CyberKingfisher t1_jeci3sp wrote
Life achievement unlocked!
Mulchpuppy t1_jeci4ly wrote
Wasn't Nights into Dreams a Saturn Game? That was a fun one.
Tencho2010 t1_jeciaf0 wrote
SONY BMV ? or is it a PMV? Hardcore setup for retro gaming.
NIRPL t1_jecifvi wrote
Damn you just brought me back
[deleted] t1_jecjh71 wrote
wowbobwow OP t1_jecjo9f wrote
Hahah my home is a bridge between eras!
WayyyCleverer t1_jecjtfl wrote
What’s on top of the tv?
wowbobwow OP t1_jecjwdz wrote
Good eye! It's a Sony PVM 20M2U which formerly lived in the edit bay of a small TV commercial production company in central California. When they dumped all their pre-High Def gear, I bought it and made it a centerpiece of my retro gaming setup at home. Amazing display!
[deleted] t1_jecjy6b wrote
wowbobwow OP t1_jeck4rn wrote
It's a Sony BETACAM SP deck. The name "BetaCam" makes it sound like the old consumer-level BetaMax stuff, but this is a professional-grade videotape deck of the type that most TV shows were played back from for broadcast during the pre-high-def era. My wife worked in TV production back in the 90's, so we picked this deck (and the Sony display) up from a small production company - I use the display for retro gaming, and she'll use the BETACAM deck to digitize her old work. Win/Win!
Sunstang t1_jeckdxj wrote
Some flavor of studio beta or svhs deck atop the monitor?
wowbobwow OP t1_jeckok5 wrote
(borrowing my reply to another similar question below)
It's a Sony BETACAM SP deck. The name "BetaCam" makes it sound like the old consumer-level BetaMax stuff, but this is a professional-grade videotape deck of the type that most TV shows were played back from for broadcast during the pre-high-def era. My wife worked in TV production back in the 90's, so we picked this deck (and the Sony display) up from a small production company - I use the display for retro gaming, and she'll use the BETACAM deck to digitize her old work. Win/Win!
Sunstang t1_jeckzc4 wrote
Very cool. Ask your wife if she misses the Amiga 4000 and video toaster. I had some fun with those back in the 90s.
ProfessionalAir882 t1_jecl4tc wrote
Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - gahhhhhhhh
wowbobwow OP t1_jeclwj6 wrote
Hahah - that's definitely a reference she'll get! I have an Amiga 2000 that I love, but so far I haven't stumbled across any Toaster gear to add onto it...
troyzein t1_jecnph9 wrote
It holds up
Wright2k t1_jecntsm wrote
Ohhhhh Action Replay. You big cheater! I’m a GameShark man myself.
The_Gumbo t1_jeco2fq wrote
"What do we do now?"
now we can finally play the game
Smart_Doctor t1_jecofsj wrote
Wait... it takes cartridges? I always thought it took CDs
Aysee426 t1_jecp2b4 wrote
This is so cool to see and so nostalgic! My best friend bought this same monitor (or something very similar, was definitely a Sony and looked just like this) shortly after the PS1 came out. The difference between playing it on this and a standard CRT TV was astounding! No component connection on the PS1 though, but still looked amazing.
rkellogg t1_jecp7n1 wrote
and a PVM, let's go! I've only had a Saturn for a short amount of time after drooling over it as a kid. really enjoyed Galactic Attack and Policenauts so far
admiralvic t1_jecpadi wrote
Burning Rangers.
TheOneTrueKaos t1_jecpmq8 wrote
Megadrive took CDs
MJSchooley t1_jecq3l1 wrote
The Sega CD did, but not the Genesis/Mega Drive itself. The Dreamcast took CDs.
TheLastKingOfGalaga t1_jecq4g1 wrote
Nice, you get to experience the disappointment everyone else did in the 90's.
