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your_favorite_wokie t1_jefcvav wrote

I think that's fair. They try to innovate but it doesn't always work out.


Negativedge_ t1_jefo6nt wrote

Yeah they’ve had some pretty bad decisions I’m the last 15 or so years since FF13. I am fairly pleased with the stride they seem to have found with 14, 7R and how 16 if looking as it shapes up for release. I’m really hoping that maybe they will find that new style they’ve been searching for.


mope_n t1_jefrqyz wrote

I prefer the older Final Fantasy games as well, but they've finally nailed what they've been wanting to do since Advent Children was released - the free flowing super fast combat with lots of flashy lights that stop you from seeing what the fuck is going on.

One of those games I play for the story not the game mechanics I guess.