My 8yo saw me playing Diablo 4 and wanted to get in on the action. Today we started to co-op Minecraft Dungeons and he’s lovin it.
Submitted by totallylegitnesss t3_122w2ll in gaming
Reply to comment by larsmaehlum in My 8yo saw me playing Diablo 4 and wanted to get in on the action. Today we started to co-op Minecraft Dungeons and he’s lovin it. by totallylegitnesss
My 6 year old and I beat tower mode the other day and had a ball. It allows them to make simplistic decisions in terms of items. He was reading all descriptions and made some clever decisions on his build. Definitely wish I could get him into d4 but it’s not age appropriate
His reading is a bit weak yet, and English isn’t his first language, so if that’s required I guess it might be a bit early.
The hunt continues..
If you guys haven’t yet, plants vs zombies battle for neighborville was an awesome age appropriate shooter couch co op game. We really enjoyed it
I am playing that right now with my daughter she loves PvZ. "Dad you're always the corn guy"
I fancy myself a bit of a peashooter main myself, but much respect to the kernel lol
It's a shame EA pulled the plug on it just a year after launch. It's a very fun game.
That makes me wonder what on earth PopCap are doing right now. They can't just be doing mobile games.
It's not required, mine just picks what he thinks looks cool or that he knows works well. It's an awesome diablo-lite and the kid would love it with you as a partner
You can use it as a great opportunity to help with his English reading skills! Just read everything on the screen out loud while occasionally testing him to see how much of a line he was able to read
Good idea, but he’s really not there yet. Gotta learn how to actually read first, adding another language into the mix is a bit early and will likely be confusing.
Mario games would be good, a lot of them don't require heavy reading and provide a lot of visual instruction. Also, because the character is so popular there's a ton of genres to branch out to while still keeping the same familiar characters. Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Mario Party etc. There's even Mario Baseball/Tennis/Soccer and more if you wanna get them into sports
He used to play a lot of mario kart, and some other mario games as well.
But I’m trying to turn him into a PC gamer ;)
Certainly a commendable initiative 👏
There's an accessibility option to read everything on screen.
Still in English, so wouldn’t help much. I guess I can translate for him.
If you are looking for games to play woth your kid id recommend Lego Marvel Super Heroes.
What is his native language? Dungeons has quite a few supported languages.
Norwegian. Switched Minecraft to it already, but he’s mainly just recognizing the icons.
Is it because the adults/parents of nowadays are more conscious about what video games are and how they function, or were the past years so wild that something being age appropiate wasn't even in consideration. I remember playing D2 at a "gaming cafe" at 6 and nobody batting an eye about it (other adults, I mean, as my parents wouldn't have a clue what I was playing)
D3 should be a decent substitute if he's looking for more to hold until he's old enough for D4.
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