TheOneTrueKaos t1_jecq6af wrote
Dreamcast was a beaut of a console. My old one still works afaik
Iron_Chic t1_jecrt4e wrote
Still have my Saturn in the garage! I recommed Virtua Fighter II, Guardian Heroes, Nights: Into Deams, Darkstalkers, Sega Rally, Dragon Force, Radiant Silvergun and Panzer Dragoon Zwei (Panzer Dragoon Saga is better, but rare and a bit expensive. I bought my copy in 2000 for $100).
Edit: It's Darkstalkers, not Nightstalkers!
Maltozombie t1_jecsrtf wrote
We’re never gonna play game sphere again are we ?
Elijah_Man t1_ject62o wrote
Dude I thought it was bootlooping until I realized the video was 2 seconds long.
lienmarine86 t1_jectg20 wrote
Play some Panzer Dragoon and Virtual On!
Elijah_Man t1_jecth2y wrote
Hells Yeah! The little funky tapes that Sony thought were gonna beat out VHS tapes because they were smaller.
Fire_Mission t1_jecu3gm wrote
Panzer Dragoon was my jam.
VictoryBeardWrites t1_jecu66h wrote
My Saturn sadly died several years ago. It's like there's an overheating issue because it'll turn off after 10 minutes of game play. And I really wanna play some of those old games again every time I see one.
nxnphatdaddy t1_jecuyfm wrote
That is one sexy monitor. Ridiculously jealous.
Anonymous_987123 t1_jecv2a1 wrote
The only game that I would want for that console belongs on another gaming reddit.
The game is between 1300 and 2000 usd depending on where I look.
Anonymous_987123 t1_jecv89t wrote
Yep, and it was developed by Sonic Team.
FoodeatingParsnip t1_jecvf2c wrote
looks sweet. when studies are done, i'm aiming for a sega Saturn myself 🙂
DarthScruf t1_jecvjen wrote
Stuck at the bootloader, bummer
Thereisnoyou t1_jecw28u wrote
I never owned a Saturn and thought your looping gif was just how that screen behaves, like holy shit that's a lot of effects
kiboa21 t1_jecwhkh wrote
Bug! Daytona USA. NHL 98, World Cup soccer… damn the memories, theme park….
DismalChance t1_jecwvou wrote
If you can find it, there's two game I loved as a kid
Bug!: essentially a platformer where you play as a green bug as they are filming a movie. I have a feeling they were trying to make him their platforms mascot similar to Mario but it didn't quite pan out.
Astal: side scrolling adventure where you and a bird try to save the main characters sister (iirc?). Great game. Memorable boss fights. And multiplayer where 1 plays as the main character and the other as the bird
maximillious t1_jecxn37 wrote
Get the fame Nights into Dreams. It was my absolute favorite saturn game when i was a kid. I have it installed on my steamdeck now. Its the dopest dope
maximillious t1_jecxq3c wrote
Yeeeeeessssss! Its also available remastered on steam
Magus13x t1_jecxtak wrote
Dragon Force and Guardian Heroes were the only reason I ever wanted a Saturn. Such great games.
maximillious t1_jecxu9q wrote
Sega rally was amazing. There was that one track with the massive jump if you went in reverse. Hours of fun
Odin4456 t1_jecxxoi wrote
I have one still, just need to find some games for it
Odin4456 t1_jecxzlv wrote
Only have earthworm Jim, diehard, Virtua cop, Daytona, and madden
maximillious t1_jecxzvc wrote
Bug was incredible! I only had a demo disc of it and im not sure why we never got the full game but it was so much fun. I played it not long ago and could smell the smell of my old houses living room as i went through the first level. Such a trip down memory lane
DismalChance t1_jecydvw wrote
I saw that there was a sequel for it, Bug Too! But I've honestly never seen in person. Just looked it up on ebay, christ that's and expensive sequel to pick up now
aaronmlarios t1_jecyk4j wrote
I can definitely relate to this and I'm super stoked you made a childhood dream come true even a small one like this. Cheers my good sir and if you haven't yet heard this suggestion I wholeheartedly adore dynamite cop or die hard arcade as it was also known and elevator action. Amazing games I still played this day. Have fun OP, happy gaming
Rockglen t1_jecykfp wrote
It uses disks, but there was a cartridge slot in the back for add-ons and peripherals (GameShark, Data storage, Modem, etc).
