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ood26 t1_jdxxlkp wrote

SMB3 not being S-Tier immediately invalidates the list for me. Half joking.

But seriously, SMB3 is one of my favorite games.


MsTerryMan t1_jdxxnu3 wrote

No Mario Kart or Mario Party in S tier? Hardly accurate


TurkTurkle t1_jdxxo2l wrote

  1. Luigis mansion isnt mario
  2. Yoir missing more than 80% of the games in the mario series. Theres literally 163 .Mario games

derek_potatoes t1_jdxxp1v wrote

Donkey Kong Country is a D?

Yes officer this is the post right here


Jay_lovecraft t1_jdxxuql wrote

For game of the year 5 years in a row, SUPA MARIO BROTHERS 2 BABY!!


WGann3 t1_jdxxwjp wrote

Now this is comedy right here!


tripperton t1_jdxy6ux wrote

You missed the original Mario Bros. That's sad.


willrsauls OP t1_jdxybvp wrote

SMB 3 is fantastic, but the only thing holding it back for me is the levels being incredibly short and not being as cohesive as something like Super Mario World. Still an incredible game. I love basically everything above C tier on the list


willrsauls OP t1_jdxyj94 wrote

I didn’t make the games selection. I’m also not gonna try to put all the Mario Kart and Party games on there because imo it would just be fluff. Bar a few exceptions, they’re very similar quality to each other


willrsauls OP t1_jdxz30y wrote

My reasoning for this is most (not all) Mario Party and Kart games are very similar quality relative to each other, so I felt like it would just be padding at the end of the day

My favorite Mario Kart is DS and my favorite Mario Party is 5, but like 1-8 are all basically S tier for their own reasons


ErebosXIII t1_jdxz6p4 wrote

SUPER MARIO RPG IN B TIER!?!? Brother damn.


TwistQc t1_jdxz9ta wrote

Oof, you really wanted to stir up controversy, didn't you?


Impurity41 t1_jdxzioo wrote

You think super Mario 64 is C?

And sorry man. Sunshine is easy S tier. I refuse to believe someone goes through life without playing that game.


--Nyxed-- t1_jdxziyn wrote

So many of these games are in the wrong place... Mario 64, super Mario RPG, the donkey Kong games, etc are all awesome and at least A tier...


TheLastKingOfGalaga t1_jdxzwir wrote

Why not include some Zelda and Metroid since apparently you can put in whatever the hell you want into a ranking list.


willrsauls OP t1_jdxzx4e wrote

Sunshine would be S for me if you could obtain any 50 shines to beat the game and not a specific 50 shines with the rest being optional when it comes to actually finishing the game. It tricks the player into thinking they have freedom they really don’t and it’s a bit of a misstep in what’s otherwise a fantastic game imo


Suedkorea t1_jdy0alq wrote

Super Mario Land not tier S? That list is only there to generate comments, right?


Zack0717 t1_jdy13k4 wrote

DKC games aren't Mario games.


willrsauls OP t1_jdy17cl wrote

I definitely played them when I was a little burnt out on RPGs (I also played Paper Mario right off the heels of TTYD) but they’re still both really good games. I’d say overall, basically every game in B tier I’d still give like an 8/10.


MJB20077 t1_jdy1uhy wrote

I Disagree With Litterally Every Placement On This List.

Then Again, This Is From The Guy Who Thinks Melee And Ttyd Suck Ass While Sticker Star And Color Splash Are Heavily Underated.


willrsauls OP t1_jdy26vy wrote

I have a lot of respect for Mario 64. I just don’t really like playing it all too much. The controls feel really slippery to me and I only really like half the worlds. And if we’re going by just my opinion (which is only just that), I don’t like it more than the games I put above it

But despite the downvotes I’ll definitely get just for sharing my opinion, I don’t actually think less of anyone for liking the game and I do think it is an incredibly well made game. I wish I liked it more than I do


Okami-Sensha t1_jdy2nl7 wrote

Super mario 64 at C tier?! Fucking excuse me?!


Historical-Age t1_jdy39f2 wrote

Mmm, mario 64 isn’t in S? I guess it must be high A

Wait what? Does this list not include 64? Weird but I’ll keep reading.

Weird B tier but sure

-sees mario 64 in C-



BlueMikeStu t1_jdy3f0t wrote

Mario 64 is fucking C-tier?

You're objectively, factually wrong.


BlueMikeStu t1_jdy48zp wrote

Assumptions aren't the only thing wrong you're doing, mate. This list is basically the DSP of Mario tier lists, in that it's so wrong you could eliminate the ten obvious problems and still find ten more.


willrsauls OP t1_jdy4gp7 wrote

Didn’t know all tier lists had to be for academic value. I’m just having fun sharing my opinions and opening a space for people to share theirs regardless of if it agrees with mine.


TheIJDGuy t1_jdy58t8 wrote

Bowser's Inside Story not being S is a problem to me


jrsgamer t1_jdy5bu7 wrote

Op has no clue how to rank games he must have never played any of these games


ScottLMG t1_jdy6msw wrote

Go ahead and add Mario Paint to S tier


Zealousideal_King_22 t1_jdy7ej3 wrote

You lose all creditably for ranking Dr Mario as B and omitting mario paint and party games, which are top tier.


Wooden_Inspection_57 t1_jdy7rxi wrote

In the words of Alfred Penniworth, “some men just want to watch the world burn


NavyDragons t1_jdy7z78 wrote

paper mario, mario rpg and mario and luigi SSS, all in B teir. trash list


Justwaitingforthe t1_jdy9y3e wrote

This list looks like a toilet bowl. That's my opinion, Like the list is yours.


LPCantLose t1_jdyihpr wrote

Mario is Missing not in S tier, making this an F tier list.


Excellent_Routine589 t1_jdyndqj wrote

DKC 1 AND 2 in D and 3 in C?!

Yeah I don't even care if you got my GOAT Mario game, Yoshi's Island, in S.... this ain't it chief!


that-crow t1_jdyoqzq wrote

Thousand year door and Luigi’s mansion are where they belong.


Kirby-814 t1_jdztzam wrote

No. No you can’t just disrespect Mario 64 like that.


seatstaken1985 t1_je006ok wrote

I wanna know how old the person is that made this list, I'm guessing under 25


PaintDifficult6948 t1_je0f1um wrote

Anyone who puts legend of the seven stars in anything but s has never played the game properly


Lack_time_gaming t1_je0myf4 wrote

Everyone hating on super paper mario, even though it brought us the hottest women of all time


AsinineRealms t1_je27ahb wrote

Pffffffft, Mario 64, Superstar Saga and Mario 3 aren't in S-tier? Wow.


Milo751 t1_je29ydz wrote

This is bait

Paper Mario 64 in B should be A minimum and imo S


willrsauls OP t1_je2a5wj wrote

In defense of Paper Mario 64, my opinion on that game is coming from someone who played it right off the heels of TTYD and it felt really simple and restrictive in comparison. I think if I played it now with more of a clean pallet, I would appreciate it more for what it is


Akio6478 t1_je2e20u wrote

Umm I think you got a little DK country in your Mario Tier list


superaruigiobros t1_je3fqwd wrote

Bro, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker was my childhood. You can't do it like this 😭

Also, Super Mario 64 in C tier? You're doing all the games dirty.

I only agree with Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Odyssey.


King_Olly-Origami t1_jecwrwr wrote

Hmph. Origami king goes easy S tier with Bowsers inside story. The others are the same but nothing else is in the S tier for me.