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t1_jecjtfl wrote

What’s on top of the tv?


OP t1_jeck4rn wrote

It's a Sony BETACAM SP deck. The name "BetaCam" makes it sound like the old consumer-level BetaMax stuff, but this is a professional-grade videotape deck of the type that most TV shows were played back from for broadcast during the pre-high-def era. My wife worked in TV production back in the 90's, so we picked this deck (and the Sony display) up from a small production company - I use the display for retro gaming, and she'll use the BETACAM deck to digitize her old work. Win/Win!


t1_jecth2y wrote

Hells Yeah! The little funky tapes that Sony thought were gonna beat out VHS tapes because they were smaller.


t1_jeer2ep wrote

Man that’s cool to see! My dad has a production company and still has all his old Betacam gear, including the same monitor. Amazing technology in its time.