pinwheelfeels t1_jecynzn wrote
Ooh can you reupload with sound I need to hear it
mm2_gamer t1_jeczop5 wrote
Leave for 30 years and boom cash for years
AsOneLives t1_jed006u wrote
Time for some Virtua Fighter. I call Kage!
eadgster t1_jed0kfm wrote
The main games remember were the Lunar series.
wowbobwow OP t1_jed1k46 wrote
Hah yeah, I took a "Live Photo" with my iPhone and set it to loop before exporting it as a GIF. Turned out pretty good!
Juzzdide t1_jed1kgr wrote
Damn pretty sure me and my older brother had this .. always thought we had the genesis but nope Saturn rings one hell of a bell..
wowbobwow OP t1_jed1mad wrote
Ahh that's too bad - I hope you're able to get it running smoother and cooler!
wowbobwow OP t1_jed1oma wrote
Oh dang, what game is it? One of the titles in the Panzer Dragoon series?
wowbobwow OP t1_jed1q7r wrote
Hahah I can see why...
wowbobwow OP t1_jed1t3p wrote
This Saturn came to me with one 'standard' controller and one "3D" controller, which I vaguely remember came with NiGHTS maybe?
PoopsWithTheDoorAjar t1_jed22ue wrote
Guardian heroes, puyo puyo, king of fighters 95, house of dead
jllauser t1_jed30ge wrote
Oh man, that must look so good.
maximillious t1_jed394f wrote
That is correct. It did. It was a chungus too by my memory. Though i was very yound and had very small hands but i remeber it being MUCH larger than even the original xbox controller
Fit-Matter9837 t1_jed4a8m wrote
Coincidentally, "almost 30 years" is how long it takes Saturn to make a complete orbit around the sun.
SnaxCapone t1_jed51kh wrote
Must bring back so many nostalgic memories - thanks for sharing
chronoboy1985 t1_jed5hj9 wrote
The first game I saw on Saturn that made me want one was ironically Mega Man 8. Such gorgeous sprites!
chronoboy1985 t1_jed5ph0 wrote
What was the deal with the disc shaped controller? Was that the pack in?
NonGayMan13 t1_jed8ika wrote
VirtuaCop and VirtuaFighter old gamers unite!
DreizehnX t1_jed8oud wrote
Nice memorieS :-) That's awesome. Congrats. Sadly I skipped the saturn but I loved the dreamcast.
Philly_ExecChef t1_jedahrn wrote
Did you break into a NASA office in 1985 to steal that rig
Holy shit
oldnyoung t1_jedc79d wrote
It was, and that round controller on the table came with it!
trymypi t1_jedceiq wrote
Nice gif too
oldnyoung t1_jedcfoy wrote
Awesome! I still have my Saturn from back then. I had it modified with a toggle switch to play imported games as well. I was a big sucker for Sega systems lol
EhDamn t1_jedd7n4 wrote
I loved my Saturn when I had one. Pretty advanced for its time.
bearattack79 t1_jeddsi2 wrote
Sega Rally!
extopico t1_jeddtu0 wrote
...Jesus, that monitor is the real OG here.
