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Rossboss0202 t1_je2b2ma wrote

You are either mad or realy bored, but you have my deepest respect for beeing able to do it. Well done!


Warlornn t1_je2cqh7 wrote

I like it. Very well done.

Would make a cool wallpaper.


Platybear_OG t1_je2r8n7 wrote

Did you start this in 2012 when Cyberpunk 2077 was first announced?


vibrant_crab t1_je3bu47 wrote

Looks like a labor of love, my dude. Well done.


graperkins t1_je3njkx wrote

2077 has maybe 2% of buildings with interiors.


Botv0091 t1_je43t5k wrote

Thoughts? You have a lot of free time dude, I want that too ...


svenwlive t1_je4i8kf wrote

Looks pretty cool, not gonna lie. Awesome job!


J2501 t1_je58b6n wrote

Where's the urban decay?


gimme-a-donut t1_je5hbvv wrote

bet you were listening to pom pom sh*t the whole time


Straight_Ad1061 t1_je5qpdj wrote


Huge waste of time.

I’m the thousands of hours it took you to make this lifeless and dull thing you could have taught yourself how to program and actually made something. Or taught yourself a new skill. Or played some games and experiences you’d otherwise not have.

But no. You have this. Congrats.


Sebastin290 t1_je7ey40 wrote

wait quick question how did you get it to look like that without the fog?


Haunting-Pop-5660 t1_je7h1lo wrote

What in the blueberry fuck muffins have you done? This looks awesome.


PARZIVALPLAYEZ t1_je8u09v wrote

That, is, wonderful, how do u build so nice? Any tips for me?


RhythmRobber t1_jeayu9u wrote

Tell me one of your hobbies so that I can tell you you're wasting your time doing something you enjoy for the sake of doing it.

I bet you don't enjoy anything though as much as they enjoy creating things in Minecraft, and you're just jealous.

Or maybe you're a nice little worker drone/NPC that has been convinced he only has worth if he's making money or producing something for someone else and can't even remember what doing something for your own enjoyment is like. I pity you...