stepson's father, I don't have their reddit but his instagram is: Nem_il
Yeah I was super duper happy with it, and I really appreciate your words! <3
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jadxg5v wrote
Indeed that was the name, I think that was his jam
Low2High92 t1_jae0qf5 wrote
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jae0s76 wrote
BrainWrex t1_jae3foa wrote
I absolutely loved the first 3 ratchet and clanks! The replay value is so much higher than many other games. The wacky weapons and silly humor was always great!
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jae3ki1 wrote
Indeed, Captain Quark is a legend lol
nejad44 t1_jae5uys wrote
Mr zurkon
occultluxury t1_jae62hh wrote
My first ever video game! I remember watching my uncle play the first one as a kid and I was immediately so into it. I think I only ever managed to beat one of them (the one you could do co-op, my sister and I beat it together). I've got to give them another go now and get to the ends!
Incredibly cool tattoo, I really like the pose you went with too.
The_space_Squid_man t1_jae645y wrote
My dad loved that game, I’ve played it a couple of times in his honor too.
LastDorito69 t1_jae6632 wrote
Looks fantastic! Out of curiosity, did he not like Ratchet Deadlocked/Gladiator?
MustLoveAllCats t1_jae7nz9 wrote
What do you mean by (my father) is getting older now so to speak?
So to speak is "used to highlight the fact that one is describing something in an unusual or metaphorical way."
Is your father not actually getting older? Is ageing supposed to be unusual?
HellYeaNixon t1_jae8e4d wrote
How long have you been dead for?
surkitxx t1_jae8zn0 wrote
Reminds me of a childhood neighbor, his dad would play r&c, twisted metal, all the ps1/2 classics and would replay them. Wish my dad was cool
superman_squirts t1_jaeaslp wrote
I loved that series.
Really wish they’d put it in Steam, even though I know it’ll never happen. I’d buy all of them if they did.
CommercialTurkey t1_jaecbbp wrote
Who is your artist? That is some of the most crispy linework I’ve ever seen
TheScottishPimp03 t1_jaecp09 wrote
I just turned 18 so I plan on doing something similar for my dad soon but car related. Awesome tattoo!
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaef5ux wrote
Thanks buddy! His name is @nem_il on instagram, I live in Sweden :)
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaef9i9 wrote
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaefanx wrote
Nice fam, thanks!
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaefffm wrote
What do you mean
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaefrh5 wrote
Thanks! He never played them, his ps broke and he moved away and didn't fix one again since Quest for Booty I believe
b2damaxx t1_jaefy6d wrote
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaefztc wrote
First off: Show some respect.
Second: I think you 100% know what I meant, which makes you look like a dick writing your comment.
Third: Don't be a dick.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaeg3kd wrote
Thanks a lot buddy I really appreciate it!
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaegnxo wrote
Thanks! :)
gobblewabble69 t1_jaehdde wrote
U need some sunlight mate
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaehlzi wrote
The image is almost black & white mate lol. But I do indeed xD
bfelification t1_jaei88i wrote
What's that make us?
cld1984 t1_jaej317 wrote
This is one of the greatest things I’ve seen in a while. You must really love your dad. As a father, that makes my heart happy. It looks awesome, friend!
On a side note, I knew I would encounter a post like this eventually. But now, knocking on 40 years old and faced with a post from someone old enough to get a tattoo talking about their dad playing games I played, I’m not sure how to feel 😂
AsTheWorldPassesBy t1_jaeje34 wrote
Remember the captain quark mini games? Man R&C was a blast
GammaDealer t1_jaek2zv wrote
Honestly, those games are masterful.
kevboard t1_jael1as wrote
oh god... stop! please tell me your dad was 50 when he played them...
hearing someone talk about their dad playing Ratchet and Clank on PS2 and then in the next sentence say "he's getting older" and then having a tattoo in his name due to that makes me feel like I'm turning unto dust any minute 😭😭😭
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaelwa3 wrote
Yeah don't worry buddy he was 60+ at the time lol xD
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaem3bq wrote
Oh good lord yes!! Amazing
V0ltKraken t1_jaem7t1 wrote
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaem8xn wrote
Lol thanks buddy and don't worry he was 65 at the time when he played them. You are still young!!
cld1984 t1_jaemjiq wrote
Haha! Thanks!
watertribe8 t1_jaemxeb wrote
Great ink! Love that its for your dad as well ✊🏽
Olof96m t1_jaepmyj wrote
Wow that looks really good. I beat R&C 3 and Deadlocked so many times as a kid, brings back memories for sure.
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaeqonm wrote
SwiftIy2 OP t1_jaeqzrd wrote
BTW if yall wanna know the artist is: @nem_il on instagram, based in Sweden :)
Spacey907 t1_jaeqztx wrote
such a fun series, havent gotten the psp ones yet and i have a few for the ps2 and one for the ps4
DragonC007 t1_jaew2e6 wrote
You got a clank tattoo to symbolise your dad? Why not get something that actually is your dad, like a name or something
Throwaway2471127 t1_jaexm7h wrote
That's a beautiful love right there, you should try and play some more games w him!
[deleted] t1_jaeyslo wrote
osamabinlaidoffwork t1_jaezqnm wrote
Still remember the first one. Good days.
_nevrmynd t1_jacxmdy wrote
that's so sick dude! fits in well too