Submitted by Knucklesthechuckles t3_126xavk in gaming
FoolsandCorpses t1_jebfvqo wrote
No you didn’t, that’s not Mario…..
Knucklesthechuckles OP t1_jebfxwh wrote
Whos that then?
FoolsandCorpses t1_jebg2ln wrote
I have no idea, you drew it.
but it’s not Mario.
Knucklesthechuckles OP t1_jebg7ru wrote
Its smb1 mario
TravelandGaming t1_jebgk8n wrote
he seen some shit
[deleted] t1_jebgpxh wrote
Knucklesthechuckles OP t1_jebgssa wrote
He found out how bowser jr was made
[deleted] t1_jebhmuk wrote
Z_M_P_Y t1_jebi609 wrote
MariOh no
astute_asshole t1_jebkj4a wrote
That’s not Mario, it’s his syphilitic crack addled cousin Giuseppe.
I_Marquosius t1_jebkkzy wrote
It's as if this is a Mario from a parallel Mushroom Kingdom that has fallen under a Fascist Bowser regime, where Mario is the everyman, blue-collar worker who has been repressed for far too long under the oppressive order.
Now, Mario is bringing forth a rebellion against Vozhd Bowser and his army to bring forth a more free and secure nation through a revolution, alongside his allies. Will the stress take it's toll? That bulging vein in his temple says "Yes".
MJCarnage t1_jebklvq wrote
Mario if he was voiced by chris pratt
DickWriter69 t1_jebo11e wrote
Dude shut up thats clearly Mario, stop hating
FoolsandCorpses t1_jeboe96 wrote
Lol, I’m hating now? All I said was it wasn’t Mario.
StoneRule t1_jebqy35 wrote
Mario finally found out that Peach let’s herself get kidnapped to get her 🍑 filled.
simpkill t1_jebrjjl wrote
hamnotspam2 t1_jebro6h wrote
19k ultra hd 9840p hd Pc game mario
[deleted] t1_jebsh01 wrote
Acing_It_Daily t1_jebsh1q wrote
Nobody asked you to do this.
GloomyAd6459 t1_jebsunc wrote
Looks like the style of Don Rosa
JCPRuckus t1_jebsv37 wrote
It'sa me! Meth-io!
shawnikaros t1_jebtg40 wrote
He looks like he's watching that one specific scene from FMA for the first time
556Rigatoni t1_jebu8dh wrote
bro that's Stalin 💀
JGDesignsBK t1_jebufz4 wrote
Mario my gosh!
TalkOk3370 t1_jebw8bp wrote
Mario got sent to berserk
ri-mackin t1_jebx51j wrote
Starting chris pratt
Spirited_Drawer_7860 t1_jebypuy wrote
Mario after I shut down my Nintendo and he can’t eat mushrooms (he really likes mushrooms)
Significant_Walk_664 t1_jebywf0 wrote
Mario when the pipe led him to the TLoU world
reenign3 t1_jec153s wrote
Uhh, That is clearly Peppino Spaghetti
[deleted] t1_jec1ppk wrote
Firvulag t1_jec4f5l wrote
Mario if he was a lighthouse keeper
NEO_IS_A_MACHINE t1_jec4mrz wrote
Well, you drew Mario all right.
SwivelingToast t1_jec504h wrote
At least A Mario
Onixall t1_jec6clk wrote
Mario Bro
first degree murder of hundred of dozens of minions
enslavement of yoshis
property damage
multiple escapes from the cas- i mean prison
red shirt with blue overalls
last seen near the moon, objected to my wedding again
meatywhole t1_jec7pxs wrote
Do Wario next fam
Notalurkeripromise t1_jec9gfp wrote
This is the Mario that remembers every single life he's ever lived and died in, from every player and every game associated with his name...he does not fear death because no, death is not the end for him. He fears existence itself
Arnumor t1_jeccloa wrote
This really reminds me of the old animated Hobbit and LOTR movies, in a good way. Or something like The Last Unicorn.
The minute details, although they tend to make the subjects look timeworn or ugly, are beautiful because of how much time and attention they must take, I think. They always gave me sort of a woven, durable impression, which makes sense for something like the dwarves in LOTR. I'd say it makes sense for Mario, too.