WailingWastrel t1_jedecf1 wrote
Nice loop
PrometheanArtisan t1_jedeyfv wrote
Now get virtua cop and panzer dragoon
musicman1314 t1_jedfnz1 wrote
Croc was so fun on that
Loooooomy t1_jedfv4d wrote
Oh man i miss this console, used to play the crap out of Loaded on the Saturn.
wowbobwow OP t1_jedg4to wrote
Thanks! Took a few tries, but I'm happy how it turned out :-)
wowbobwow OP t1_jedg5p0 wrote
wowbobwow OP t1_jedg639 wrote
DeLurkerDeluxe t1_jedglol wrote
Shining Force 3, Panzer Dragoon games, Dragon Force (Saga might be tricky), Guardian Heroes, Nights, Radiant Silvergun, The Legend of Oasis, Clockwork Knight, Magic Knight Rayearth.
Then there are some multiplat games like Grandia/Symphony of the Night who are suposed to have their best versions on the Sega Saturn.
saavedro t1_jedgw6w wrote
I like the juxtaposition of the (definitely not a standard TV) CRT and over there the pink iMac
Bodger1234567 t1_jedjod9 wrote
Original command and conquer was on Saturn. I reckon I probably have a piece of paper with all the level codes somewhere (there was no save function!)
Brings back the memories!
youarenotjim t1_jedjt8w wrote
This perfect loop frightens me
wert1234576 t1_jedk5w7 wrote
Very nice. Hope it lasts you many years.
[deleted] t1_jedkwed wrote
daveland69 t1_jedl5qy wrote
Seems to be stuck in a boot-loop /s Nice one, there's a lot of cool games on there, enjoy!
sygnifax t1_jedmkq4 wrote
I think there's something wrong with it. It keeps looping the loading screen.
Justapersonmaybe t1_jedmxhf wrote
Just bought a GameCube today. I’m all in on the retro stuff lol. Next purchase is a Dreamcast.
[deleted] t1_jedna5y wrote
That's fucking awesome, OP. My childhood friend had one and I would dream about owning one myself. I was so envious and always wanted to go to his house to jam games!
Grenflik t1_jedol8n wrote
Didn’t realize it was on a loop at first, I was like is there something wrong with the Saturn?? Also what games do you have for it???
VDiddy5000 t1_jedosgv wrote
Man, I wish I had my old hockey-puck controller. I need to hook my Saturn up and check it to make sure it still works…have fond memories of playing NiGHTs, Shockwave: Assault, and Ghen War…
Cheddarlicious t1_jedpvhz wrote
“Could you imagine if we had this when we were 12?”
“Even better, we have it at 40”
Hylianbastard69 t1_jedq2bs wrote
Did you happen to get reincaranted in another world and you just came back not to long ago ?
Lettuphant t1_jedqizy wrote
Yesterday I bought an original Xbox and got out my old Steel Battalion controller - sometimes emulation just doesn't cut it.
javanco t1_jedqlb4 wrote
GG's (i.e. I am jealous)
terrybradford t1_jedrqxm wrote
If you have a real crt as you do, wack out some time crisis
EvilWaterman t1_jedru5e wrote
When you say living room did you mean Garage?
[deleted] t1_jedsyap wrote
toyo2099 t1_jedsz8x wrote
Wow thanks for the flashback. Still have a sega mega drive somewhere laying around
[deleted] t1_jedtmxz wrote
WibbleWibbler t1_jedw4lf wrote
Dreamcast games came on GD-ROMs. But it could read CDs.
AffectionateYak4880 t1_jedx9up wrote
Pure Gaming experience 👌 😎
SwissCanuck t1_jedxyzi wrote
UVW-1800 utility-grade BetaSP machine. Worked great when hooked up to an edit bay but a bit cumbersome to operate on its own.
backtolurk t1_jedy0ab wrote
My very first taste of "why can't I have this too?" was at a friend's home when I was about 10 yo. He had a Master System. AFTERBURNER. It gave me dreams.
ironmanalex123 t1_jedzn6w wrote
The Sega Saturn was such an underrated console. It had some amazing games that often get overlooked, like Panzer Dragoon Saga and Burning Rangers. It's a shame that it didn't get the recognition it deserved, especially compared to the PlayStation. But for those who did own one, it was a true gem
whitemusic t1_jedzp61 wrote
Dragonforce! Such a gem and not really like any other game. Easily my favorite on the console.
