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WriterWri t1_jefbfii wrote

Gears of War


Turbulent_Winter549 t1_jefleo1 wrote

My friends were way into the first one so I played online with them and HATED that game. Felt like I had to fire 1,000 bullets to kill an enemy but I seemed to die instantly


VVolfGunner24 t1_jefqef4 wrote

I always thought this was an underrated franchise. But I'm not including 4 and 5, those two sucked. I never hear people talk about gears of war and it's quite a bummer


Zarsharq t1_jefszzv wrote

There is no gears after 3, there is Gears of Duty. Just like there Call of Halo 4.


VVolfGunner24 t1_jegcv5x wrote

🤣 ight fair enough. I can agree with halo, even though halo is my favorite (halo 2 mainly). Halo 4 and 5 just... damn I hated them. I can go on a long rant on how fucked halo was from 4 and afterwards