PeterGivenbless t1_jecesux wrote
Reminds me of the famous ambiguous drawing "My Wife, and My Mother-in-Law"... except it's Mario and Cthulhu!
dinoroo t1_jecf2zg wrote
That’s newigi
Listogast t1_jecgxmn wrote
Mario after working a 70 hour week.
getyourcheftogether t1_jech7no wrote
Looks like he snorted a line through some green pipe
Giygas_8000 t1_jecik73 wrote
Super Mario RTX (search it)
warmbowski t1_jeckez4 wrote
AI request: “Do Mario in the style of Miyazaki!”
Zenox55 t1_jeckptb wrote
this is what the Vanoss Crew sees when there is a “Pablo” reference
Alarming_Victory602 t1_jeclkz6 wrote
Mario heard what markiplier said in gmod and is now traumatized
FinsterFolly t1_jecll32 wrote
Looks like old school zipatone sheets.
DavefromKS t1_jecm9q4 wrote
Thats quite s snoz.
Junkers4 t1_jecthpr wrote
mm2_gamer t1_jeculo4 wrote
I thought I was on a political subreddit and a drawing of a Jew
uluvmebby t1_jecxtb4 wrote
bro got cloned
Usesourname t1_jecyja4 wrote
You sure that's not Arthur Shelby
NonEuclidianMeatloaf t1_jecyjkt wrote
No you didn’t
HungryLobster4996 t1_jeczypd wrote
This is so cursed. I love it.
Haunting-Item1530 t1_jed4141 wrote
Meatcanyon vibes
Security_Berry09 t1_jed4itx wrote
Mama Mia!
40calpat t1_jed5ua6 wrote
Looks like WWII propaganda
JohnnySpoons82 t1_jed7dja wrote
Yoshi’s behind him like: I’m sorry Mario
Stackenbl0cken t1_jeda0us wrote
I think this belongs in r/oddlyterrifying
Loud-Kaleidoscope109 t1_jeda8r0 wrote
Oh, Bowser run don't look behind.
kilotango1122 t1_jedblev wrote
Thanks for the nightmares.
OldeeMayson t1_jedbp3c wrote
Dude...he looks like my father without glasses.
NanzLo- t1_jedbyhb wrote
That’s Mari-oh shit
Lord_Alex12 t1_jedcs2e wrote
I-like-pie-- t1_jedibe7 wrote
Mario been hitting them mushrooms. But really, nice work.
ThenotoriousBIT t1_jedilsz wrote
He’s seeing the mushroom kingdom everywhere
RichterRicochet t1_jedm5xr wrote
It's clearly Luigi. I mean, look at the mustache, it's in one piece.
And, you can see the hatred in his eyes from being second banana for all those years.
He's ready to kill.
He's ready to maim.
He's ready to eviscerate.
He's Luigi, and he's coming.
26oclock t1_jedq9xw wrote
Itse me photo reel
Ok_Funny8272 t1_jedsj6f wrote
Jesus Christ
briareus08 t1_jedt0yg wrote
Love this! Getting some Ghibli / old school anime vibes
capncraig t1_jedt4n8 wrote
IronCoffins- t1_jedzlj8 wrote
Lost brother from guy from Lon Lon Ranch
cugameswilliam t1_jee1th6 wrote
Thanks, I hate it.
PrA2107 t1_jee1wd7 wrote
Mario with aids
Lewd_boi_69 t1_jee3sg5 wrote
Bro had too many coins
Shibe_4 t1_jee3y0v wrote
Mario: i know your ip adress
thesilecooolkyedy t1_jee7ey8 wrote
oh no
Urmom_deez7 t1_jee7tkr wrote
The mushrooms just go straight to his nose
Urmom_deez7 t1_jee7vqv wrote
He’s that short?
charcuterienightmare t1_jee8zm9 wrote
Hyperthyroid Mario
haxic t1_jeehtge wrote
That’s an eye-popping nose
Master_Oogway1527 t1_jeei9wo wrote
Mario has had one to many panzerschokolades it seems
FussiestBelt874 t1_jeejeqe wrote
Mario's mother is calling him to talk about his search history.
HakunaVegetaAveMaria t1_jeekd1j wrote
Marc Maron?
[deleted] t1_jeemnph wrote
[deleted] t1_jeev5rk wrote
Knucklesthechuckles OP t1_jeez0yg wrote
Its two default krita brushes They are great
pinkie5839 t1_jef9l2d wrote
That looks nothing like Chris Pratt.
[deleted] t1_jegk5p5 wrote
squidwardsweatyballs t1_jebdo8g wrote
Mario has had one too many mushrooms. If he keeps going, no one up is gonna save him.