MillennialsAre40 t1_jedzrtx wrote
Lift it up a little off the shelf. The vents are on the bottom and it'll overheat and blow the motor
Normal_Umpire_1623 t1_jee2xcl wrote
I got this exact set up too! Bought the Saturn with both the standard controller, and that Analog controller (I wanted The Analog controller so bad, it looked so cool but I never got to try it)
When I was a kid, I loved Sonic games and my dad bought me Sonic R for our windows PC. Man I loved playing it.
So much so that when I got Older I knew I had to buy a Saturn and a copy of the original Game just so I could have it. Well I got Sonic R for the Saturn and love playing it too.
The freaking Analog controller is surprisingly really nice. I find it super comfortable to hold and that old-school joystick is really cool.
It still makes me sad knowing that Sega never managed to make a proper 3D adventure with Sonic on the Saturn before it's death, especially when Sonic Jam had a great 3D Hub world, and when Sonic R had great 3D race Levels. And Sonic Extreme looked really cool/Promising.
I feel like the pieces were all there they just couldn't put them together. If only they put those two teams together.
If you take the Team from Sonic Extreme, and combine them with those two teams:
The Sonic Jam Devs take there concept of it's Hub world and just greatly expanded upon it and built the whole game around that,
And Travellers Tales could had took there knowledge of making the 3D race courses and used that to design the Zones, Levels, and speed sections, I think they could have made a great game together.
betasp t1_jee33ul wrote
Holy shit!!! Is that a betasp deck on top?
PhanSiPance t1_jee4iee wrote
You have a CRT? Wait… is that a Beta SP deck?
Dimmleycooper t1_jee4j9f wrote
Built for eternity
No-Turnover-2445 t1_jee829g wrote
Probably the best at that time... unfortunately, not enough choice un games ... 😢
rawzombie26 t1_jee8hhi wrote
Watched this a few times before I realized the sega Saturn didn’t play this animation 10 times before starting the game
Complicated-HorseAss t1_jeeaman wrote
Top Games
Shining Force 3 (good luck finding it)
Dragon force (1/2) 2 is better
Guardian Heroes
Iron Storm
Panzer Dragoon
Clockwork Knight
Virtual Fighter
Virtual Cop (need the gun)
Mulchpuppy t1_jeedg95 wrote
Special controller for Nights into Dreams
Mulchpuppy t1_jeedjro wrote
Derp. That's what I get for not looking at the whole picture!
jaredpearson t1_jeedl4i wrote
The other controller, shaped more like the previous generation, was the controller included with the system. The circular controller has an analog stick and IIRC was included with Nights.
WoodenMonkeyGod t1_jeedvgw wrote
insekzz t1_jeef82n wrote
I spent so many hours on Die hard arcade, sega rally championship and daytona racing.
Grouchy_Engineer6894 t1_jeefwor wrote
Bug! was not a 1st party Sega game, I even had it on windows 95. Sega has Sonic, they weren't looking for a new mascot.
ItsJustBryant t1_jeefz8n wrote
My childhood T__T
DismalChance t1_jeegks4 wrote
Really? I had no idea, I had only seen it for sega.
LionsLifer t1_jeehrd0 wrote
DirkRedditer t1_jeeii4g wrote
My favorite system of all time.
ArnoldhBraunschweigr t1_jeeirgs wrote
Life goals, my man. Respect.
[deleted] t1_jeek90h wrote
Dredd209 t1_jeekhe0 wrote
Pandemonium! was a favourite of mine, as was Guardian Heroes. Also the classics like orginal Doom, Quake and Hexen.
jwalker1845 t1_jeem02m wrote
Clockwork knight. I had it as a kid and loved it.
Federal_Ninja_4637 t1_jeemjat wrote
I had one years ago one of my girlfriends brought it for me. It was ok. The Dreamcast was the best
fedexmess t1_jeeo3gv wrote
I would say you were smart to wait until they were dirt cheap and games costed nothing but we live in bizarro world.
