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Tencho2010 t1_jeciaf0 wrote

SONY BMV ? or is it a PMV? Hardcore setup for retro gaming.


wowbobwow OP t1_jecjwdz wrote

Good eye! It's a Sony PVM 20M2U which formerly lived in the edit bay of a small TV commercial production company in central California. When they dumped all their pre-High Def gear, I bought it and made it a centerpiece of my retro gaming setup at home. Amazing display!


Sunstang t1_jeckdxj wrote

Some flavor of studio beta or svhs deck atop the monitor?


wowbobwow OP t1_jeckok5 wrote

(borrowing my reply to another similar question below)

It's a Sony BETACAM SP deck. The name "BetaCam" makes it sound like the old consumer-level BetaMax stuff, but this is a professional-grade videotape deck of the type that most TV shows were played back from for broadcast during the pre-high-def era. My wife worked in TV production back in the 90's, so we picked this deck (and the Sony display) up from a small production company - I use the display for retro gaming, and she'll use the BETACAM deck to digitize her old work. Win/Win!


Sunstang t1_jeckzc4 wrote

Very cool. Ask your wife if she misses the Amiga 4000 and video toaster. I had some fun with those back in the 90s.


wowbobwow OP t1_jeclwj6 wrote

Hahah - that's definitely a reference she'll get! I have an Amiga 2000 that I love, but so far I haven't stumbled across any Toaster gear to add onto it...


betasp t1_jegk2fh wrote

My name checks out (finally).

Check me profile. 15 years ago, when I signed up for Reddit, people would call it out cause they worked in the industry. It was a cool ice breaker. Today, not so much. :)


SwissCanuck t1_jedxyzi wrote

UVW-1800 utility-grade BetaSP machine. Worked great when hooked up to an edit bay but a bit cumbersome to operate on its own.


Aysee426 t1_jecp2b4 wrote

This is so cool to see and so nostalgic! My best friend bought this same monitor (or something very similar, was definitely a Sony and looked just like this) shortly after the PS1 came out. The difference between playing it on this and a standard CRT TV was astounding! No component connection on the PS1 though, but still looked amazing.