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KingCosmicBrownie t1_jegzxy8 wrote

Ngl, it’s been so long since I seen a dang Gameboy. Really takes me back. Plus, uh, OP. Everyone knows Pokémon Blue was the better one! 😤


5hr00m3r t1_jeh3x62 wrote

You can buy a new shell for pretty cheap these days, opening it up and putting the board in it is super easy. Take a look around Ebay, make sure the shell is not modified for an IPS Screen though.

You can also upgrade the screen pretty easily now days using an IPS Kit and getting a shell with a modified opening for an after market screen. They are really nice with a bunch of features and it makes the screen super clear.


Analog_Astronaut t1_jeh4nhx wrote

Just let it go my friend.... this is like seeing someone walking the decomposing remains of their dog down the street that expired months ago.