KingCarbon1807 t1_jeeoy5j wrote
Dragon Force shining the holy ark Nights into dreams Virtual On: oratorio tangram
Headofthastate t1_jeeplsc wrote
I can't believe I scrolled through all these comments and not one mention of Daytona USA
[deleted] t1_jeepo8k wrote
lee_unit t1_jeepycn wrote
Omg bug sucks what are you smoking. I had it early on with my Saturn after launch.
megamoose4 t1_jeer2ep wrote
Man that’s cool to see! My dad has a production company and still has all his old Betacam gear, including the same monitor. Amazing technology in its time.
DismalChance t1_jeet5a5 wrote
A cigarette at the moment, but that's not the point.
Sorry you feel that way about it? I remember quite enjoying it when I was younger. Was it ground breaking for its time, no. But it still provided me with lots of hours of entertainment.
steezygorditacrunch t1_jeeuh4l wrote
This is awesome. Try to find a copy of Fighters Megamix. It might just be the best fighting game of that generation...
Mistersinister1 t1_jeex8d8 wrote
Missed the Saturn and Dreamcast. They were way ahead of their time and they got swallowed up by playstation. It's too bad because I would have liked to see where they would have taken the consoles. Now we only have 3 to choose from. Competition is good, Sega had some good creative games. Just look at the state of gaming now? The standard has become games being in constant state of beta, pay to win, loot boxes, unfinished sold at full price. Publishers abandoning games, closing successful studios. Honestly I miss the early 90s and early 2000s gaming.
scutiger- t1_jeexv4o wrote
>Dragon Force
Not to be confused with DragonForce, the band that brought us Through the Fire and Flames.
Abba_Fiskbullar t1_jeez10k wrote
The cartridges were mostly for extra ram. Some arcade ports required them, though they usually came with the cartridge if they did.
Abba_Fiskbullar t1_jeezie6 wrote
Did you also just watch Uncle From Another World on Netflix?
[deleted] t1_jef03m3 wrote
AmberCurious t1_jef0b1c wrote
Probably my favorite console of all time. Was such a great system with great titles. Miss mine 😢
Speedyspeedb t1_jef27kd wrote
I still have the orange gun sitting in storage for virtuacop. Too bad no tv that can play it
MJSchooley t1_jef3qzu wrote
Ahh, I gotcha
lapqmzlapqmzala t1_jef709s wrote
Best version of Bomberman.
KrIsPy_Kr3m3 t1_jef9qba wrote
That CRT tho
[deleted] t1_jefgfh0 wrote
The0megaRaider t1_jefht38 wrote
And it plays on your toaster-oven?
minimalcation t1_jefiqqi wrote
I thought he took this pic from prison
Prestigious-Yak4344 t1_jefir2q wrote
classics never go out of style!
ThePhonyKing t1_jefjlx5 wrote
'Grandia' is one of the best RPGs of that era. Try to get it.
IIINanuqIII t1_jefnafi wrote
Dragon Force ftw!!!
HLef t1_jefnlf9 wrote
If I had a Saturn I would look for Dragon Force. I want to play this again someday.
fromtheHELLtotheNO t1_jefwf01 wrote
i love how even the stand is time appropriate
MacX1423 t1_jefwjsn wrote
Adding to great games. Golden Axe: the Duel, Three Dirty Dwarves, Scud: the Disposible Assassin (uses light gun, not exclusively), Die Hard Trilogy, Area 51 (light gun only), Clockwork Knight & CK2, Soviet Strike, Impact Racing, ORIGINAL Resident Evil & DOOM!
MacX1423 t1_jefwz75 wrote
I have Bug Too! But never played Bug. Its a 3d platformer that i remember being infuriatingly hard.
Croc: legend of the gobbos was a much easier platformer
MacX1423 t1_jefxa3w wrote
Last i seen, Shining Force 3 was around $750. Are there english ones, or is it Japanese only?
UndeadHorrors t1_jefxdgu wrote
Wow, that’s awesome.
furfur001 t1_jefze83 wrote
Me watching the video with joyfully anticipation of a game title loading screen...
psqueetheG t1_jeg0203 wrote
My mom gave my Saturn away when I went to college :( virtua fighter 3, virtua cop, nights, panzer if it isn’t crazy expensive still. Sonic adventure.
That_Furry_Stoner t1_jeg0u47 wrote
Still have mine and have been using it for 20+ years now absolutely one of my favorite consoles good find!
Complicated-HorseAss t1_jeg0zyd wrote
There was a community project to bring it to English, pretty sure part 1 is done. Its only for the emulator I think.
[deleted] t1_jeg3hes wrote
houkah t1_jeg3jzl wrote
I really liked a game called Beyond Oasis. It was a Zelda-ish game.
[deleted] t1_jegclyy wrote
Spire_Prime t1_jegctc3 wrote
I picked one up a year ago and I feel a bit underwhelmed by it. Still gets to sit in a cubby on display with the Sega gen/cd/32x and dreamcast.
Also the coin battery dies so fast. If there could be a 2 AA install mod I'd love to see a tutorial.
[deleted] t1_jegijbp wrote
penguinReloaded t1_jegjp4p wrote
You absolutely have to spend A LOT of time with NiGHTS. Play through Panzer Dragoon Saga, play through Magic Knight Rayearth (at least once; I play through yearly, around Christmas), then there are a ton of fighters, play Burning Rangers, some great Working Designs RPGS/SRPGS. The system had SOOO many once in a lifetime time games. You HAVE to play NiGHTS (a ton), PDS, & MKRayearth, though. Enjoy the system; it makes me the gamer I am today.
betasp t1_jegk2fh wrote
My name checks out (finally).
Check me profile. 15 years ago, when I signed up for Reddit, people would call it out cause they worked in the industry. It was a cool ice breaker. Today, not so much. :)
penguinReloaded t1_jegk2to wrote
NiGHTS first and foremost. An absolute masterpiece. Panzer Dragoon Saga (it isn't overhyped, it genuinely is as good as "legend" says it is), & Magic Knight Rayearth. They are all phenomenal games. Play through Panzer Dragoon 1 & 2, rip the rest of the Working Designs library, enjoy the 2D fighters, the arcade conversions, etc. The library is phenomenal.
penguinReloaded t1_jegkgd6 wrote
Astal is good, Bug! Is mediocre. Both are worth playing through, but Bug! isn't as good as you remember. The sequel, Bug Too! is slightly better. While you're playing mediocre/decent platformers, check out Clockwork Knight 1 & 2!
brwnwzrd t1_jegmhmg wrote
What game on that system possibly could have made you want to own it?
DellRaya t1_jeh1hrb wrote
This and dream cast got years later like during the PS3, 360 era. I was collecting vintage games and systems back then and it was to play to say the least. It's really hard to play some older games sometimes because the old controls and graphics are not always bad but not that great either, tend to hurt or strain my eyes to look at. It's that early disc era games I would say. 8 but era games are great though, different experiences. PS2 GameCube were my favorite older era games to play for me, Xbox had halo which is a classic I played. Currently though I'm really liking the switch.
JesseCuster40 t1_jeh360u wrote
Sweet TV. Is that a VCR?
wowbobwow OP t1_jech0v5 wrote
I was a 90's kid with no money, so I mostly got to experience the 3D game revolution vicariously through my classmates. One of them was the first kid in my town to get a Sega Saturn, and she was kind enough to let me play it a few times after school. Needless to say, my mind was totally blown. It took nearly 30 years, but I'm excited to report that I finally have one of my own now!
I'm excited to dive into the library for this amazing machine - what games would you guys suggest I seek out?